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2021 is my last year of USAWS


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  • Baller

The COO was named to a post in Hollywood:


The Hollywood Commission on Eliminating Sexual Harassment and Advancing Equality, announced on Tuesday that the commission has appointed Malia Arrington as its executive director.


Arrington, who currently serves as the chief operating officer of the U.S. Center for SafeSport, is succeeding the Hollywood commission’s interim director, Trista Schroeder, and will take over Dec. 1.


“Malia Arrington brings to the Commission a wealth of legal and operational experience that will be invaluable as we work with our members — which include the industry’s leading studios, television networks, streaming services, music companies, talent agencies, trade associations, and unions — to set best policies and practices aimed at eliminating sexual harassment and bias in Hollywood,”


The problem that I see in today's politics and policies is that there is no dialouge across the aisle and no compromise. The Safesport Commision's top 2 Execs were like-minded and like-driven so you end up with a ridiculous mandate being distributed that stinks like a cow fart.


When the leaders are so driven that they discard any common sense concerns about implementation, then the Leadership must be replaced.

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  • Baller

It’s the new playbook:

Shout down any opposing thought.

Judge and jury

My way or the highway

Guilty until proven innocent

Hide and be non responsive to facts and logic.


“ appeal was denied by the USOCP. As a national governing body under the oversight of the USOPC, we are required to follow these policies and procedures and thus had to amend our bylaws and policies & procedures in order to be compliant.”



Seems this approach is across the board and not exactly new in our society but has now crept into our sport.


Proverbial: You’ll take your medicine and like it!


The death rattle has begun.

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  • Baller

@scoke or well counter point....


Ask for supporting thought for opposing viewpoints.


Ask for a plan to solve for problem X from those who oppose solution Y.


The problem is when the opposing viewpoint argument is "that's how its always been" and the supporting plan is "it used to work fine what's wrong with people now wanting to change it"


They skip over the fact that solution Y was presented due to problem X and the old playbook both didn't suggest a solution and the proponents of it refuse to validate the problem. So they go, oh don't do Y that's terrible X isn't a real thing. X was never a problem before anyway so why don't we go back to what it used to be so that we don't need to do Y to solve X.


Sorry horse is out of the barn, X came from the old way of doing things therefore Y is needed.



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  • Baller_
Leaders are supposed to have solutions, that’s what makes them leaders. If a good leader is stuck with a problem and does not have a solution, he seeks out to his confidants and asks for their opinions or solutions. He doesn’t just implement a problem that he knows will need a solution.
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  • Baller

@The_MS we can use your analogy - it works. You just assigned the roles incorrectly.


This is like if there is a publicly traded company and the directors made and implemented a process across their entire corporation. Those leaders made their decisions and now it is on all the branches of all the subsidiaries to implement it.


These are people on a smoke break saying how their gonna quit because their boss is implementing the mandated processes and procedures from above then saying he's not a good leader when it sure sounds like he did his best to try to change the management decision.



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  • Baller

@The_MS you seem to all the answers. You should start your own organization instead of trying to fix this ole broken down thing. I'll donate 50.00 to your new aw@theMSMFskiworldcircus


you can be the first president and i promise not to bitch and moan until you decide to bring in sponsors like 2bobsIPA. you see i don't like IPA. I like old school banquet coors.


then i'll have to start my own awbigtexcornfielduniversalskicrapshow. all will go kinda average with very little getting done until I upset @jayski for not playing the village people at my 4 person tournament. @jayski will start his awsnoholesbarredtournamentseries.



his series will be the most fun but you be need penicillin on the way out.


After I get sick and die at c-wood, @skidawg will start awdidyouknowdeliverancewasfilmedinarkansas-skiseries. I don't think i need to tell you what happens to the winner. scores stay low for fear of bodily injury.




let me know. I'm bored, it's winter

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  • Baller
completely off topic but @Horton I know you don't like people having two profiles BUUUUUT can you let @bigtex2011 make another one called 'outtatownchris', you know like Letterman then his alter ego evil Dave...bring some color to the site and really for the mental stability of @bigtex2011 cause he's got "relationship George is killing independent George" syndrome
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  • Baller
@The_MS said something about leaders having solutions. I disagree. IMHO, great leaders have vision and direction and the ability to focus the team to move in that direction. The solutions come from the experts whey have working for them. It is the individual contributors doing the work who discover, develop, and optimize the solutions which enable momentum and achievement of the direction and vision. Great leaders ask those whom they lead: "what do you need to be successful? What barriers can I remove?"
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  • Baller_

I guess now the question; is USOPC necessary for AWSA TO Operate? It is necessary for USA waterski and wake to operate As they receive grant monies from USOPC( Government)

Have read through many and most of the policy's and procedures for AWSA, there are contingency for restructure as well as disassociate.


