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Whisper Fin Pro


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  • Baller
Have not heard much about this new fin lately but I put it on my ski this weekend and I am absolutely thrilled with it. It is like I have purchased a new ski. I love the finish of the turn and the angle I get - that I can hold (!!!) especially on my offside. I used the suggested settings with a set of calipers from Jay's web site. I equaled my best pass from last year on my third set with the fin over the weekend. I can't wait to see what this summer holds for me with this fin!!! Thanks to @SkiJay for a GREAT product!
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  • Baller

I purchased the WF Pro over the winter and ran several sets at the beginning of the season on the original WF before switching as I wanted to make sure I had some clean sets first in the early season so I could really feel the change. The difference was noticeable on the first pass!


@mbabiash - 100% agree with the holding power of the tail compared to the original version. As advertised by @SkiJay great work!

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  • Baller

Have a 20 Senate Pro and had the stock fin set to factory specs. Have not hit the course yet but free skiing there are a few things that are immediately noticeable once I put on the WF. Am now 10 sets in with the WF.

Ski carves a tighter arc.

Get more angle.

Ski gets in front of you better at the completion of the turn so you can get into a stronger, arms against the vest position.

Being a 15-28 off guy this fin makes it easier to perform the fundamentals necessary for success.

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  • Baller
I should have put down where I am at as well. Big guy, 230lb skier on a 71” Radar Senate. 53 yrs old. Working on my 32 MPH pass, most sets with the WF Pro was a 30 or 32. I have a younger friend (low-30s age) I ski with who is of similar size and same ski, and he moved to the previous WF last year and has not taken it off. He skis through 32 MPH 15 off pretty consistently. He says similar things: finishes turns quicker with better angle, especially on his off side. I am LFF and he is RFF.
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  • Baller

I've only had 2 sets of free skiing and 3 in the course with mine so far, but I can say that I am LOVING the offside turns. The grip just gives me way more confidence to get my hips moving through the turn without risk of blowing the tail or overturning. I still need to figure out the on side a bit...sometimes I am making these big, lazy turns that put me way down course, other times it's fine. For wake crossings; I'm pretty certain I'm getting more swing speed out of the ski now, but that's tough to know for sure. I'm hoping to ski a fair bit in the next week and a half, so I can update as I learn more.


(For reference, I'm a 34mph guy and I usually ski 22 and 28 very consistently, and better than 50% at 32 once I'm into the season a little further. No luck at 35...yet...)

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  • Baller

Update: sadly the skiing I have been doing so far this week has all been with new drivers, so some of the sets were pretty all over the place and I never bothered shortening past 28off. My girlfriend (who drove me though the course for the first time ever/third time ever driving a boat) clearly has a knack for it so I had one set where I could start to really get a feel for the new fin. The other sets were good for seeing how it handled when I was scrambling, haha!


The offside is even better than I originally thought. When skiing well, it just feels so much more natural than what I'm used to. The ski used to have a tendency to over-turn and kill my speed, so then it always felt like I was starting my offside pull from a deficit. That's clearly not a problem now. I'm stubborn, so my skiing can get pretty scrappy from time to time; I got very late during a pass with a strong quartering tailwind and attempted a turn that was very stupid and should've blown the tail...it didn't, and even finished the turn smoothly enough for me to get back to a good position and run the rest of the pass.


The onside is still giving me occasional trouble, but much less now. It seems to reward you when you move your hips up over your feet, and punish you with the super slow turns when you don't. For some reason I don't do that consistently on my onside, and it's something I tend to struggle with at the start of almost every season. I suspect the fin's ability to hold more exaggerates that problem, but on the flip side, rewards with a buttery smooth finish to the turn when I get it right.


That's all for now. I'll try to get my girlfriend back behind the wheel again this weekend and see how it feels at -32 and maybe -35 if things are going well.

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  • Baller

I want to say yes, but whether that is due to a reduction in drag or if the smoother finish to the turns is allowing me to achieve a better position for accelerating is unclear. I guess the result is the same either way, and I like it :)


My season abruptly ended 2 weeks ago, but on my last set, I salvaged a -32 off a bad gate, then ran the best -32 of my life, and then took my first try at -35 for the season...only made 3 but it was the first time that I ever felt like I had the space required at 1 and 2 to actually have a shot at running it.

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  • Baller_
I’ll throw this out there. Sponsored skier seen with WF. Sponsor feels like public might think that fin might be seen as the reason for the high performance of their athlete and quietly suggests they change back to factory fin. Add to that the R&D these skiers do day in and day out. How are they to give feedback using a WF?...distance from tail is a tad different. My guess is, it’s been tried, liked and even HO is playing with the idea with “their” new fin design. Food for thought.
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  • Baller_
@Drago why would they not care?. If Whitney is riding a Radar with a WF and killing it. How am I as a consumer to know it’s more the fin and less the ski. If I was ski designer who wants people to buy and buy into it being better then the others, I’d care.
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  • Baller_

@slow ya I thought of that. Obviously they don’t care. But there’s not really a radical designed boot. Variations of soft or hard shells. WF is sharp departure from traditional. Why would HO be producing a fin that I’d say is the closest to the WF if they didn’t care or saw no value? Wasting their time? And it has CG holes like Denali.





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  • Baller

@Wish I don't feel as if it really looks like a whisper fin at all, it certainly doesn't incorporate any of the whisper fins design elements, the whisper fin doesn't have a bulge at the rear more of a curve and then the pro has that chopped up rear edge.


It does look like the HO Hex fin



But metal and with the asymmetrical holes - which I am not aware of a precursor to the holes other than the Obrien power port fin which had a plastic flapper sort of a reed valve that allowed water to flow through one way and blocked it the other. I don't recall that going very far.







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  • Baller

Not that this is perfect, I approximate scaling based on pixels in paint of the root of the fin basically the whole fin length including the rearwards extension of the WF You cannot move a WF far enough rearwards to line up the trailing edges of the fin FYI.





I also raised the WF a bit to still show the leading edge of the Asher fin.

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