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Everything posted by Orlando76

  1. There’s what I’ve come up with. @dave2ball I guess I can put the quarter sized washer between boot and plate. I’m not sure what good that does? Also even more of a concern.... my front binding (HO Syndicate Hardshell) is mounted in middle. I’m either middle hole or second from back (Can’t remember, hadn’t skied in 10 months bc of injury). Rear shell is as far back as I can get it with plate and that allows very little clearance for the release to work.
  2. Just ordered one from MNI. I hate to be dumb but how do you assemble the R-Style? Hex nuts go on the inside of the shell evidently with a bolt to go with it, one in front, one in rear. But I’m left with a considerable 1/4” gap between toe of binding and plate. Plus I’m left with two extra bolts, two blind nuts, and two washers. Can somebody point me in the right direction?
  3. @Cnewbert that’s the Correct Craft Fan website (CCF) group. They put in at Moss Bluff and boat to the Sunniland boat show in Tavares every third Friday in March. Then the rest of that weekend they spend at Silver Glenn.
  4. 26 is a bit slow, any boat will have a wall at the speed. Are you skiing course? If so I’d speed it up to 28-30 and free ski for a bit. A lot of NWZ haters out there. I have a 1993 NWZ that I’m selling. I love the boat and it’s my preferred boat to ski behind, -22@32. 93+ were composite. TBI showed up in 94. In 2019, any boat 02 and older I would choose carb any day over efi. The TBI and the Protec Ignition is a quick and easy swap in the morning, nothing to shy away from. At 9500$ Canuck money is take the SN.
  5. Hmmm, homeowners association types.
  6. @LeonL I have at least two numbers and two emails for sure for two different people for the club. I think you gave me the contact info IIRC. I took the lack of responses meaning there were no openings at the time. Even drove there once on a Friday and nobody there.
  7. @powbmps I don’t think so, not with that tree line. If it was I’d be tempted to mod the exhaust, ha. LaPoints is great place. I flirted with joining. What other clubs do we have besides the IMPOSSIBLE to get ahold of Mulberry club?
  8. @Horton well at least I earned for something I’m passionate about.
  9. Is there a shrader on it? I don’t recall my old GM TBI in old truck having one. In my experience your symptoms point to ignition. How do you do on hot starts?
  10. My 93 is acceptable, for mufflers, stock Centek Invertaflo. My wife wants me to dual straight pipe the 93 but that’s a lot of work to do true duals on that boat. My straight copper piped ‘76 Ski Nautique sounds better. Dads ‘75 SN has same pipe setup but different manifolds and his sounds much better than my ‘76 but not as powerful go figure. I feel Malibu is the only fair sounding “modern” boat and even then i might be thinking early 2000’s, I’m not familiar with BU. If your serious, I’d contact Centek after you take measurements of your exhaust pockets. If peeps feel they can dictate what my boats or trucks sound like then I can dictate to them what I want theirs to sound like. Or:
  11. @lpskier I’d rather weed whack around a Centurion trailer than a Centurion boat.
  12. “Yeah, the player’s gonna play, and a haters gonna hate And a regulators born to regulate”
  13. LPSL, Loud Pipes Save Lives. All the haters, please turn in your man card to your nearest Starbucks while you order a Skinny Latte Mocha Frappacino with extra cream.
  14. Don’t even know why I bother having a boat. Just taking up space and I spend 40 hours a year knocking cobwebs out of it only to use it 5 hours a year. I absolutely love skiing it but nobody to ski it with because it’s PP.
  15. Less women paying into it. Less competition.
  16. Clearly you guys hadn’t had Wawa coffee. That’s the best coffee, drop the mic Wawa.
  17. Gossip gossip gossip queens we are.
  18. @Chef23 I didn’t really say which way was easier, 1 foot or 2 foot.
  19. I still don’t get the whole tipping thing in any aspect. If I feel like I deserved something extra on a job, I flat out charge more. I started out in life as a driver but I learned real quick that “getting paid in sets” didn’t quite buy groceries or pay the mortgage so I got a job that paid in dollars.
  20. For years I struggled getting up on a single ski. I even skied the course a while but used a drop ski. First time I ever got up one ski, It was that same HO TX you have but with double bindings. Things I learned: -Double bindings are way easier than getting up with a RTP IF you get up with 2 feet in. - Always felt dragging a foot was kinda like screen doors on a submarine - I prefer lots of throttle. For 30 years my only driver was my dad. I love him but he doesn’t understand the words more throttle. - More tip is easier. - Stay squatted longer. When you think you squatted long enough and surely your planing, wait another 30 minutes then stand up. From the very first time I ever gotten up on a slalom I’ve only missed maybe 3 starts, all of which were on a RTP.
  21. Pretty terrible weather in Orlando this weekend.
  22. Seems like these days theres a national month for most things and if nothing else, there’s a national day for something frivolous. May is the Cystic Fibrosis Awareness month. Most people aren’t familiar with CF, that used to be me. CF is a disease parents pass onto their children affecting 35,000 people worldwide, only about 650 in the greater Orlando area. It’s the thickening of the mucus anywhere in the body, wreaking havoc mostly in the lungs and digestive track. Where a normal person can breath a bacteria and exhale it out without getting sick, with CF those bacteria’s are trapped in the mucus. CF destroys lung tissue, causing malnutrition, and shortens ones life expectancy to 37 years. The life expectancy is up tremendously from just 2-10 years old in the 1970’s, and not much more in 1990. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation provides the vast majority of the funding in research of the disease, new medicine, and a generous support to help those affected by CF. CF is a very very expensive disease, one of which insurance companies try to escape their responsibilities and get away with their actions. It appears to me, 85% of all funding comes from the CFF. They are a very legit foundation, highest ranking possible for a foundation. I hope and encourage some of you to find it in your hearts to donate and spread awareness. This is My Guy, My Hero! Andrew “Andy” Thomas. He is why there’s a purple ribbon for my picture. He’s 7 months old and was born with CF. On his 7th month birthday (210 days old) he had been hospitalized 102 days. He’s had 2 major life threatening surgeries, one at 20 hours old. He’s battled lungs infections, Salmonella Toxicity, Ostomy bags, another minor procedure. Hospitalized 5 times, totaling 109 days and counting, longest stint was 75 days. Last 9 day visit he was discharged on Easter. Today daycare called and said they had to send him to ER via ambulance. Turns out another 14+ day stay at the Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital due to lung exacerbation. Yet he always smiles and lights up when he sees you. This is hard on my wife, she won’t leave his side when he’s in the hospital and worries nonstop everyday, hard on our 3.5 year old son too. I’m not looking for my moment in the internet or sympathy. There are some families who in no way can afford the formulas, medicines, 4-5 weekly doctor visit co-pays etc. Luckily we barely can some how make it. But I know what the CFF does for those who can’t and I hope others will support the CFF. Thanks to Ball of Spray I have met (online) some that work for CFF. Some who have children with CF and some ballers battling CF. I’m very thankful for these people ( and BOS for unknowingly linking us up). It means so much to me to be able to ask them questions from their personal experience because I can’t ask my 7mo and he can’t describe what he goes through.
  23. As indicated, if the 900 hours was put on evenly throughout its 24 years then it’s probably purrfect. Sitting for a few years is way worse than steady maintained use. @Bruce_Butterfield ugh, debatable. If you want a hammered and hard 16.95 vs a smooth and easy and still legal 17.16 seconds then yeah that ZO is better deal.
  24. 1. Stick with two colors. Three is just too busy. 2. Can never go wrong with all white for a ski boat. Might be boring at first but looks classic and clean as time goes by.
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