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Everything posted by UCFskier

  1. the evolution of curling is crazy.... not the sport but the participants. as kids it was part of out gym curriculum. tournaments (or bonspiels) were crowded with overweight, heavy smoking, and drinking "athletes" and these were some of the best in the world haha now they train, lift and are in relatively good shape and living clean. dont get me wrong it still curling but interesting to see the change
  2. @rfa that is what I am saying.... it is WAY too WOKE it is bull crap... but we did this... I dont agree with the SS model as I said above (wont cure all of sociatle woes) however, if we did not accept, rationalize, justify, etc.... the behaviours of thoes who are agressive or sexual towards kids and women we would not be in this crap storm to begin with.... Ask yourself how the hell we got here?? its not by accident?? it a reaction to "incidents" . If you dont like it, place it firmly at the foot of thoes who got us here (not SS)
  3. @lpskier thats the point I was making... we evolve or be content to be a hobby
  4. There has been a decline over a lot of years @igkya and if you are going to have children competing side by side with adults or coached by adults or judged by adults there needs to be safe guards in place. I have no illusion that SS is the fix to all of society's woes but with the most recent "scandal" I believe many are in scramble mode to try and protect the sport you love.
  5. If ppl cant see their way through this.... it was not much of a sport to begin with (more of a hobby or pass time) which Im cool with.... its just weird to read ppl complaining about it not being a legitimate sport but not be willing to do the boring or crappy stuff that comes with making a sport just that. Should we self police? Cuz that does not seem to work too well
  6. @ForrestGump Im not saying I disagree with you (I remember the good ol' days of ESPN and 1000 + spectators on the shore.) However, anything unwilling to change, grow, amend, etc is sure to fail. I am not saying SS will get skiing on television, the sport is a long way from there... but what ever we can do to legitimize the sport will eventually help.
  7. I am not surprised to read such push back on the forum. it was not long ago there was a huge stain on waterskiing and SS became involved. many here rationalized and justified the behaviors of the offending coach/official/skier. The governing body did little however, this seems to be a step in the right direction. it is not perfect, it does not make complete sense however, if more of these offending behaviors continue we are at risk of completely losing the sport all together. So as this progresses I believe the governing body will amend trainings and policy. Reading threads like "how do we legitimize the sport of skiing" "how do we get it on television" This is how. legitimate sports have safe guards in place to protect kids. Hockey, Volleyball, snowboarding, hell bobsleding likely has better policies in place..... I have no idea on the efficacy of SS but again, it is one step in the right direction towards keeping this sport alive.
  8. in this case if you give a 1/2 bouy you have to give him a full. He returns (in a skiing position) to the middle of the wake prior to the boat guides... 3
  9. to sign off you understand the core concepts and decrease liability for our sports managing body.
  10. test is common sense goes super quick.....
  11. isn't the training just an online session?
  12. Hey folks. This is a go fund me for Joel Poland’s helmet. Let’s all come together to support this tattered wreck and help Joel update his head shield Just one dollar a day will help replace the liner in this tattered mess https://gofund.me/218e811d
  13. @Gray_Mac how old is that ski? like what year was it new?
  14. @Mastercrafter most on this forum believe sanctions by USWA and SafeSport should NOT impede individuals right to ski. I am of the same opinion as you are @Mastercrafter
  15. oh I was talking about Nate @Mastercrafter or maybe it wasn't a mistake??
  16. ya its too bad that one mistake should have to cause the end of his career.
  17. I thought we would have heard Sammy Duvals name by now. Outstanding Jumper, overall skier, and by far the most famous skier from back in the ESPN/ProTour days.
  18. at 32mph Id go back to dead stock and go from there. +++1 for @Horton at 32 the generation of speed becomes the issue.
  19. Joel Poland wins worlds overall, places second in jump and set an new (pending) overall record. is he the greatest skier of all time?
  20. @Garn I agree with your lead in... when I think of slalom GOAT these are athletes that stand out and will forever be remembered as positively impacting the sport! the LaPoints, Andy, Wade, Asher, Freddie, Rossi. These are champions that went on to positively change slalom forever. Nate is a great skier but no GOAT. His stain on the sport will forever be there unless he positively changes the narrative. when he retires from the sport no one will be lining up for his autograph, he will not be providing color commentating for TWBC, and I suspect he will remembered by few.
  21. @scuppers I would say that with cases like the NFL players (some not all)... when issues arise (violence, sexual assault etc) these players take responsibility apologize to the organization, fans, and victim. they get "treatment" and move on with their life. And yes they should be allowed to. I have not seen that in this case and thus........ not a fan. Also it should be discussed because without discussion how does this change. Nate is not unique or special. these thing do happen through poor decision making and immaturity. young skiers coming up should know about this so they think twice before engaging in the same behaviors which got Nate sanctioned. it would actually be great if Nate took a leadership role and spoke about his experience and the poor choices he made! or not
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