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Everything posted by Rednucleus

  1. Based on all the vids I have seen on BOS, have to put in a vote for @thager for this honor!
  2. "Click pop crack" should probably be physician evaluated before having a tug of war with a ski boat. At 14 weeks there should be little/no bone movement if fractures are healing normally. You said you had comminuted displaced fractures. If fracture edges are far enough apart and have too much motion, they cannot heal. 14 week xrays should look much different than 6 weeks if healing is progressing well. My usual diisclaimar: I'm a veterinarian, not a physician!
  3. Have you had recent xrays to evaluate healing?
  4. @mike_mapple Douger is not on BOS but I am pretty sure he has said it's for warmth. He's the fearless barefooter in our group, and when it warms up, the helmet is gone!
  5. Pain is a self defense thing that is there to protect you from further damage. For your shoulder pain, if you have not had an orthopedic evaluation and mri to define why it hurts, then I would recommend that vs continuing to do to things to make it hurt. Disclaimer: advise from a veterinarian, not a physician!
  6. Pro Tip: Don't expect to make a full pass the morning after a feast at the @cougfan residence!
  7. Beautiful 90 (45/45) at HT. Sun glare at 4 & 6 was a challenge,but nicer than a rain ski! This has been a nice ski February so far for western WA.
  8. Blast from the past - did one of my vet externships in Caldwell in 1985! If you like the smell of agriculture, this place is for you. I will gladly visit you if you go there!!
  9. So diamonds aren't forever?!?!
  10. @RAWSki LOL; I have found over the last 5 years that skiing year round, even just once every 2 weeks depending on weather, keeps my ski muscle memory semi-intact. At 63 my old bones are usually able to do 2 sets/day in winter, and by May I am in better ski shape now than I was at 50 in July after taking winter off. "A body in motion stays in motion; a body at rest creaks".
  11. Bumping this one for February 2022 Got my 1st February ski in - a lovely 86 degrees at Hilltop (43/43). Today was a big one for me as I have now skied at least one day a month for the past 60 months. Tomorrow is supposed to be another pretty good day. I am trying some new winter gloves - I will say today is the warmest my hands have ever been in many years of winter skiing. I will wait to say more after I get a few more sets on them.
  12. @ALPJr She's already got a better lean than I ever will!
  13. Can we hear some stories please on arm injuries as a result of going thru the handle; and did it happen with or w/o a guard.
  14. @Fastguy888 LOL I love the smell of manure at a ski lake - full disclosure, I'm a veterinarian and that's the smell of money!!
  15. You should try it before you let it go - you may like it so much you will want to buy an Offcourse!!
  16. @lundberg YIKES!! I see no neoprene or dry suit!!
  17. Maybe consider a good PT program to assess how your shoulders are doing
  18. Then there's this to consider: https://forum.ballofspray.com/discussion/25993/freak-accident
  19. this should turn in to a 10 page thread How about "Gone Skiing"
  20. Beautiful weather in the great PNW this weekend. After 3 tries we got our Hilltop New Years Day donut/coffee/ski in the books. Water has warmed up to 45 after being iced over two weeks ago; 12+ showed up for a great day of skiing & fellowship. Going out again tomorrow to work off the doughnuts!! I heard @AdamCord ran 39.5 off in his drysuit again - Animal!!
  21. Took me about a month of cursing the top one before I spotted the bottom one.
  22. Are you using the search on top right or bottom right? I had the same problem using the one on top. Bottom right is the one you need to use.
  23. Probably more annoying than rough - both times I was back to work in 2 wks but hassle of the sling for 8 weeks made my veterinary work a bit of a challenge. Pretty comfortable after a week except for sleeping.
  24. Did it! Great to watch her at HT this year!
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