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Everything posted by chris55

  1. @MISkier regading the photo, it was probably photshop because there is no spray at all in that picture....weird.....but great shot, I like it
  2. By the tip of the fingers .....love that pic !!!!!
  3. I have an EVO 2 and it is by far the best I ever had...durability, floatation, comfort.....I can go on an on....!!! Don't hesitate go for it
  4. Well ...!!!! Thanks again.....really appreciate the simple way you 2 have for explaining things and it reminds me the first time I ran 34mph, I started at 32mph and I asked my driver to change the speed without telling me, so I got ride of the psychological factor .....ohhh 34mph ouhhh it is fast.... and by the end of my 6 passes, my driver told me that actually I did ran 2x 34mph, it gave me the self confidence I needed. So ...looking for your next one ...I love it ...
  5. @fsts2k Me too I ski on lake Geneva (actually is Lake Leman)......but in Switzerland .....welcome to the addictive world of waterski slalom....
  6. Jeff Rodgers's name is so powerful that there is a guy who is "Luzzing" is mind ....!!!!! Love your coments @Luzz !!!
  7. Again !!! Listening you guys you are making it very simple and I like it ... a lot...!!! Looking forward to go back to ski when we will be alowed and work on your words, straight arms and alignement ! (I am a 15off skier 32-34mph)
  8. Isen't he the director and the host of Valensin Ski Ranch in CAlifornia ? Full time ?https://valensinskiranch.com/staff
  9. Thank you for sharing your enormous experiences with us. For me it is a huge help listening what you have to say especially the last ones about going to tournaments, the gate, making a plan every set..... But I really liked a lot all of them .... it gives me the time to be prepare and be ready when we will allowed to go skiing again. Waiting for the next episode :-)
  10. I am wondering if Regina herself knows that she did run over it and not behind it ? And if she knows how she feels about having the new world record and actually did not ? To me, watching the video it it very clear she scores 4 at 41off. About integrity, when you can see so clearly that the call is wrong.....meaning you can'treally trust the supposaly best judges of the world....bumer ..... And agreed with @matthewbrown about quality of the video in 2020 is pretty poor compare to what Marcus is filming. Too bad for a world record. The only good thing that should happen is Regina will run this 4.5 and probably the whole pass soon. I wish she will, for her sake and integrity.
  11. Wow thank's so much for this with the legendary waterskier of all time !!! In 1987 I found 2 VHS made by Mike Suyderhound and Bob Lapoint, that how I started learning waterski. Loved the explanation....unfortunatly a friend borrowed from me the 2 tapes....I never got them back ....he is not my friend anymore (just kidding....) Great interviews ....all of them.....thank's Marcus
  12. I am going to ski less, wecannot ski before April 19th :(
  13. If somone haven't seen it, Arnold did this video, not CP's Dad.... And for the record in the ICU in Geneva we have patients from 21 to 80 years old so it can hit young, middle age, old ....https://twitter.com/Schwarzenegger/status/1239383795205169152?s=20 If we live until 80 years, 4 weeks or even 6 weeks in our lifetime.....it is worth to be very careful and stay home for that periode. If anyone have questions about what is going on here in Europe, ask me and I will try to give you a good and not fake answer
  14. Totally agree with @6balls . I work at the Geneva university hospital and in 3 days we had 5 patients in ICU and tonight we have 20 patients and 8 with respiratory help and we are not at the peack at all. The hospital system can crash if people don't stay at home ....everyone......we must stay at home and/or keep a 6feet distances etc.... Good luck guys in the USA
  15. first ski of the season, lake temp F44° and air is 41°. I did not stayed very long....but it made my day
  16. If you want to know the numbers.....John Hopkins University https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  17. And I forgot we will make very big spray that day .... !!!!!!!
  18. @Than_Bogan, very simple, the boat goes back to the water Monday 2nd of March and the season start offically March 3...weather permitted of course even we know the water will be 45-48F. And March 5 is my birthday so we have champagne on the dock and then we ski. Lake Geneva is big so no need to turn buoys if the slalom is not installed yet. I need to stop bcause I am getting really of topic here..... :)
  19. @Mick04 yeap...it used to be and it was only the brand who would send the ski to....him.... :( But it was great
  20. The video and your key points will be very great help !!! Looking forward to the sart of the season march 5 !!!!!!
  21. Leaving in Europe (Geneva, Switzerland) it is almost impossible to try and demo new skis. Most of the skiers end up with what we can buy from 2 places. In the snow ski business, there is a guy from Canada (Images Pro-Motion, PDS) and he tries a lot of differents skis and then he post a youtube (5-8 minutes) explaining the ski etc...and if we can have that for the waterski, it would be very great and I would ad that if we can have some comments from "normal"skiers (15off to 32off 34mph) that would be the best. Beside that Perfski really tries to help us out when we ask for it, so thank you and good luck @mike_mapple FYI I am still riding my T2 and love it
  22. Between this one and behind the curtain part 2..... @MarcusBrown your are my "hero" in the way you are showing what waterski can be and should be. Sharing for the getting better ! I could feel a lot of emotional moments with Bob and Wade and the rest of the guys. You are very talented the way you are filming these moments. Thank you !
  23. There is others with Sacha, TGas, JT, Will and Benny. They are really great videos to watch and I hope Matt will make another one with CP as well....I wish !!!
  24. I agree with @Horton, Dane is incredible to watch, very agile and strong !!!! And he looks flowy too, love your DFC, thank's guys and merry christmas to all
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