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Stevie Boy

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Everything posted by Stevie Boy

  1. @ColeGiacopuzzi Thanks appreciated , right foot forward, do I start with long /shallow, or short /deep.
  2. Because there is no Demo available in my location, based on Hortons review and the comments above, I have taken a leap of faith and spent a considerable amount of my hard earned cash, very pretty ski, blue/white. My only disappointment was that there were no Radar Socks in the Box !
  3. Hello, Good People, I hope your preparations for the new season are going well. I would like to ask if the 2023 Vapor Pro is a better choice than the 2022 Vapor Pro, following amendments made to the ski, or is there little difference, has anybody skied on both or can give a measured response. I have heard different things, but Hortons review, of the 2023 Vapor Pro, seems to be positive, some people, not all people may I add, that I spoke to, were not too sure about the 2022 Vapor Many Thanks
  4. Just thought , I would throw this in, please be gentle, so by applying increased load into the centre line, can be achieved in different ways, if applying pressure with your legs, back and shoulders, the ski is likely to be on a steeper axis, the resistance would be directly against the boat, you would be heavy on the line, but if you apply load with your hips up and shoulders away, maintaining leg stance, the ski axis would be reduced, you would be lighter on the line, resulting in more efficient accleration and swing around the pylon. I think leaning harder would create more speed, but not if you are using a counter productive method.
  5. I would like to get Nates take on this, several Pro,s, I have spoken to, have made comment on how efficient Nate is, when crossing the course. My take is that Lean should match the Load, if you Lean too much for the line length and load, the boat will take control at the centre line, if you Lean too little you will just get pulled over. People are always trying to get me to lean less, working on the theory Less is More. My other thoughts are, if the ski is at less angle (meaning edge),it would ride higher and therefor be faster, another plus for not leaning too much, would result in less movement and more control during the transition. I don,t know if it equates when you turn the boat, effectively you put it on edge and create more drag, you have to apply more power to maintain speed. Just my thinking, feel free, to put me right.
  6. Hi savaiusini Thanks for the info, Regards Works 02, Dave W states that the concave is deeper creating stability, this suggest to me that the Works 02 rides deeper in the water, on the other hand Beny, states that the Works 02 requires less effort, generally I found that skis that rides deeper in the water, requires more effort, would you say the Works 02 is as fast as a ski that rides higher in the water. Regards
  7. Ok no replies on my previous post, the only info I can put together is that the Works 02 is good on the down swing and the Works 01 is good on the up swing, not sure if it is smoke and mirror time, thinking that if you get a good down swing you are very likely to get a good up swing, do not get me wrong both skis look fantastic with a Pro riding them. Has anybody had chance to ride the Works 02, sort of interested in that ski, is it a stand alone design or a derivative of the Omni. Unlikely to be able to get a Demo in the UK. Best Regards
  8. Happy New Year Ballers With Regards to the Works 01 and the works 02 is there any information as to the type of skier that should be looking at either one and preference to skiing Style or Speed line length, etc Is there somebody that could give information or a insight into what skiers should be looking at, remembering that we are not Will Asher or any of his team mates. Thankyou
  9. The after market version of most things is not ideal, as with the EV,s they are better if they are designed and built as a new product from the ground up, I suppose slightly different with a boat, but the biggest obstacle has got to be the weight of the batteries.
  10. @eleeski , I bow to your knowledge when it comes to skis, but I am not sure Jennifer Leachman would go along with you thoughts.
  11. I have to ask, is this a wind up, if it isn,t, what I do suggest is some counselling. If I have a ski that is suspect, I never sell it, I cut it in half so nobody can use it.
  12. @Fjeff use Short /Deep fin setup, boots forward 1/8 or 1/4, wing 9 degrees Short/Deep fin settings can be found on Radar https://radarskis.com/asset/61523974c4f2d
  13. Trim mine with a Stanley Knife blade, a ski buddy actually uses hand cream on a regular basis everyday and doesn,t get callouses at all.
  14. That is scary, I am not good with wildlife, Florida is a great place to ski, but always looking around. He/She would probably send me loopy, looks like a full grown Adult.
  15. Hello Good people, anybody else having issues with the trim tab keep moving on their OB 200, I belong to two different clubs, both have same issue with their boats, one lake has the island and one is pretty much straight lines with minimum manoeuvring. Shame there wasn't serations on the back of the tab, looking for some ideas to keep it in place, Previous CB 200 we didn't have this problem. We had a idea but it is not possible through design. Thanks
  16. There is a Handle that ,probably 75 percent possibly 80 percent of people use on this forum but it would not be fair to other companies,if I was to promote it on this forum.
  17. Just to add to @Than_Bogan excellent point, work on your setup and turn for the gates, if you do not have enough angle and drive, you will not generate enough speed for the ski to carry around the #1 bouy, if the ski does not carry around the bouy, you will get pulled up towards the boat, result is no stacked position and no drive across course to the next turning point.
  18. Straight Arms, Hands Low, Shoulders away from the boat not backwards.
  19. @NashoNash it is a group of people who ski @32mph some have very good form others not so good, we have two boats, one is the closed bow older 200, the other one is the 2022 OB, a big difference between the wakes, it seems the 2022 wake wise is a step backwards. It was planned to purchase another OB 200 but that is now under scrutiny. We endeavour to have two boats that ski the same
  20. Hello Folks I have a question and would appreciate any remedies, people might have, we took delivery of a New Nautique 200 around April time. When Skiing 32mph @ 22 off the wakes seem to be very hard indeed, other boat speeds and line lengths do not seem to be affected, does anybody have a fix for this or is it simply Hull Design. The only other issue is that the trim tab keeps moving , think we have a fix for this.
  21. Bargain ! Almost made to measure, A new front binding would cost $200 - $300
  22. Lol! Always Drunk ! Either that or it,s the meds that keep me from talking to the other me.
  23. @Rednucleus what is your objective here ? Most people talk to the Dealer or Manufacturer, normally there is some sort of dialog, before shouting out.
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