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Everything posted by Rednucleus

  1. Disregard, mixed up phantom & triumph when I started post
  2. Last year Mr KLP was there and I got my hat signed. this year Bob was in attendance and graciously signed my vintage LaPoint hat - great weekend, thanks to the Skoog family and SO many folks that made this a wonderful event.
  3. Lots of ooohs & ahhhs yesterday from the spectators!! He's fun to watch ski; I would like to know what he registers on the pounds pull thingy.
  4. Have not had the pleasure to meet you sir, but thoughts & prayers for a speedy recovery. Please post when you are back on the water!! Red
  5. Great day, super conditions! So many men getting into 41 off - only in my dreams!! can't wait for tomorrow's finals.
  6. Anyone know the running order for Saturday?
  7. and enjoy the company of special friends!
  8. I was told Wed & Thurs are practice days.
  9. Weather forecast in the 80's this year!! Last year almost drysuit weather. Gunna be GREAT!!
  10. Maybe because they are getting to the superhuman rope lengths that only the top elite humans can handle? (this from a 15 off skier)
  11. What are you skiing on now; are you shopping for a new ski?
  12. I wish you all could join us for a great weekend!
  13. No blame, no shame, just thought fellow ballers would be interested in this,and also curious if other folks have broken skis before. One of my buddies at Hilltop has broken 3 so far! BTW here's a pic of Douger's ankle 2 days post crash.
  14. Squirrel is one of the few menu items are club has not tried. Will have to be on the menu next Curlew trip. don't suppose it's available commercially. My wife won't let me harvest ours at the bird feeders :(
  15. @JeffSwain Wileys could probably rebuild your old ones to like new for you.
  16. @braindamage That was his thought as well as he sits here with ice on ankle! I was not in boat, but from dock it looked pretty routine.
  17. Two things: My buddies say trailer tires usually run closer to 50 lbs - were you sold a trailer tire or a car tire? 2nd - running low pressures create more heat than running proper pressures. BTW how old are your other tires??
  18. @braindamage Not sure, going in to 5, ski came out/off water going in to turn, crash, bad words in the water & ski folded in half
  19. @lpskier Nope, got this ski last fall as a demo to replace an Omni from the previous year that delaminated.
  20. Good Day Ballers - Day 7 of 8 day trip to Curlew. Douger crashed going to 5 ball (34/15 off) and came up with a broken Syndicate Omni and front ankle injury. Probably no surgery but expect to be out for the year. Curious if anyone else has had similar failures. Got ski last fall. At least this didn't happen last weekend!!
  21. How about bindings?? BTW TOTALLY cool you are working/earning $$ for your ski - your parents are doing a fine job!!
  22. So stoked to see a young man enthusiastic about the course!! What's your weight & height and what size ski are you considering. You are fortunate to have 2/3course time. Lessons at your age would be awesome and also help you with a ski choice. Keep us posted on your progress!!
  23. Maybe you could visit WA and teach me how to make my 15 off passes look so nice?!
  24. @cougfan had both knees done one year apart and was skiing 4-6 months after each surgery. Last I heard he is a happy comfortable skier again. Skiing with him at our annul Curlew trip this week, will ask him to comment!
  25. Must have been some nice scotch associated with that work.
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