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Everything posted by mike_mapple

  1. Ill be in the Yellow and Black tent that says Performance, and has the Radar Flags as well. for anyone who wants to stop by! Should be right in jump landing area like the past year.
  2. Buy a full suit and cut it. Ive got a few guys that buy them from me and do that.
  3. does anyone know of any pro hitting a ramp in a pro event ever?
  4. @Wish is it just the top layer, or down to the metal? if its the first some gorilla super glue works well for a while to pro long life.
  5. have to say showing 35/38/39 side by side was such a good way to do it.
  6. I believe everyship needs a captain, I think they are ok without caption
  7. Tennis is the only one you could use as a similar sport, the others are team sports, which skiing is not.
  8. a lot of the Russians / Belarussians do this, its just how they train there.
  9. Congratulations @RichardDoane Shoot me a pM with your full name / Email and I will send that gift card over right away!
  10. When I first started working for bill, a customer got me on the phone running around everywhere looking for this, now if you get me on the phone and ask for this, just know you will be buying my lunch with your CC that day, and steak isnt cheap right now! but if you get one of the newer guys, anyone beside me Danielle or bill, we will have a very good laugh! No worries! Sorry i was out friday but glad they got it turned around super fast!
  11. @hacker I would start calling now, alot of them will get booked pretty quick with all the teams coming to town as well.
  12. As if today we have 67" and 69" Senate Pro Builds in stock readyt to ship.... https://perfski.com/products/radar-2024-pro-build-senate-textreme-navy-sand?_pos=1&_sid=83ae96789&_ss=r
  13. @vtjc I just replied to your email as well. some of the jumpers do use a skydive helmet, but they also will fly off in a bad crash. Mostly for if you take an out the front into the ramp.
  14. at 6'4 and 230 skiing under 34mph you are going to want that 71 to keep you on top of the water, going with the senate will be the best bet as when you do jump to faster speeds you will still be able to really stay aggressive on it.
  15. i hate paywalls....lol, ill check out the first one driving to nats tomorrow though
  16. I wish it was like Worlds were I could see the skiing from the booth...I would bring plenty of quarters then lol
  17. @Horton I know with nationals coming up everyone is a bit busy, but correct me if I am wrong, but looks like @Chet is the winner?
  18. Me and Bill will be down there with plenty of gear and some skis...but wanted to see who all from the forum is actually going to nationals / skiing / hanging out?
  19. I dont have his, it was just and older handle that got tossed before I was able to save everything else from the spring cleaning.
  20. Im sure many of you who go to ski with my dad know what this bag is..I finally decided it was time to use it again, as I have not touched it since he passed. I will be doing a video about it (the bag) and whats in it, and why he used certain things, and a sneak peak into one of his many notebooks. but before I did that I would be interested to see what other people have in there bag.
  21. It builds a bad habit of not skiing wide enough if done to much...Most people who do say the free ski at X speed at X rope length usually struggle in the course. I know some free skiers that put markers on the boat where rope length would be at the buoy to help. My dad used to make people free ski at full line length to prove they didnt really have any rope control, just relied on shorter rope to keep the rope tight, used to be funny to watch pros/really good skiers who couldnt run the course at full line at 32/34mph
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