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Everything posted by Phil2360

  1. @Dave_n, Big Brother is not too concerned about Little Brother catching him. Seen that mistake made many a time before...
  2. Bit of Robbie from the same day. Last bit was 4m in from the ball. (Double Posted...) Cheers
  3. Bit of Robbie from the same day. Last bit was 4m in from the ball. Cheers
  4. My Younger boy (12) ran his first full pass @ 26 on Saturday! Was even wearing a GoPro to catch the moment & associated dialog. Cheers Phil
  5. @Chef23 Only had it a week & didn't get to use it last weekend. What I'd initially like to try is floating it on something a few feet in from the Buoy, attached to the arm under the water & then could be turned on & off with the remote. Would create a different perspective than you get from the boat.
  6. @h2odawg79, hanging one off the rope was first thing that I had come to mind. Just a case of how to counter weight it so it's above the rope. Anyone tried it yet or got some ideas?
  7. Getting wiped out with a rope was the first thing that came to my mind. And, with a 35off rope I wouldn't go there. Would maybe consider it at a longer length with a trusted skier who could run the length rock solid. Anyway, goes to show they do funny things up in Queensland!
  8. Just off the phone to a mate in QLD. (Queensland AUS that is). Gave me some tips on filming slalom skiing with GoPro's & other cameras. Trick is to use a second rope, attached to a tube. Tube rider sits backwards in the tube on the next shortening & films away with the Go Pro... Easy!.. @Horton, I think this is a good basis for a Video Challenge/Contest! First Prize.... Kilo Kai! Sounds like a plan! Cheers Phil
  9. Pretty hard to forget the day one of the clowns put the rope on the trick release & pulled it at the gates........
  10. Both my boys were in the boat from birth. Think our key to success with them was probably all about the boundaries & discipline. The boat can be a dangerous place. They had very strict guidlines. Sit down mean't sit down. They were both included in activites, like pulling the rope in or un-zipping ski covers. Both liked being responsible for these tasks when given to them. Always had a balance of Positive comment with the firm guidlines, but never had to severely punish them for their mistakes. Mistakes are only to be corrected. Never had to come down on them hard & now at 12 & 16 they (generally) do what they're told. Never ceases to amaze me how some parents are able to ask their children to do things & then allow them to immediately do either the opposite, or exactly as they pleased. Not doing them any favours. @Wish, would love to have a chat with you on one of my pet dislikes, TMPR..... (TOO MUCH positive reinforcement). Cheers Phil PS. Still trying to resolve the issues of OTHER's children playing on the boat trailer when it's left in the water as a dock. End Rant!
  11. Here you go Ed! They even accomodate Bikini Girls, something not seen in many fishing boats!
  12. Menu & Up arrow together. Then System Info. He gets to it at around 3 minutes into the first video on their website. http://perfectpass.com/?q=uservideos Cheers
  13. Maybe I was flogged into holding the pen in my right hand as a child. Interestingly I can drive a hammer equally well in both hands & whilst I've always tended to pick up Guitars left handed, I've been learning to play right handed for 6 months now. Rifle/Camera shooting is also something I do left hand & eye.
  14. Alway curious about this & wonfer if I'm a bit weird... Raquets would invlude things like Tennis etc & using thing like hammers.
  15. So 36 will require more power than 34. Maybe the extra power required may currently not available for some reason. Engine Tune? Minor un-notice pro damage? Changes to Hull. It was interesting last Summer, we left our boat in the lake for about 3 weeks & had a fair amout of algae growth on the hull probably due to higher that normal water temp & nutrients in the water. Anyway we cleaned away what we could reach each day with shade cloth, but still had to lift our baselines from 2890 to 3050 rpm for 34mph. Begining of the season it was 2850 on a cleaned hull Fairly steep increase for a slightly soiled hull. Previously mentioned here:- http://ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/4485/woh-baselines Cheers Phil
  16. @Aussiemc, Generally the programmers sent out have a counter set to do one upgrade only. I think this is something PerfectPass can override if needed, sure @GregHind would know. I just sent them an order about 1/2 hour ago so not sure if it could be intercepted & changed, although it would have been sent at about 7:00pm their time. @Ryno mentioned he got a $30.00 Refund when he returned the chip, so looks like the total upgrade cost for him was $20.00. Seemed pretty cheap in the end for the additional R & D that's gone into the software. If they could do something I'd happily forward one on COD via AustPost, that's pretty cheap. Cheers Phil
  17. @Greghind, "Frozen Lakes"..... Didn't think of that one! Bailing out when the water gets down to 17ºC (62ºF) is about our form. Later winter it's down to about 11ºC (50ºF) & that's way out of the question. Looks like I'll punt an order off tomorrow. Phil
  18. @GregHind, I know your in the loop on this, should I grab a 8.0.2 upgrade now or is there likely to be another revision not far off. We usually ski till around Easter, so no point in holding off for a further upgrade that may be a couple of months off. Cheers
  19. Gf/Partner is learning, but happy to let us indulge ourselves.
  20. Didn't have a vote for the Ex-Wife..... Tried to take; in this order; 1. The Boat. 2. The House 3. The Car 4. The Old Car (Tow Vehicle). 5. The Camper Trailer the boys & I use when at the lake. End Result got Number 5.
  21. Anyone know what the latest revision for Z-Box is? I've got 8.0.00 in mine & wondering what has changed over the last 12 months. Any coments & feedback? Cheers Phil
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