Just saying!


Carry on!rpikaevkimyr.jpg





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  • Baller
Necessary is subjective. It is very difficult for an entity to intentionally reject income. Before it can do so, the organization must prioritize its expenditures into must-haves and nice-to-haves. It must also evaluate the scalability of the must-haves. It must understand the ROI of all expenditures. When those are known, it is much easier to reject corrosive income for the greater good of the organization.
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  • Baller

We are not stuck with anything and have the power to change everything. The only authority any entity has over us is that which we give to them. I feel for MS as I share a similar revulsion to the never ending desire by some to control, regulate, legislate, dictate, virtue signal to and irritate the hell out of the rest of us. For free minded folk this stuff is literally painful. The paper cuts add up...


How much does USAWS get from USOPC annually? How much extra would each member need to pay to cover it? Of course, if dues increased .99 somebody would complain about it...

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  • Baller

I love the gesture of $15 off my membership renewal, which I won't have for another 1-2 years.


If I do not complete the training and become ineligible, do I get a refund on my remaining membership?


Also found this interesting in the FAQ's

"Those who do not complete the required SafeSport training within 30 days of joining/renewing their USA Water Ski & Wake Sports membership, will be ineligible to participate in USA Water Ski & Wake Sports activities, including tournaments and competitions, and will have a flagged membership until the training is completed."


This reads as if I have until my membership renewal, not January.

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  • Baller
It does seem as if the SafeSport concerns have shielded from the additional requirements. It is hard enough to become a Regular judge, which I am working on, to add more requirements is just another reason to not. As has been said, we need judges to have tournaments, and need to make it easier to become and be a judge.
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  • Baller
I have the same question as @unksskis. I'll be at the middle off a 2 year membership in March. Not sure yet if I'm doing SS. If I decide not then I'll expect a refund for the unused portion. Definitely not doing a criminal background check so one less Sr Judge for sure. Also not upgrading my Scorers rating to Sr till all this is sorted
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  • Baller
@UCFskier Wasn't the lockdown for "just" 2 weeks, the Covid protocol "just" until the vaccines become available, now until you are "just" fully vaccinated and who knows how many boosters that will take. The issue is the mandates that we are supposed to accept from those in authority that seem to think they are smarter than the rest of us, for the "greater good" regardless of the minimal ROI or the damage that the mandates cause.
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  • Baller

I agree this is an overreach and could have an adverse effect on the number of Judges available to put on tournaments.

I went to the Website to see how the process was setup and pulled the info shown below, it is effectively a prequalification saying if any of these apply to you, you will be disqualified.


We may not be able to reverse this in the short term but as a Regional council person in the Western Region, I will continue the discussion at our upcoming meetings.



Thank you for your interest in USA Water Ski and Wake Sports! USA Water Ski and Wake Sports have adopted the following USOPC criteria for the exclusion of participation: A reportable record or disclosure that contains a disposition or resolution of a criminal proceeding, other than an adjudication of not guilty, for any of the below criminal offenses will be flagged, meaning it does not meet the initial screening criteria and the individual will be subject to the Company’s policies and procedures to determine eligibility:

1) CRL-1. Any felony; a) Defined as all crimes punishable by greater than one year in jail or prison, regardless of how characterized by jurisdiction. If range, alternate sentencing, or indeterminate sentencing with an outer range of greater than one year. Any misdemeanor involving:

2) CRL-2. All sexual crimes, criminal offenses of a sexual nature to include but not limited to; rape, child molestation, sexual battery, lewd conduct, possession and distribution of child pornography, possession and distribution of obscene material, prostitution, indecent exposure, public indecency, and any sex offender registrant;

