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John Brooks

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Everything posted by John Brooks

  1. @oldjeep You just need a taller garage door.
  2. @DUSkier "Different boat could be used in each round of competition, but not different boats within one round." I think the discussion above is related to offering different boats based on the division, not the rounds and that the skier can choose which division they desire to be in and ultimately which boat. Ex - deciding whether to ski Open Women vs Women 2 in a round since Open Women is pulled with a MasterCraft and Women 2 is pulled by Centurion during a round.
  3. With all those fragile stickers, it must be a Goode.
  4. OB, I was at Corey's yesterday and back tomorrow morning. Awesome conditions. Let me know if you will be around.
  5. I see in today's tournament at Trophy (weekend with 2@2 round record tournaments) that Jeff Rodgers skied 2@ 43. That's great. Congratulations Jeff.
  6. BOS - Because practice doesn't count.
  7. I feel like either they need to follow the AWSA rules or decide not to sanction the event. If they are going to follow AWSA rules, why spectators have anything to do with it is beyond me. If there is anything to be said it needs to come from the skier or the skier representative, no one else should have a dog in this fight.
  8. I notice going from 5.7 to 6.0, I change my ZO settings. With 5.7 like C2 & with 6.0 like B2.
  9. Jason, I have also heard of some speeding the boat up for their easier passes, working on technique as well as making the harder passes at slower speeds seem even more comfortable. I have started to play with this, we'll see how it works.
  10. Dave is amazing. Great skiing. Jeff is definitely old school but gets it done, with Wiley bindings and Overton's CGA vest.
  11. I see Jeff Rodgers skiing in MS in the Big Dawg. Knowing Jeff, I think he would say "go with the Wal Mart vest". Old school all the way.
  12. My PT used it on my back and shoulders last year and boy am I glad she did. It was better than a massage. As soon as she put the needle in the muscle knots, the knot was immediately released and the muscle relaxed.
  13. @lpskier I think we need a consult with Ben Bernanke since he is out of work. Maybe he could now be the chairman of the Baller Reserve.
  14. I agree with these guys, start at B2, read the ZO manual so you understand how the settings work and then practice at several settings until you find one that gives you the most benefit.
  15. I'll have to try that squeezing a ball in my left hand next tournament. I agree with you guys, that opener is tough, mentally.
  16. Sounds like a case of certain folks wanting to ski in the event in the past, they were too late submitting their entries, so they were left out.
  17. SANTA CLAUS If you have young children or grandchildren, don’t forget to call NORAD on Christmas Eve. NORAD stands for the North American Aerospace Defense Command and it is located inside the heart of Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs , Colorado . NORAD tracks Santa’s movements and they have a phone bank set up to answer questions about him. The phones are staffed by volunteers throughout the night ready to answer your children’s questions about Santa whereabouts and estimated time to your city. The website is www.noradsanta.org and the telephone numbers are 1-877-HI NORAD and 1-719-556-5211. They are very high tech and can even tell if Rudolph is leading Santa’s team of reindeer since they can pick up his shiny nose with their satellites and radar equipment.
  18. Interesting that Drew Ross & Cory Pickos ski schools have gone away from Malibu recently, wonder if this is an indication of a change in their programs?
  19. Nice. Why did you decide closed vs open bow?
  20. We have been using Wally buoys for several years, really like them and highly recommend.
  21. Great boat. I would also suggest changing the transmission fluid every 100 hours or so.
  22. I was under the impression that some of the skiers from other countries, Canada, France and others, were being paid to train and compete by their federations.
  23. I have a list of competitive home improvements for the winter, but no video.
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