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Everything posted by C5Quest

  1. So I’m experimenting with boot options and came across a deal on some new Vapor boots a while back. They came with the individual plates like they normally do but wanted to give the Radar sequence plate a shot for quickly swapping skis. I picked up the new carbon model and found the closest I can get the boots (heel to toe) is about 1/4 inch or so. I usually run boots/binding as closest possible. I can get them touching heel to toe with the indivual plates but not the carbon sequence plate. Anyone have the standand (non carbon) radar sequence plate and have the same issue? Wondering if this is only a carbon plate issue or same on standard sequence plate as well. Running a size 10 Vapor boot. Only one mount option on the front. Rear has multiple holes to accommodate spacing but no luck getting them where I want/need them. Give it a shot and swap out for the individual plates if I find the gap too big. I’m on the shorter side so spacing is big deal for me.
  2. So I’m experimenting with boot options and came across a deal on some new Vapor boots a while back. They came with the individual plates like they normally do but wanted to give the Radar sequence plate a shot for quickly swapping skis. I picked up the new carbon model and found the closest I can get the boots (heel to toe) is about 1/4 inch or so. I usually run boots/binding as closest possible. I can get them touching heel to toe with the indivual plates but not the carbon sequence plate. Anyone have the standand (non carbon) radar sequence plate and have the same issue? Wondering if this is only a carbon plate issue or same on standard sequence plate as well. Running a size 10 Vapor boot. Only one mount option on the front. Rear has multiple holes to accommodate spacing but no luck getting them where I want/need them. Give it a shot and swap out for the individual plates if I find the gap too big. I’m on the shorter side so spacing is big deal for me.
  3. Awesome. I’m sure Trevor loved this more than you know.
  4. Anyone have a link to the “power triangle” article? Really want to get a hold of this concept but all the links don’t work anymore Thanks
  5. I get pinning the cuff. What’s cutting the back and heat the toe do? Ye the way Ed I used your advice and used the washer on my fin. Thing is crazy good onside now
  6. @mcskier I have a 66 Vapor Pro and a 67 Senate. I’m smaller 5’7” 175 lbs and I love the Senate. I feel balanced and it has great flotation and speed. It doesn’t feel too big. You might want to demo one and have it set up correctly. It might surprise you.
  7. @jimski. What’s the advantage of cutting off the top ? Never thought of that. I was going to try and pin the upper in a forward canted position as others have here. I think I have way too much movement going on and need to keep ankle and shins forward.
  8. After struggling on my Vapor pro this year with inconsistency and ankle injury I jumped on my 2018 Senate Lithium back up ski and immediately have been spot on. Love this ski now. Vapor is a 66, the Senate a 67. Feel so much more balanced and effortless on the Senate. I’m 5’7” and about 175ish Best is 2@32 off at 32mph. Working on getting through 28 off at 34mph. Feel like Im a wild card on the Vapor. Maybe I should try a 67 Vapor and it will feel more balanced like the Senate? Anyone been on the 2018 Senate and the 2019 Senate Pro? If it skis like the 2018 or better I would seriously consider making it my primary ski. Wondering if it’s worth the upgrade.
  9. I ski at Avon,CT and I believe it’s about 1650 or 1675. I usually ski it straight in but a lot do the “loop” or turn to get into the course. Wish it was about 100-200 longer but it works great for the size. Some serious talent coming out of that little pond.
  10. Interesting. I could barely run anything with long/shallow. Deep/short was Money
  11. So just another though about onside turns. Does the washer improve the onside like rotation of the rear binding ? I tried rotation for a couple sets and onside were obviously improved but effected my offside. Still messing around with settings to see what works best
  12. Cool. So basically washer size doesn’t matter just as long as you get the .30 Fd difference.
  13. Any pics of your washer set up? Did you double stack them or use one thick one? I found some in my garage that measured about .05+ the thinnest I found was around .02
  14. Any pics of washer set up? I remember seeing a thread a while ago with the discussion. Linky to thread?
  15. @Ed_Johnson. Thought that looked familiar. I’m sure I’ve seen your demo when I was younger. My life has been aviation. Started young. I’m still in the AFRes with 18 years on the C-5. Also fly the 756 for AAL. Back into skiing now after years of track days and racing motorcycles. Needed something to keep my adrenaline up but was less likely to end my 2 luctrative careers. On another note I need to try the washer thing
  16. Think I read an older thread about this. Have to search for it when I get back home. By the way @E_Johnson , is that your ride in your avatar pic?
  17. This is a game like golf. You hit one on the sweet spot and it keeps you coming back. Just like nailing a great pass. Other times I want to toss my ski in the woods along with my clubs. I don’t even know where my clubs are.....probably still in the woods somewhere.
  18. Mounting holes are further forward on the Senate. I have both the Senate and Vapor pro. The Vapor comes alive at 34mph. The Senate is great for 32 when learning a new length or just want to cruise longer line lengths and work on form. Just my 2 cents. Both tools are great at their separate jobs
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