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Everything posted by mfjaegersr

  1. Thank you @MISkier for connecting me with Doug J; I was able to get a set in on Tuesday; thanks @kurt for the willingness, sorry the weather didn’t play out for us. Next year!? First trip with the SporTube set up and it worked well. I got a helluva deal earlier this summer on a closeout ST3, and picked up a used Dakine 172cm padded soft bag, no wheels (Thanks @MickeyThompson ) to hold everything and make it more TSA-proof. For a few years I’ve been using a nylon Speedo BRAND back pack to carry gear; it holds everything but your ski, dries quickly, ultralight. Worked great for this trip too. The best part was based on a tip I read from another Baller about using a safety bungee or some such to secure the SporTube just in case Mr TSA had trouble with the lock pin. Sure enough; dude in GRR failed to secure the pin through both halves...but my safety backup held. (See pic) ) For my next trip I will print tips and tape them on the case - bigger font than the factory sticker - to better ensure they pin it correctly. PS: The funky yellow thing is a scuba-centric folding hanger I picked up from AMZN. It’s Bitchin. You’re welcome.
  2. No, I have not used Ship sticks. However I just returned to Portland from Grand Rapids via United. Paid $0 for a SportTube 3 and a large work case. I don’t have Status (any longer, Dangit!). Ski equip is considered an exception - like a child seat, wheelchair, etc. - although the policy varies carrier to carrier. TSA Gal in PDX was cheerful and happy to have my guidance getting it back together; TSA Guy in GRR was a real dick about the inspection process, but my gear returned intact. See a separate post for packing tips...
  3. Thanks @owennibley . I was way off, thinking it could have been NV. Cool site!
  4. Just curious if someone can ID these lakes I spotted flying from Albuquerque to Portland? I’m not certain of our flight path and I couldn’t find them using google earth...
  5. Small world, @MickeyThompson. ? I’m a big Syndicate Omni fan, chasing at 30, 32, 34mph/-15&22...first season, its doing (for me) what it is supposed to: make it easier/less work/more forgiving to (take a few steps back, slow down) develop the fundamental techniques to progress in speed and shorter line. 20% free ski, 80% course time; wish it were more like 35/65... Omni moved my PB (of 31 years) by 2 balls earlier this year...still more to come.
  6. Thanks @horton; I don’t think there *was* a hat offered as a prize; that said...email on the way. I’d wear it proudly. ? And Betty is...just...sex-say.
  7. Wait, What?! “Betty”? And no BOS hat, for yours truly?! ? Send Betty instead. (You should self-Pandacate...)
  8. I have lonnnnng identified my limits with this Errol Flynn Quote: "My problem lies in reconciling my GROSS habits with my NET income."
  9. At one time, there was a (Jobe) 'Carbon V' too....and the 'V' *was* in fact for the forked tail.
  10. Heard in the background of the webcast: “That scared the sh!t outta me...”
  11. Jump ramps!? (Nate, America's Cup)
  12. @vtmecheng ‘BOAT’....? About $1200 or so to add PP Stargazer, a bit more with ZBox? http://perfectpass.com/?q=systems
  13. “This is a learning experience that many skiers have had to go through the hard way.” Why? @Bruce_Butterfield Why cant AWSA fix that? Because it’s not worth the trouble? It’s only one guy/gal per year...?
  14. @klindy I appreciate your response and the 'new' information shared (info that likely would have changed my original reaction). I apologized in advance for the call-out itself largely because I don't know you; how about another one? I apologize for not more clearly delineating the boundary of said call-out. Specifically, it was your *response* that felt...disappointing...and I believed that was a reasonable take given the context of your message and the link to the form. My intent was certainly NOT to call-out or question your character or all that you DO...Do for the sport and AWSA Members. I'm glad to read you're able to help @Simpson and kudos for taking the lead championing the Ambassador program in South.
  15. I'm struggling to find the word to best describe my overall reaction to the responses to this post...'appalled' is a bit stiff, yet on the right track... File this one away as a perfect answer for the next thread bemoaning 'why our sport doesn't grow?' Seems like most of the focus - apologies, condolences, guidance and all - are on the one tree (@simpson missed his Regional ride)...with seemingly little mind paid to the forest (new guy has a shite! experience in his 3rd/4th tournament, could decide 'f this' and foregoes them altogether). Many examples of 'you're not the first, won't be the last...' Respectful apologies @klindy for this call out....yet your response 'Sorry New Guy....here's the rule change request form' - DIY! - and better luck next year...' is simply....really... (at a loss for the right word again...) 'disappointing?' As an officer of AWSA...? I'm just scratching my head, thinking you could forward this input to someone on staff, perhaps have someone reach out to the New Guy, much less take ownership of developing some kind of Ambassador program as suggested above by many. But...'here's a link to the form' thanks for playing...? Boo... Michael Jaeger
  16. https://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/search?search=Syndicate+Omni
  17. “Bam a Lam she really pulls short-line... Bam a lam she helped me run ‘39... Whoa! Black Betty!” ?
  18. You might consider the HO Omni, designed for 30-34MPH skiers with a wider profile, clean edge tail, and more to make it easier to progress in the course. Or perhaps ‘regress’ in your case, going from 34 to 32mph, as your Sageness increases. ? Reasonably priced too - for those of us that are chasing 28off and not 38off...
  19. Another happy converter here - Reflex White cuff and R style - third season and so far so good. Really awkward at first, particularly during pull up, and after the first few rides the strangest soreness I’ve ever experienced from skiing: tightness in my groin, left side only, and in my right hip...say whuuut? Resolved the issue with a slight front heel shift to the left (LFF) via the adjustment screws on the Silveretta. Size 13 foot, so XXL thin liner is the only one that fits for me; half boot in the back. Both easily made WAY better with a couple of Superfeet Blue inserts. ??
  20. A chicken wing without bones? It’s called a McNugget. ?
  21. @jay11 You might root around in this old thread about defunct ski companies - maybe a clue or two in there for ya? https://forum.ballofspray.com/discussion/2943/now-defunct-ski-companies-of-the-world/p4
  22. And I wish I’d have thought of adding the split personality - BOTH - option...before it was too late to edit. ?‍♂️
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