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Everything posted by Kwoody51

  1. If the ski is the right size for your weight and speed there is no worry about it being too high end. @horton has said it before… the only disadvantage to the top end skis is the price. All features will benefit any level skier but you may not fully appreciate or notice all those features. Now the question of does one ski brand suit your style of skiing is a different question all together :)
  2. @Horton I’ve also been nursing a sprained wrist for 2 months and have found that putting it in traction (tension pulling wrist away from arm) helps… was also confirmed by the doctor. Similar to you if my wrist gets hit in the wrong direction it hurts like no ones business!
  3. Heck of an offer! If you have a good driver you don’t really ‘need’ any ski partners… but it does make it a little more fun. If I was closer I’d definitely take you up on your offer.
  4. @vtmecheng non ethanol is always better as ethanol blended fuel has less BTU (energy) per gallon than non ethanol fuel. Non ethanol gas= 114,000 BTU/ gallon E10 = 108,608 BTU/gal E15 = 106,814 BTU/gal Minor but this would likely impact power more than a few points of octane.
  5. You should have had @rico fill it up with different octane so it would have been a true blind test :) Seriously though will be interesting to see what you find out/ feel if anything.
  6. Nice review! Was wondering how you were going to add more words to - it’s awesome and it just works :)
  7. @Horton you added the picture.... that may have slowed you down :)
  8. @hammerski does this ski week include a Delorean to go back in time to March 5th 2021?! ;)
  9. @Horton does this pic also represent the new rig you were asking about in this thread?!
  10. I think it’s only illegal if a drop of gas escapes and hits the ground. Then you have to have EPA come and do a hazmat clean of the affected ground space before any chemicals can end up in the precise water supply.
  11. Are you dragging a foot or putting both feet in? I’m 200 lb and could get out of the water easily behind a 90HP on an 18’ boat. But I was dragging a foot. I personally think it’s much easier to get out with just one foot in as the ski does the work and you can’t present the ski in a way that fights the boat. When I moved to 2 feet in I had a much harder time as I wasn’t letting the ski move as it wanted which meant I was now fighting the boat. Short story... try with just one foot in. Other option get a giant fat body ski until you master your technique to get up deep water.
  12. I see you chose all black ... that’s a safe bet. I like to match my shorts to things like the release... just adds a nice pop of color and makes me in sync with the ski.
  13. I bet if we take off the rtp and mount up my sandal I could beat @adamhcaldwell
  14. Totally could have got that last ball if we were behind a prostar....
  15. @skimtb 48,32 and 24kg are the kettlebells weights I use every week. I have lighter ones but don’t use often. 20kg is a nice weight to start with. My primary lifts are Swings, snatch, figure 8’s, crush curls, single leg dead lifts, single arm clean, bottoms up presses. 48kg - only for swings, can’t use that beast for anything else! 32 kg - use this weight the most and is for all lifts other than swing and bottom up presses. Will sometimes use for single arm swings. 24kg - use for bottom up presses.
  16. @slvrbulit thanks! The floor is $40 per 4x6’ cow stall mats cut to fit. Smelled like rubber for a few days but works perfect and a lot less than the for gyms rubber mats.
  17. @6balls is right and is why in a non COVID world you can pick up home gym equipment for pennies on the dollar as people buy it, don’t use it and just want it gone! Still can today it’s just tougher as gym rats are picking it up since they can’t hit the gym. Save for the TRX and treadmill I have had all this equipment for ~15 years. You don’t need the crazy Rouge stuff. It’s awesome and nice but overkill for a home gym (will last forever though and it holds its value well if you do sell it).
  18. I might be old school using free weights but it’s hard to go wrong with a squat rack (with pull up bar), bench and some free weights. I have a bunch of kettle bells as well and they are a great tool that delivers strength and cardio. But I’m lazy though and only do kettlebells once a week (they kick my butt!). If I was limited on space kettlebells would be my one and only device. TRX is great if it’s all you have but no way would I want that to be my solo item. Best part of a home gym, beside being at home and no monthly fee- you can workout barefoot :) No better way to increase you foot connection to the ground than going barefoot with weighted load. Haven’t lifted with shoes in over 5 years!
  19. I have found if I rotate my view from portrait to landscape and then back to portrait the button comes back... sometimes :)
  20. The top screw can be put on the inner, outer or middle spot. Pinch or spread the toe area. The screw just screws into the black plastic piece outside the rubber bindings. Pull the screw out, move the binding around until it lines up with a hole and put screw back in. Can’t really mess it up so long as you put screw in straight/ don’t cross thread it. @jhughes one of those bindings is the T factor you sold me off SIA. I never ended up using it so sent it down the line :)
  21. You might try Uship as well. Would be super easy to slip in the bimini alongside a shipment already headed in your direction.
  22. Prostar can be surfed... :wink: https://www.instagram.com/p/pmiOrJhDRu/?igshid=1ueij0myv4ud4
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