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Everything posted by DmaxJC_ski

  1. Do you know roughly the yardage or cubic meters of dirt you have and will move total?
  2. I drilled a couple holes in the ice today, going to say the water was around 5 degrees C and the air was about 5 degrees C. Does that count?? I need to ski before I go nutz!!
  3. @Bill22‌ I feel your pain!! I worked on my gates at 32mph got to a science, moved to 34 and things fell apart, I reviewed my videos relentlessly and I felt like I was pulling out too long, then I had no time to slow down and was rushed on the turn In, big hit of slack and the wheels would fall off. Towards the end of last season I worked on a quicker pull out which allowed me to make the smooth transition for the turn in. I have no idea if this is right or wrong but it works for me. I was thinking back to when I re took up the course and was struggling with pulling too long to the buoy.
  4. I was at a local dealer before the holidays, although not a slalom tug, but I witnessed a fella dealing on a G23 and the price was in the neighborhood of $150+...... Thousand that is.
  5. @ski6jones‌ so did I ... Being Canadian there pretty much isn't a beer that gets turned away, if it's cold, hasn't been opened, it's going to be drank ! I just tend to not get Hungover with corona.....
  6. The mastercraft pro shootout usually runs sometime in the first 2 weeks of August. http://ballervf.ballofspray.com/discussion/11377/pro-shootout-small-recap#latest
  7. That seems like a lazy way to fix the problem.
  8. @Horton‌ oil better be back up long before 18 months or the preverbal $h#% will hit the fan around here!! I might be looking to sweep boathouses and polish boats to keep busy. It's not supposed to hit as hard as 09, the oil companies are lacking major infrastructure to house the production cardium horizontal craze. Boat prices here are determined by the US dollar, and at 1.16 US an average 200 nautique right now is $84,000 base, wakesetter 20 vtx, middle or the row equipped is $100,000. So oil goes up, dollar goes up, boats go down for us up north.
  9. @oldjeep‌ I had front ballast in my 08 and I found that filling it even partly created more prop wash farther back, I use the center ballast 1/4 full on my 10 and it seems to be way better. It is a compromise no doubt, by I have good friends that surf double behind a response LXI with just the wedge. The wife has to have the sun deck on the back of the boat is all I know and there is no comprise on that
  10. The sport 200 looks comperable to my vtx, I get the same airtime off the wakes at 22. What are the old brendellas like or the older prostars?
  11. I ski lots behind a campion chase, 175 Yamaha hpdi, wake is super flat and boat pulls good. Grew up skiing behind a 16ft tri hull, as a driver they are a bit tougher to control in the course.
  12. Diamond hull, I had an 08 with it and now a 10, I have skied behind a relatives with the wake hull
  13. I can sure tell the difference on 15 @34 on my vtx compared to the ski 200. I've been contemplating buying a mid 90's direct drive just for skiing. I have my eye on a little lake close by where I live to set up a couple courses on so I would leave it there. It's a very similar shape to Matt Rinis but really wind blocked from all directions, the coast is clear for use by forestry an the gov, but there is one cranky old lady who lives close by that doesn't want us to upset the birds...... I've been driving by this place for 30 some years and you can count the birds on one hand. Suggestions on a good direct drive in that year span?
  14. @Horton‌ there's no replacement for displacement! And is there such thing as too much horsepower?
  15. @ozski‌ that is some crazy light skiing. Like he's out for a Sunday stroll, hat and all. I would say I'm an average style that tends to ski heavy late in sets ,I tend to battle it out sometimes
  16. Ok more specific like a sport 200 nautique, or Malibu sunscape. I personally own a Malibu vtx, more for the family use, my oldest daughter and I are surfers as well as skiers, youngest is a kneeboard phenom (in her own vison.. She's 9). It's not a bad boat to ski behind but the more I ski behind direct drives, I have a hard time wanting to ski behind the V drive.
  17. Just curious what the shortest line anyone has skied behind a V drive? Probably against the rules to even talk v drive here.....
  18. My kids and I will def be sitting down to this gem on Christmas Eve!!
  19. Kinda off topic a bit on this but who notices the shadow in the spray just off the toes of Manons back foot? That's a pretty significan "m" in the spray, just thought I'd throw that out there. A bit ironic I thought.
  20. This is a tough thread to chime in on for a a guy like me but here goes nothin, I only re took up the course in late 2012 after watching the Calgary pro shootout, being re inspired to chase the dream of running the short line in the course after a good 16 year run of strictly free skiing. I felt as though once I had the timing again I "should" be able to breeze through the first few lengths.... WRONG! Boy did i get my horns knocked off! I started at 15 off 30mph, then 22 @30mph, now 15 @32mph, and so on, for every 2 mph it was a whole different ball game and a whole new respect for the sport, I don't get a lot of time to ski, only 6 sets in 2014, so I managed to run 22 @ 34mph, B2. I felt like I had won the lottery, this is obviously my PB, not much but I will take it. I'm not a tournament skier so I can't identify with many of you on that, but for me if you run it and you feel good enough to spread the word then giver eh! Just the sheer fact that the majority of you get to ski as much as you do makes me green with envy and being able to get into the short line is unreal. Good on you! I guess it's how you want to be portrayed as a skier, at the level you want to be . Let's face it if your getting deep into 39.5 consistently and people know that, then it's only a matter of time before the stars align and you take it to the next level, which should give no one any reason to doubt that, maybe it will only happen once but that's all that matters. It's all about the attitude, let's face it this can be a very humbling sport.
  21. Ski weekend/ meet and greet for all ballers? Maybe some kilo Kai taste testing? Skiing,coaching,drinks,some good BBQ, and a whole lot of BS.? If I had a facility to accommodate it would be a no brainer.
  22. @Moggie‌ yes your absolutely right, I guess what I was saying is, is there a point of diminishing returns on a longline as for width prior to the gates? I feel for my own personal style there is ( which may not technically correct ) but it works for me. So most skiers have a slight difference in style, or what works for them. Not any 2 are the same, so I guess a question I have for the more elite skiers here is... when you are coaching lower end skiers, do you coach to your style? Or are you able to look at the style of that particular person and coach according to what you see in their skiing and make it work for them? Say for instance, skier runs 32 consistent, you makes change and now doesn't run it at all, do you adjust to the skiers style if not entirely perfect but it works for them
  23. For me as a longline skier I was hitting my gates real good for the longest time, and then struggle hit and I couldn't figure it out, finally after watching video after video and people skiing it hit me, I was pulling too long and too wide for my gates, I was gliding so fast and so far out that when it came time to pull in I had major slack to the point where I would almost have to bail, I cut my pull out in half and things went back to normal, I was also pulling too long to the buoys for some time which obviously isn't beneficial. So from my own personal experience you can get too wide at longline for your gates, timing creates space and allows you to ski early on the long line.
  24. I can run 41 feet.... Then I have to stop for a corona and have a nap...
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