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Everything posted by jercrane

  1. @twhisper wow that overhead video is incredibly informative. The transition from edge to edge beginning at the second wake is so clear. The line load so consistent throughout every portion of the turn. Holy smokes I want to be able to do that.
  2. Tourney would be fun but I will only be there mid week (21-24).
  3. Anyone a member of the Canyon Lake Ski Club or know anyone that might be that could be persuaded to drag a traveling skier for a set or two in October? I am going to be in San Diego in October for a work event and was thinking of bringing my gear along. Our season is rapidly coming to a close in New England as the lake temps have been plummeting. I'm so damn close to my season goal though and trying to check the box before I switch over to snow mode. I will be there October 21 through October 24. Probably could ski morning of 23 or 24 but best slot would probably be evening of 24. I can be flexible though. Staying at Torrey Pines so I think its like an hour drive???
  4. Guy is such an inspiration. His philosophy on life and approach to everything including off the ski is great.
  5. Radar TRA for sure I just moved my 14YO daughter from a 62 Connelly Prodigy to a 63 Radar TRA and saw massive improvement in her skiing. She's getting a full pass at 23 and a ball and half shy of getting 25mph. She's tiny and got a late start and it is a killer ski for her. She loves it. Says it feels much more stable than her old ski. Also not as exciting a shot but I love this pic because immediately before this I was coaching her for like the 100th time to try and keep shoulders level and eyes down course and for the first time she felt comfortable enough on the ski to do it. She's crazy late but this was actually a PB on 3 ball at 25mph for her. Oh also I removed the wing. She had been skiing with the wing originally. It took her about 2 sets to get used to managing the extra speed at the ball but she is now skiing much better. Sorry ... proud dad bragging moment.
  6. @Niles Taylor I actually tried to reach out to USAWS a couple years to get help with understanding the laws around water rights and getting our slalom course permit restored. I'm a little sad to say they provided no help at all. I think this is definitely something they should help with if growth is an objective. sigh
  7. Not sure about in WI but in NH they keep a file on your course history of violations and complaints. Our permits have to be renewed each year. I know from talking to the Marine Patrol Sergeant that reviews all of the permit files in our area, you are better off paying and apologizing for the mistake. In NH our permit explicitly states it must be submerged when not in use. I believe "waterway obstruction" is the generic fine category for us if we leave the course up past our permit hours. Our course is in a dead end cove tucked in against a shoreline with no houses as well. Marine patrol doesn't really care. At least for us it's always better to just suck it up and pay it unless it is a grossly misrepresented. Like if we got ticketed during a time we didn't even have the course floating. Not saying it is that way everywhere. Might be different in your area. Public lakes are a challenge for sure.
  8. @MS I like how you slipped that MC specifier in there at the end. :D Honestly that sounds like a pretty damn good deal to me if I was anywhere near you.
  9. @MS I think your perspective and attitude are completely justified but also part of the problem ... if ...if there is truly a desire to grow the sport. The only way niche sports grow is through the tireless dedication and generosity of individuals in those sports. I currently am dealing with this on both sides. At our lake my buddy and I have alone done everything for our current ski site. That includes the following. - Applying for the permit every single winter and arguing with marina patrol about some aspect of the location or hours - Paying for every single part - Moving it 3 times because neighbors complained to the state - Raising and sinking it manually every time we ski it We have a reasonably good sized community of skiers on the lake. 30 some odd in the facebook group alone. Everyone wants to know when the course is available. When I asked for donations to help pay for it ... radio silence. When I ask for help repairing or moving ... radio silence. I definitely get the knee jerk reaction to tell them all to screw off and just go ski with my buddy and my kids. At the same time in the past two years I have tried to join two private clubs that are within an hour of our full time residence (lake house is mainly weekends). Both attempts have failed miserably to get any traction. I'm willing to pay. I'm flexible on times. I can drive. I can fix/maintain a course. There just doesn't seem to be a strong interest to grow these clubs beyond the core members and their families. I totally get it ... I do. Pretty easy for those clubs to get out of control and make the experience less than what it currently is. It just makes pleas to "grow the sport" sound very disingenuous. I want to find a way foster the early passion and interest my kids are showing in the sport but it is so hard in this environment. I see both sides of it but in the end I come out on the side of making it easier for anyone to come ski. That said I have met a ton of amazing and super generous people in this sport. I'll keep dragging my muddy, weed covered, floating course off the bottom of the lake every weekend and begging for rides with my Venmo account in hand Monday to Friday. I hope my kids will do the same.
