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What are your winter plans?


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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan nope, no change in username. Last name was/is Wilk, going back to Montgomery. Kimbymon is a combo of Kimberley and Montgomery. My parents and brother always called me “Kimby” as a nickname.

Thanks, didn’t mean to win the thread. It’s been a difficult year to say the least.

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  • Baller
I started mountain biking 3-4 nights/week to get some cardio in. It's extra fun in the dark + cold (not!). Gym with a ski friend and personal trainer 1X/week. Trying to eat healthy and keep alcohol to an absolute minimum. Skied in Florida early November and I'm hoping to get back down there once in February and March to get things rolling. I'm noticing I really don't like Michigan winters anymore.
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  • Baller_

I am going to buy a second D3 ski, so I can use one as a victim of my edge tuning addiction. I don't sand or file into ski's outer structural layer. Use color matched layers of spray resin to build a work area for edge shaping.


After reading on BOS about hook & chain use of your hands and arms in slalom a year ago, I started and worked up to 160 repetitions per day/per arm of single handed swings with a 50lb kettlebell. It has almost cured my lifetime lower back issues and made my hands and straight-arms strong. I can't do curls or pull-up types of training because of an old bicep tear crossing the wake with bent arms, but straight arm training is no problem. And the asymmetry of single armed swings is good for core.


Find a diver that will fix an issue 68 feet down that kept my new submersible slalom course from seeing the light of day last summer. I installed it last January through the ice, similar to my 1975 radio controlled course, but made a small deployment error that could be fixed in 30 seconds by a diver.


Install the new elastomer damper plate I bought for my 2004 ProStar to improve the Crash-Box shifting experience with the stock plate. Thanks to @BraceMaker for leading me this solution.


Keep my weight at my 170lb historical best for slalom weight. Have used the FitBit scale for 7 years that logs weight on a graph everyday on their web site and sets off visual alarms if you get off target. After years of ups-and-downs have found eating habits that are easy to live with.


Will keep on watching and listening to the slalom instructional content posted on BOS.

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  • Baller
Sounds like everbody has a fun productive winter planned! Like to rear of you I will be working on the boat and counting the days! We just pulled into Florida from Kansas late last night. Hope to spend a couple weeks here and get some sets in. Happy New Year Ballers!
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  • Baller

Just an update: The divorce is final and I bought a house by the lake. I can see the lake from all the rooms in the back of my house, i have a pond in my backyard and I can walk to my access while carrying a paddleboard. Now if it would just get warm here in the mitten. :)kerrbg5folzy.jpg


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