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IWWF World Championships


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  • Baller
@klindy , I get the procedure, but wonder about ties, especially if some one who skis on a different day puts up a score that ties with someone two days later. I know it's highly unlikely, but possible. If there is a tie out of groups 1-3 they could can immediately have the run off. What would happen if a group 4 person has a tie score who skied two days prior? If a tie only exists from groups 1-3 then I assume the run off begins after the last skier of group 1?
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  • Baller
Example: Charlie Ross is in group 4 and skis Tue. This young lad is capable of 2 or 3 at 41 on a given day.. What happens if he can get a tie score for a run off since he skies on a different day? For the record, I would love to see this kid do exactly that!
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  • Baller_

Like many things with IWWF and world events, issues are clear as mud. For slalom ties (bold mine),


"8.12: Ties

Ties will be broken by using the specific rules defined for each Competition. If no specific rule has been defined the following applies:

If a tie exists for first place, it shall be run-off........"


I couldn't find anything either in the IWWF rulebook, nor on the World championship website https://iwwf.sport/waterskiworlds2021/that said anything about ties for the specific event, nor how many skiers make the cut for finals, but have heard from multiple sources the magic number is 12. @klindy any help?


@BS74 raises an excellent point if someone from say group 4 runs 2@41 and ties for 12th with someone who skiied 2 days later, that person would go out cold at 39 after a 2 day break vs someone who skied more recently. Doesn't exactly seem fair, but that appears to be what would happen unless rules are made up on the fly (that wouldn't surprise me either).

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
@Bruce_Butterfield if I skied 2 days prior and I knew I might be in a runoff for the finals I would absolutely make the ~15 minute drive over to Swiss and get a set or two in over there while the Series 1 and 2 skiers are skiing, then you'd at least have a chance. That's the great thing about having this event in central florida!
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  • Baller_

@AdamCord yep, for this example, there are viable options. But what if it was in Ukraine or Malaysia?


The big issue is still that IWWF's organization and communication really leaves a lot to be desired. i.e. exactly what are "the specific rules defined for each Competition" to break ties? The rulebook refers to ties for 1st-3rd. So how are ties broken for 12th or whatever number make the finals? Some tournaments use seeding value to break those ties. What happens here? All we have is word of mouth and speculation.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

@Bruce_Butterfield It's in the rule book under world championships. Top 12 scores to the final and it doesn't matter what series you ski in.




14.09: Numbers in Finals Basic Rule The first twelve placed skiers based on the results of the preliminary round, shall be qualified to ski in the final round of that event. There shall be no differentiation between individual skiers and team skiers. In the case of a tie for any position which may result in more than twelve skiers going through to the final round there will be a run-off between the tied skiers so that only twelve skiers go into the finals. The run-off score(s) shall not be used for the Final Round starting list (where all those tied skiers shall be drawn randomly).


Happened in Mexico 2015. Beny Stadlbaur had to ski a run off vs Parrish. Not sure when Beny skied but pretty sure it was not in the same day.

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  • Baller
@Killer, we understand the rule. The question is would the skier that skied two days prior have to go out at 39 off without a warm up?(assuming 41 off was the tie). If that is the case then what @AdamCord said might be a solution.
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  • Baller

Yes and It's in the rule book!


Not sure what the fuss is all about. Would be pretty great if you got a chance at a run off coming from one of the early series. I doubt any of those skiers would complain and It's typical to run different series on different days for worlds.


Rule 8 – Slalom The tie breaking run shall begin with the scheduled speed and rope length of the last complete pass and conclude with the first miss. If another tie results, the tie shall be run-off in the same manner with another new drawing for order. This process shall be repeated until a winner is determined. The skier may optionally skip any pass in the run-off. When a run-off for first place is between more than two skiers, all the places equal to the number of skiers in the run-off are decided by the run-off with no reversion to the preliminary round score except that the preliminary round score would be used if two or more skiers are still tied for 2nd and 3rd places after the run-off.

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  • Baller

@BS74 as @Killer said. If there’s a tie, it’ll be run off according to the rules. If one skier happened to set the score 2 days earlier, that is what it is.


My point several posts ago is the IWWF rule book is largely written to administer the “World champs”. The officials on-site have limited ability to vary from those rules but it would be very rare.


Remember there is a protest procedure for failure to follow any rule (numbered rule found in the rule book).

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  • Baller

If I remember correctly exactly what is being talked about above happened at the 2017 Worlds in Paris.

Rob Hazelwood skied in good conditions early in the week but storms came through Thursday and Friday and all the top ranked skiers had lower than usual scores leaving Rob to come out a few days later to run off for 12th with Felipe Miranda.




Full scores here https://iwwfed-ea.org/competition.php?cc=T-17IWWF03&page=men_slalom_results

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This coming week brings the IWWF World Championships as the best skiers from around the world convene in Florida to battle it out for the biggest titles in the sport of water skiing. This bi-annual event is arguably the centerpiece of any top level skier's two year plan so expect the very biggest scores and highest level of competition. This will be helped by the top class venue in Sunset Lakes, the home of Jack Travers Waterski School and one of the best venues in the world for competitive water skiing.


You won't miss any of the action as TWBC will be broadcasting from the first skier to the last medal presentation. Having established themselves as the premier pro water ski event broadcaster in recent years, expect multiple camera angles, slow motion replay and pre and post-set skier interviews, all tied together with top class announcing from Tony Lightfoot and crew all week long.


The event starts on Tuesday with the lower series and builds up throughout the week with finals on the weekend. Crucial times to make yourself available: Men's and Women's Slalom finals will be held back to back around midday Eastern time on Saturday with the Jump finals around the same time the next day (full schedule below).


The World Championships is a 5 Star event across the board on the Waterski Pro Tour meaning the highest level of points are on offer. With only a few events remaining thereafter the jostling for final position on the season-long Tour Leaderboard is at an all time high.


Where to follow the World Championships:

waterskiprotour.com - webcast + live scoring + latest news

@waterskiprotour (Facebook + Instagram) - latest highlights + up-to-date on site action + interviews



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  • Baller
Still don't understand the reason for classification of "series"? There are 6 men skiers in Series 9, why, does each series get an award? There are a total of 92 men slalom skiers, Why not just say half ski on Tue and other half on Thur.? I get the seeding relationship, just not the label.
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Watch Series 4 today. I think we will see the first scores into 41 in that group. These guys are LONG shots for the finals but they can apply some pressure.
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  • Baller
Cut Charlie some slack,he's in the biggest event of his life, he's competitive, and he's young. We've all seen professional athletes, college athletes etc. who have exercised frustration in the spur of the moment. He'll learn from it.
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  • Baller

More pressure as a team. He probably felt he had let his team mates down. Nothing like this but at a ski school once we had an end of the week handicap team tournament. That changed the intensity and pressure as you did not want to let your team mates down. Live and learn and move on.




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  • Baller
The way it happened....if all I did was throw a ski at the bank after that disappointment.... Its not like he fell mid course from a bad turn or a real misstep. Missing the exit gates when theres no reason? He didn't pull long to 6 and failed to take the hit. There was a little slack, but nothing he doesn't likely get at least once a set and handle with no problem. You would want to be covering your kids ears if that was me. These one and done tournaments are a bear.
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