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Everything posted by MillerTime38

  1. Seems it is more of a body position/technique issue then fin set up, since once in a while it does feel good. Video would help but I suspect the issue is occurring behind the boat
  2. @MattP what about years before that? That’s my point numbers trending down. When it started there was a waiting list to get in. Now they are begging people to enter.
  3. @bananaron only baller I know in that area is @sbink
  4. Not just the scores being low what about only 30 entries?
  5. I went with a dofferent strategy this time, seems like it working out )
  6. February skiing at the pond with the @mjump family
  7. I think the question just asks to IF you had to choose one, obviously they are both important. For me it is lighter, The less wear and tear on my body the better. Especially having to go old man speed now whatever I can do to try and put less load on the boat and my body the better.
  8. @Wish I hear ya and agree mostly. Haven’t run a 38 in practice (behind pp) since probably September showed up at lake 38 for tourney in December and hammered a 38 first round. My practice scores are comparable to tourney scores, I find that if you are in good position behind boat, keep your hips up and counter at the buoy it really doesn’t matter what is pulling you down the lake. Also I ski on a D3 x7 (well over 1000 sets) so I better go pick up a new stick and a new boat
  9. @ms yeah 75 degree day and water temp 67, barely survived skiing in just my shorts
  10. First ski day this winter and look at these terrible conditions @mjump and I have to deal with
  11. Looking like good weather for next weekends tourney, looking forward to first December ski tourney
  12. Got nervous by the thread name, bareback had a way different meaning in my day
  13. @Razorskier1 and @6balls look forward to meeting you all and having a good time @MS expense
  14. Any Ballers gonna be at ski watch? Hit me up I will be drinking all of @MS beer
  15. @Jody_Seal I appreciate the offer, that's about 4 hours so out of my day trip range. I will be out your way next weekend at ski watch for Saturday tournament. side note, I noticed @MS gonna be at ski watch as well, anyone want to watch him ski live? I will have my wife post a Facebook live link
  16. High water has my site closed down here in Jacksonville, any ballers at Lake 38 skiing this Friday or Saturday? Going through withdrawals right now
  17. @Horton that would not be fair, I am a way better driver after 5 beers
  18. @Horton right? I would think it would be the other way
  19. @JackQ not being a smart A, old school like you ski where ever when every. See you next week at Victory
  20. @GaryWilkinson no one argues that people would rather ski in ideal conditions, but just because conditions were sketchy a bunch of people who didn't attend or ski the event are upset about the conditions and crying about how unfair things were. Get over it and practice in choppy water
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