3) CRL-3. Any drug related offenses;

4) CRL-4. Harm to a minor, including, but not limited to, offenses such as child abandonment, child endangerment/neglect/abuse, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and DUI with a minor;

5) CRL-5. Violence against a person (including crimes involving a deadly weapon and domestic violence);

6) CRL-6. Stalking, harassment, blackmail, violation of a protection order, and/or threats;

7) CRL-7. Destruction of property, including arson, vandalism, and criminal mischief; and

8) CRL-8. Animal abuse, cruelty, or neglect. To begin your background screening application, please click NEXT."


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  • Baller
From the other side of the coin… I became a basketball official because I wanted to continue to be part of the game and give back to a sport that I’d enjoyed playing and coaching for decades. To get started in this the organization requires clearing a criminal background check, an initial ~30 hours of classroom and on-court training, successful completion of a 75 question rules exam, annual dues and assessments(a fee that’s a small percentage of games paid that goes back into the org’) and purchase our own uniforms and equipment. Annually we are required to complete training sessions, the rules exam, and attend ~8 hrs of in-person (virtual during Covid) training. For all of that, we are able to be part of - an org’ with a rich heritage, support and promote a great sport and community, grow our skills and knowledge, stay in shape, and make enough to cover expenses. Personally I have no complaints and hope to a member of the org’ for many years to come. I really appreciate all of the time, work and expense that waterski officials give back to their sport. Perhaps it’s time to ask more of the org’ and the membership to make the officials even better and reward them with a modest compensation for their successful efforts in return.
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  • Baller_


Trying to blow up the existing beuracrcy will be an exercise in futility!

For starters if we want to exsise the tumor in this sport that being USAWS. A well written petition needs be created and signed by a large number of members.

A petition requesting separation and disassociate AWSA from USAWS.

Having experience producing a petition (level 10 bull shit) i know that the Grewites are still set in their mad scheme to get watersking included in the Olympics or at least try and maintain a Pan Am Status they have gone down the rabbit hole. Even with a petition for action by the leaders of the sport these Grewites will fight tooth and nail to disallow or come up with other mandates.

Again there is provisions for disassociate and disband.


It is pretty well understood that any petition by membership will fall on deaf ears for sure.

Why is that?


Ever wonder why the boat industry pulled their support monies out of the NGB? At least 75% in financial support as well as resources from industry.... gone..

Why? It boils down to perspective customers!

Where once we were many, Now we are few!


I too would lend a hand for an alternative competitive series or program not associated with the NGB..



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  • Baller
That’s a good thought @Jody_Seal. Create a non-profit waterski officials association that participates with AWSA in writing and interpreting rules, is responsible for training and developing officials, and assigning officials to AWSA sanctioned and other grassroots, recreational tournaments, for a fee.
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  • Baller

Does AWSA need to be more than 3 event? Collegiate? If not, a new organization makes sense.


I will not pay for or allow someone to do a background check on me.


I cannot believe it is coming to this.

There will be a time where members of a new organization cannot ski Worlds, Pan Ams and maybe foreign events. If the organization takes off they will be allowed to participate.


I read that list excluding felons, drug convictions, prostitution, etc. That seems a bit unAmerican and hypocritical. What about redemption. A lot of crimes used to be felonies. Drugs are legal in CA and CO. So you can currently use heroine but if you got caught doing it 5 years ago you are evil. Prostitution is legal in parts of Nevada. Carrying a concealed knife is a felony in CA. Drug addicts like Brett Favre cannot ski. I guess he cannot get better and beat addiction.

This whole thing is ridiculous.

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  • Baller

@Not_The_Pug I see that. Why can’t I judge? Background check for what criteria? What does the stupid crap they listed have to do with child molestation?

@Horton I assume you are talking about the prostitution. I needed the money back then. Don’t judge me.

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  • Baller
@ALPJr I too was a Bbal official, many moons ago, and when they started making us do a lot of crazy, nonsensical crap, I decided to spend my time at other activities. I seldom mis officiating Bball and really enjoy my other hobbies. While I don't compete, take that option away and I'll still enjoy free skiing and skiing at my local club.
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