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Everything posted by dhofert

  1. @LZywicki1 I had nothing to do with this event other than showing up to ski. It was a fun day even though it was a bit chilly.
  2. I just switched from a vector boot and HRT to double vectors this last weekend. I liked the HRT at first because it did keep my rear foot in place better than the rtp. Just over a year and i think it has broke in enough that it is allowing my foot to move more than i would like. The main reason i went with the HRT over double boot in the forst place is because i was still learning deepwater starts and just couldnt do it consistently in the boots. I really have no complaints about the HRT as it did what i wanted and always releases when necessary.
  3. @kurt thanks for the update, I am now a registered member!
  4. @miskier that is a good point, I will get that taken care of.
  5. @kurt thank you. Please let me know if that changes so I can get that done.
  6. Do i need to be registered with USA waterski for this?
  7. If I can manage to round up a ride to this I think it would be a great way to get my feet wet in a sort of tournament format. Sounds like a good time and place to meet local skiers.
  8. I also am still looking for a course that is accessible and a ski partner. I know there is one on algonquin lake in hastings but that is a private lake.
  9. I thought it was pretty darn nice myself.
  10. @gt2003 I have never attempted to run the course before last week. I started struggling to start outside of one, come close to 2-5 and round 6. It finally hit home on my last set of the week. @theboardingschool thanks again! You can really tell your joy for coaching. I hope to get some sets in this weekend behind our boat, I will let you know how it goes.
  11. @skihart Rob nice meeting you as well, that was pretty cool having someone else witness that. I will be back in the next couple of years for sure. Hopefully there are a few more skiers that stay the week next time. For now its back to the fridged waters of Michigan. Also, the search is on for someone close with a course so I can feed the new addiction!
  12. @MISkier I loved the inboard. Does it make that big of difference? I think the biggest advantage for me was less wake to be scared of. We plan on getting our I/O out this weekend I think so I will be able to see how well I can carry over what I learned. @Bill22 Nice to meet you too, hopefully I can swing it again in the next year or two.
  13. Just wanted to let everyone know that my trip to @theboardingschool has come and gone. What an amazing place with amazing people. I went in with limited knowledge and learned so much. Both @FWinter and Travis were patient with me while we worked on my less than stellar body position. Finally on Friday, my last set of the week it hit home. I managed to run all 6@15off three times in a row, and very close to a fourth. Not to mention how many schools can you sit in the boat while the world champ rips some bouys? These guys put a new fire under me and gave me the knowledge to keep working this summer. I cannot say enough good about the place as a whole and I WILL be back! Thanks again to everyone there, as well as everyone here that helped me make the right decision to head down to The Boarding School.
  14. I too got my first formal training this week. I'm actually sitting in the plane now. I too went to The Boarding School and both Freddie and Travis were great to work with. I have never ran the course before and I ran all 6 multiple times on my last set of the week. My hands hold up but I am very very sore. Get on the water a bit before you go if you can. Keep an open mind and have fun.
  15. Hey, I met her and watched her ski Tuesday and knew she looked familiar from somewhere.
  16. I did use some last year I got from @perfski but I had my old ho blast ski. It has not even been nice enough to try them with my vector boot so I cant really be much help.
  17. I get it most of the summer. Seems to happen most when I fall and the water forces its way into my nose. It is bad enough it keeps me up at night and really have not found anything that helps.
  18. @KRoundy no the alloy does not.
  19. Great ski, love mine. I dropped in an adjustable fin this winter to give me something more to play with this summer. Absolutely love the graphics as well, glad I upgraded when i did.
  20. Looks like day one will be in Orlando on April 23rd. Winter has made a strong comeback here in Michigan.
  21. @Horton I'm pretty sure he means bring his bindings in carry on.
  22. I am heading to Orlando in a couple weeks and I have decided to go with my soft radar bag, flying southwest and hoping for the best.
  23. Yeah it really makes no sense. I really don't think I watched long enough to be a good statistic though.
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