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Everything posted by rockdog

  1. That's a shame @matthew. Unlucky I would say. Let us know how you go with a replacement and what store. Any injuries?
  2. We had a local real estate company make the news last week after unwittingly putting up some photo's of a house they were selling that included a g-string clad woman sunbaking in the privacy of her backyard. Bit of an uproar to say the least. Not sure about drones...though they do make an awesome waterski movie!
  3. Skip Dunlap seems to sell a lot of boats, anyone know what kind of condition he keeps them?
  4. Keep it @6balls that boat is beautiful. I don't ski tourneys so I'm going to put z-box in and be happy with that. ZO any way you look at it is an expensive upgrade.
  5. That may be so @mylemsky but let's face it, that was a miracle never likely to happen again even for something as good as @6balls boat.
  6. Amazing 3 event guy, but a 5 or 6 time National slalom champ. Joel is a really good guy too.
  7. She doesn't want to "eat it" with her "messed up back", that's funny. Couple of occupational hazards and workplace injuries she's done/had right there for her. I would have thought going for a ski was the least of her problems.
  8. @RAWSki‌ all you need is the Y piece to fix the low idle heat. I put one in last year and it works perfectly, this is what they are designed to do. Heatercraft, Nautiqueparts, Skidim all sell them. http://www.heatercraft.com/low-idle-wye-1-25-hb-x-5-8-hb/
  9. I notice Dave Millers 07 with 1770 hrs hasn't been picked up yet for$20k and I'm presuming it has been reasonably well looked after. It will be interesting to see how long it takes. 1770 hrs is way too many for me..
  10. Agreed, forget about the corrosion! Just put the brass in and be done with it.
  11. I've installed a flux capacitor on my Prophecy, 43off is going down this season.
  12. Common sense IMO, it's like getting into your car with dirty boots, do you at least shake some off before you get in or do you just not care and make the car filthy? It's gonna get dirty we know that, but why make it worse unnecessarily? Same with the boat and water. There's wet and there's WET.
  13. Great improvement @jhughes, I'm envious as I'm at about the same level.
  14. @theager that is my other pet peeve, is when skiers get straight out of the water barely pausing then straight into MY boat. Drain the water back to where it came from not into the boat carpet/seats!!!
  15. I can't stand it when there is a queue of skiers on the dock waiting their turn, but when the current skier finishes his/her set, the person up next still hasn't got the jacket, gloves or ski on.
  16. There are some things I just truly don't want to know.
  17. OMG it's been a big year, winter recovery time awaits I reckon.
  18. GT, Mapple T, V-type, in that order. As far as I can see, GT (Howley, Halt) and Mapple (Andy & Jeff) are putting up the big scores at the moment. Surely that's where it's at!!
  19. I haven't stopped completely yet, but after watching that and feeling every one one of those eyelid peelbacking stacks, retirement is not far off. I don't attempt new tricks anymore, standups longline is fun enough these days.
  20. Also we know that JR and Joel are very familiar and comfortable at Trophy.
  21. Sorry @MattP, posted at the same time!
  22. Any video of any of this Trophy skiing over the weekend?
  23. Joel is killing it at the moment.
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