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Everything posted by 03RLXi

  1. @FSSPCat that's what I was wondering, gain view in one direction but lose it in another. I'm keen to hear from someone who has driven boats with a few different mirror locations, what they prefer and why.
  2. Is the trend 81% discount? I sure hope so!
  3. @ctorthopa13 apology if I got Marcus's rope length incorrect. I got the link and 28' off from this thread /forum#/discussion/20502/making-it-easier-for-novice-skiers-to-start-getting-up-on-one It was posted by @savaiusini and seemed like he/she was involved in the design of the ski
  4. Info says 17-20mph & 25mph max. Will give learners lots of time to get to next buoy :-)
  5. @BraceMaker yes, standard inserts this year :-)
  6. I love my Senate & this certainly isn't a replacement for me. It's additional.Number 1 intent is its as a learners ski rather than putting them on two skis. Hopefully direct on rope but if necessary off my training boom then progress to handle off boom, then short rope off tower then 18.25m rope.Number 2 is I can play slashing wakes, jumping, etc. I'm so looking forward to trying it out it's almost number 1!Number 3 is that less skilled friends can learn the course using it.
  7. Here’s the first video ever from my ski doc. Taken using a very old Sony Cyber-shot DSC-L1 camera. Think it was purchased in 2005. The video is a mighty 640x480 and up to 30 fps. I’m pretty impressed by the result. The camera and mount does well all considered. My skiing not so great! That’s only my second ski this year but I really thought I was doing much better having listened to a lot of Spraymakers podcasts and making changes. To be fair I haven’t seen any video in last few summers so maybe it is actually a big improvement and I was really really bad prior! Skiing at 49kph / 30mph.
  8. @swc5150 USA based car manufacturers get large subsidies and incentives. Not sure if US boat manufacturers do. Does anyone know?
  9. @Jody_Seal my thought wasn't really why make PP like ZO. It was a thought why replace perfectly good engines purely because of the control system. Seems so materially wasteful & unnecessarily costly.
  10. Interesting stuff. It seems legalities are preventing PP or any other company doing the 'same' as ZO. I wonder if there's a different way? Perhaps overlaying in camera with AI, rope tension, using a separate DBW throttle body, etc. It's all irrelevant to me as I'm just a keen non tournament 15' off skier. Just interested in the concept, engineering, controls, etc
  11. First ski for the season will be this weekend. Towed boat to lake yesterday....and last night it snowed. It'll be awesome!
  12. 2022 Toyota Fortuner. Got it a month ago. 150kW 500Nm 2.8L diesel. I think in US you call these 4Runners. First tow of boat will be next week when I collect it from storage and dewinterise it. Can't wait!
  13. I don't know what head unit you have however my 2003 Response LXi has the same remote. While enquiring about adding an aux input or bluetooth I discovered that remote uses an old connector that isn't made any more (FYI I couldn't add aux or bluetooth to the remote or headunit so I'm now simply using a bluetooth FM transmitter and tune radio to it)
  14. @vtmecheng maybe try cutting your top cap to become a top plate and then add weight until you find the sweet spot? The top being a plate rather than cap would make it easier to swap tube lengths too.
  15. Cheers @vtmecheng I bought a used skidoc end of last season and haven't had chance to use it yet (I'm in NZ so season starts mid-late next month). Like many I'm a bit budget limited so will first try my iphone 6S and a mighty 10+year old Sony 1.3megapixel camera we have sititng in cupboard doing nothing. If vibration problems I'll try your fix then if still not ideal will beg my CFO and Santa for a Gopro.
  16. @vtmecheng is your mount put onto the skidoc? If so what's the slot for?
  17. Hi Chris and Trent No direct question from me. Just a massive thank you as your podcasts have educated me on the ‘why’ and that’s made so so much difference. Your gates episodes lead to my best ski session ever and for that I can’t thank you enough. /forum#/discussion/27425/spraymakers-listener-appreciation-episodes Previously I’d only been trying to learn the ‘what’ to do but it just wasn’t sticking with me. I wasn’t looking for ‘causes’ when bad ‘effects’ occurred as I was assuming my ‘how’ at that moment was wrong. Your podcasts have educated the ‘why’ so now the ‘how’ makes sense and when something is not quite right I know to look earlier to identify the ‘cause’ Actually maybe that’s my question: How far back does a skier look to identify the cause of the effect?
  18. 03RLXi

    2023 Prostar

    I'm not sure about the hard to improve the beauty comment. Sure, I fully understand beauty is in the eye of beholder but what's with the if it's flat cover it in flooring foam style? Personally I much prefer the smooth flowing lines of all brands of ski boats in late 90s to mid 2010s with simple colours and gauges than the current pickle fork hulls with edgy geodestic patterned colours and touch screens. Time will tell what become classics and what don't
  19. I'll have a look at how much I could shave off edge of outlet when I collect boat from storage next month. Might need to resort to a split piece of stainless steel tube as a joiner between the outlet and the silicone elbow. Or just fit SS elbows rather than silicone? These aren't the right size but you'll get the idea https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001422163109.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.447023b6n9lKmQ&algo_pvid=40682374-8be1-4f54-9d73-546e33dc7859&algo_exp_id=40682374-8be1-4f54-9d73-546e33dc7859-0&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000016054432458%22%7D&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21NZD%2110.81%217.58%21%21%21%21%21%40210318cf16618041130493072ec774%2112000016054432458%21sea&curPageLogUid=X4yarztMTwSG
  20. I want to do this but not enough gap between outlet and the wedge/scarpa bracket :-(
  21. Here’s some chat about the releases and photos (It’s where I first saw them online hence started this thread) Warning, there’s a few bruises photos https://www.facebook.com/groups/hydrofoil/permalink/4891643994256975/?fs=e&s=cl
  22. Seems that the sit down hydrofoilers often get arm in handle or rope wrapped around their foils or masts when they're learning inverts or spins so that's why they use these. Some crazy videos online of the heights they get. Brave, or stupid!
  23. No 2023 Hovercraft? I was thinking about getting one to have as a boat learner ski and for play when water is rough.
  24. I know what a shock tube looks like but not how they work. What's the science?
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