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Everything posted by ColeGiacopuzzi

  1. @jimbrake its a private club, you have to be invited by a member and they must be there with you. I know they were struggling with water last time I heard. If that doesn't work out, id say Bako is your best bet for your son. Its a ways from Costa Mesa that's the only downside.
  2. @PondTraveller The closest ski site to Santa Monica is the Quarry in Corona, CA after that your best bet is the Bakersfield Lakes.
  3. It was a blast looking forward to next years BOS tournaments!!! even though @Manon_Costard stole my handle...
  4. Nope, nothing comes to mind @Horton I don't know what you're talking about...
  5. 2016 was fun, I skied a lot of sets! the beginning of the season was good, went down to FL and skied with Brooks at the boarding school to get some early season training in. Got home and came off to a slow start, I just wasn't having great practice sets which then translated to poor tournament sets. Mid season, my training partner Tyler Yager gave me a book on the mental aspects of sport. I started focusing more on the mental part of our sport then technique. Instead of getting down on myself after a bad set like I would here and there, I learned what can happen when we change our mindset. I started having the best sets I've ever had. I only skied one pro tourney up in Sacramento at the Cal Pro am, although it didn't go as planned. After that, I was stoked to finish strong with my best tournament sets ever. I got my 2017 Radar Pro Build dialed in; looking forward to going into the 2017 season with a different mindset, and definitely planning on hitting more pro stops.
  6. Cool idea, but being a skier who starts at 32 off, adding 3 more passes is way to much, even if we decided to start at 35 off that's still a ton! I mean adding one between 41 and 43 is extremely close to each other but your saying that's 2 more passes extra we would have to run before we even got to 41.
  7. A trick I learned a few years back was once you know you're comfortable turning the current buoy, you look at the opposite corner of the back of the boat.
  8. I use the Radar Ergo-K and Ergo-A gloves and love them! I switch back and forth between the two and they don't rip! you won't be disappointed!
  9. @dancin Sounds awesome!! Nice skiing! Let me know if you need help with binding placement/fin settings. Ill get ya set up!
  10. I'm 165-170 lbs and ride a 66" definitely go that route!
  11. Rising over the front of the ski more in preturn, pushing forward with the right hip, and flexing that front ankle forward that way you can keep moving forward all the way through the turn.
  12. That tournament was a blast @ZipZapPaddyWhack Stoked to hang and ski in the future with ya!! Hoping to get up in the PNW next summer for sure!
  13. As I know the Lithium is exactly the same as it was in 2016. The 2017 Lithium version has the same layup they did in 2016. The 2017 ProBuild has the PMI core. Just to double check we'll ask @eddie_roberts_jr
  14. Hey guys I know a lot of people are super curious how the Pro Build feels and wanted to get you a teaser. I got mine a few weeks ago thanks to @richarddoane @eddie_roberts_jr and @brooks so big thank you to them! This past weekend I finally got to switch skis to the 17 since tournament season has come to an end. I started with the same settings I'm on now and have made a few tweaks here and there. On the first ride I can easily tell you, the ski is super predictable, more stable and more forgiving. I'm excited to try some different settings this weekend to get a more general feel for the ski. Overall, it is working great, and having more feel for the ski under my feet I really like.
  15. Absolutely amazing to watch! Congrats to Anna for pushing the envelope!
  16. That's exactly like the 2007 Pro shootout, they had 38 off spin it to win it, and Cold 39. That's really cool to mix it up!
  17. That would be sick!! @richarddoane Definitely want to hit more of the BOS cash prizes next year, Bell Aqcua was a blast!
  18. @wtrskior the lakes are about 2 hours from LAX. The drive isn't to bad it goes by quick. Comfortably you can ski from mid March to mid November. 80% of the time the water is glass, it's breezy in the spring mostly. Almost all of the lakes are owned privately by a number of owners just the way they started out, there is two membership lakes which are ironwood ski ranch. The other paradise lake isn't empty anymore it has water in it.
  19. In case people are curious. The lakes on the far right are Creekside North & South (I Have a place on the top right) The next 2 lakes to the left are paradise, one is empty in this photo from being redug. The nest 3 lakes to the left are Ski West Village. The next one over is Precision AKA BallOfSpray HQ. (Horton's Lake) The next one over is 7th Heaven. Next one is Adobe Ski Ranch. And the last 3 are Ironwood ski Ranch. One is empty.
  20. @Horton you want to do lessons out in Bako? we'll open a ski school.
  21. @Icebergman like @Razorskier1 said thinking about rising over the front of the ski the minute you change edges. You are coming into both sides on your back foot, don't be afraid to climb all over the front of that ski. As for the handle release think about releasing when you have already created all the width you can. From there you can allow the ski to flow out underneath you. Another thing I see to is from second wake to buoy, you let your arms out, giving all the space you have created back to the boat putting you on a narrow path, take that handle with you out to the buoy. Hope this helps.
  22. That's a pretty sweet deal @Horton @skidawg will get you going!
  23. haha Definitely, glad it went to there! Glad it helped!
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