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Who skis in bad weather?


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Need some motivation, i only get a couple of chances to ski a year so normally take any available opportunity even white cap water. I have an opportunity in a couple of days but it is forecast to be windy, cold (i have no wetsuit) and raining and it is a commercial operator so not cheap.

Who skis in the rain and bad weather?

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  • Baller_
@Dicedme - given your lack of opportunity, any chance to ski may be worth it it just depends on your state of mind. For those saying don't do it, I suggest asking them how many days a week they get to ski, given plenty of opportunity allows people to be selective. Maybe rephrase the question, if you were given the opportunity to go out with a supermodel, but she was in sweatpants and curlers, would you turn it down??
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  • Baller

@Dicedme Depends on your motive. You ain't likely to learn anything, just skiing not to fall. What do you call cold? Rain. Most likely the "operator" won't want to be out in that, unless he's hard up for money.

@Horton bet that's a rare occurrence.

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  • Baller
Do you need motivation or just some advice? Depending on where you are skiing you may not have to worry about conditions “external” of the ski site as many ski sites are protected from wind. (At least in Florida) Where are these lessons going to take place that you have reserved? If it is raining just wear goggles like @Horton - if it is raining I’d cancel as it is difficult to ski with pins and needles hitting you in the face.
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  • Baller

We rarely passed up skiing in light rain or bumpy water back in the day. You only need to watch a replay of Nationals this year, as the wind and waves mowed down many that could run way down the rope. They don't put the tournament on hold unless there is lightning our a real downpour. Might as well practice what you might get.


Goggles help in rain and slowing the boat down helps in rough water.

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  • Baller
was in a tournament years ago on a large open lake. wind was blowing 20-30mph with 2 foot waves rolling down the coarse. Most skiers were starting at their normal line length and speed and falling on first pass. When it was my turn I choose minimum boat speed and 75 foot rope. Made 2 full passes and won the tourn.
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  • Baller_

Reminds me of the classic Simpsons episode:



My buddy & I took a barefoot run in epic although green sky conditions several years ago, as we were putting the boat away the sirens went off. Tornado hit a trailer park a few miles away (nobody hurt fortunately). That Simpsons image remains burned in my cranium.


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