  10. kind of looks like @JoelHowley in the lazyboy course the rest of the crew is most definitely Amuricans not Aussies
  11. Anyone out there have an explanation of what I might expect my adjusting the position of the canvas strap on the Reflex Supershell that functions as the forward lean limit? I'm working on getting on my front foot more and one thought I had was that by moving this up to the tightest hole I might have more of a feel for pressing my knee forward. As someone who spent 20+ year alpine ski racing and another 24 post racing career skiing pretty aggressively I'm used to skiing in stiff boots with a positive response on the forward lean. I'm thinking maybe a more positive response on forward lean might be good for me? Then I was thinking this might have the opposite effect and make the ski too sensitive to forward lean and result in me responding exactly opposite of the desired effect. Any thoughts?
  12. @Horton that article cracks me up. "The only setback, if any, is that the water condition there is not the best as the water tends to get rough and choppy from the winds, and also due to the backwash coming back to the ski course after each pass of the tow boat at the stadium site." Imagine ... "The stadium is an amazing world class infrastructure facility for Baseball. The only downside is the shards of glass around the bases and occasional one foot deep potholes in the outfield." :D
  13. Yeah man they should be skiing on Godzilla based on that site map.
  14. One more vote for leadwake and I’ll go one step further. I have 4 of these https://www.leadwake.com/collections/frontpage/products/25-lb-bag?variant=35497736336 Very easy to move around and adjust weighting with the 25 and the handle.
  15. @Horton I don’t know man. GoPro hero7 in “Narrow view” mode is pretty damn good with mp4 files instead of mov so zooming allows for really strong detail. But yes you give up the ease of use of the wakeye app with speed auto start. GoPro also has its own Wifi signal used for connecting phone. This allows for easy/fast file transfer to phone and you can use your phone to control camera start stop etc. I guess old phone wins on price of course.
  16. It actually has nothing to do with software in the iPhone. The newer iPhones have a physical lens isolation device that is designed to take out low frequency vibration and motion ... like your shaky hands and your heartbeat. The lens essentially sits in fluid. Kinda sorta. It sucks at high frequency vibration though. There is no way to remove this via software etc. This is only on the front facing camera however. So flip to selfie mode and generally you are good. Add isolation to the mount and use selfie mode and you are even better. Or get a GoPro hero 7 and don’t worry about any of this crap because it’s rock solid high frequency damping is best in class.
  17. My original Connelly HP got a gas bubble or something right in the middle of the tip just inside the start of the tunnel when I left it in the car back in the day. Looked like a 3 inch radius blister about 1/4 inch high. Connelly was super cool about it and even out of warranty and basically due to my negligence they replaced the ski. So yeah maybe don't leave them in your car. Of course that was like 1991 so I'm guessing manufacturing tolerances are just a touch better now.
  18. I think the sport either needs to decide it's going to be totally laid back or its going to be totally structured and rigid. I don't have any first hand experience yet but reading this makes it sound like the sport is sitting on the fence. "You'll ski sometime today?" ... "sorry you're late!" I can't think of another competitive sport that operates like that. Whether it is right or wrong I will tell you one thing. As a newbie thinking about getting more into the competitive side of the sport this gives me pause. I'm just not a fan of sports that take themselves too seriously at the amateur level, especially one that is such a tiny niche sport. I don't need the stress for something that is never going to be anything other than a past time and passion for me. Rules maybe rules but rules are made by humans. Hiding behind a rule and not being a human is sad to me.
  19. @Chef23 I had no idea who the coach was. I texted her from work when I got there at like 11 and she texted back saying "I think my coach is really good, do you know him? Jamie?" To which I respond "Jamie Beauchesne?" "yeah" "Are you kidding me!?" I did consider getting back in the car and driving the 2 hours back to NH for a split second. Need to keep my job though to pay for all her future ski and travel expenses. :D
  20. @Zman Winnipesaukee’s back bay in Wolfboro at the Abenaki ski club
  21. She is currently being coached by Jamie Beauchesne at a Junior Dev Clinic in NH and I'm sitting here staring at my dumb laptop. that is all.
  22. It’s funny how it’s always a wake boat on the “emergency dry stack”. Hmmmm
  23. @75Tique yes! I think I have watched that like 107 times by now and freeze framed every meter of the course Given I am "not tall" I much prefer getting technique inspiration from Regina than the big boys like CP.
  24. @Horton I just read everything @Drago posts with < sarcasm > < /sarcasm > tags added. :D
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