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Stevie Boy

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Everything posted by Stevie Boy

  1. Here we have it, ref: knee surgery, most of my knee was grade 3 with large areas of grade 4, the surgeon has carried out maximum surgery possible with out knee replacement, debridlement plus microfracture after polishing out the piting in the tibia, menicus clean up for the third time, and shaving of the tibia to give clearance so that it won,t catch, the surgery could last a year or seven years before knee replacement, which is inevitable as I have degenerative disease in the knee. The knee has responded well after surgery and is not reactive, I asked the specialist will I ski again and he replied "yes" followed by "should you ski on that knee, NO !" further comment " If I was you would I ski on that knee, dam right I would, I didn't spend 1 1/2 hours on your knee for you not to ski" once it gives up then we have to revisit it, and go from there, go enjoy yourself. What would you guys do, is it foolish to carry on, I,m going to have an artificial knee at some point. Whats your thoughts ?
  2. Wakeboarders Eh! strange people, with strange ideas, how you ever gonna do anything but just follow it, whats the chances of a flip etc, one big fat "0" someones just wasted a whole lot of money.
  3. Please could we please clarify, are most of you Guy,s saying that it is relatively safe to use the Strada Boot with RTP ? can the boot and there new rtp be attached direct to A2 or do you have to use their plate and make alterations ?
  4. Here's a Challenge for the guy,s & Gals @ D3, what about producing wraps without lacing for the Leverage binding giving your customers a choice, when buying a leverage binding, they could also buy a wrap with no lacing, if they so desired, never know it might turn a few extra dollars.
  5. LOL ! please forgive me if this offends anyone, I have just had a peruse of the wiley website and can you believe, that they actually make and sell a front slalom binding called a CBO,for people that "Can't Bend Over" Just pmsl
  6. Ok so we all like particular bindings for one reason or another, just one thing niggling me though, I used to be quite happy with the old KD binding, nice fit always knew that the fit and feel was going to be the same every time you put it on, no laces to come loose or perhaps you didn't tighten it as much as last time when you had a great set or perhaps the plastic gizmo that grips the lace is worn or backs off a bit while skiing, looking at CP and the likes of Jeff Rodgers who ski with wiley,s which used to be the leading binding around many years back, why did we move away from these type of bindings, are the new bindings any better ? I am really thinking of moving to wiley bindings, the pro,s for me are, foot arrives in the same place with the same feel every time, no laces or gizmos to give out and ruin your day, no variables, as for the Con,s, in between sizes awkward, Small to tight, Medium the front of the foot has movement ( may have to play around with binding size and different thickness foot pad to get the feel I want ( i:e medium binding with jump foot bed) is the lateral support as good as other bindings. Any thoughts,currently ski with D3 Leverage and RTP.
  7. Nate is a fantastic skier, but has he got the power and grit to get a piece of three ball ?
  8. Have to say, Aarron Larkin, has got his game together, good skier and has become a good competitor, he has grown as a skier over the last 2 year,s, if he comes in this year with out injury and any improvement on what he has already developed, he,s gonna be a tough one to beat, he,s certainly gonna earn some dollars.
  9. Hey Guy,s & Gals, no info for ski setup on the Radar Site any ideas where to get info, particuarly interest in Senate C 67" binding placement and fin settings, having to have a re-think after surgery, thinking this ski might be a little easier on me ?
  10. Hi Guy,s just got back from the specialist, tells me about Debridement and microfracture of a large area, under the pattela, grade 4, the rest of the knee is Grade 3, had a chat about knee braces, after recovery, but it seems there is not one that can help in my situation, not even an unloader, different if the damaged area was to the side or else where, I know that after recovery the replacement material is not as durable as normal cartliage, I,m heading for a knee replacement, could be 1 - 12 years nobody can give an answer, really want to keep skiing, anybody had experiences or advice. Merry Christmas to everyone and a great 2012 skiing season.
  11. Watching the same video, what about the sequence, showing AM run an awsome pass with no gates, ie, not up on the boat at all, I watch some Pro,s and the angle on the gate seems to decrease the shorter the line length, if you are looking for maximum width just before or at the bouy, is it possible to create too much space and effectively arrive at your optimum width too early, is less more ?
  12. Ok can someone help me out here, some of my best skiing was when I used to drift into the Gate bouy line and then nail it through the gates (back of the boat), then I decided to get help with my skiing and everybody told me not to lean, stay more upright and do not go so hard, result for me is not being able to maintain direction and getting pulled off edge into the bouy, so I developed this inbetween thing which is far from ideal because it is never consistent, any thoughts on this guy,s. You look at mapple and jeff rodgers and boy they are leaning, another successful skier, in the UK uses the term "MAXIMUM WELLIE" so do we go easy, or do we ski with attitude ?
  13. I really like Trents take on things, one of the things I like most, is hooking up with the handle, in a smoother fashion, instead of that big pull, because of speed difference, its alright being slow at the ball but your gonna have to make the time up somewhere, which is not a problem if you are in good position or feeling strong, when your a little tired or not quite in the right position, the result could end up with an OTF manouvre, I vote for more speed at the bouy, yet again direction is King, or for some people Queen.
  14. When you look back at some of the tragic accidents over the past years, which have resulted in needless deaths, and when we are trying to keep waterskiing alive, with so many killjoys trying to prevent waterskiing on so much of the water available, do we really need idiots like this, ruining the reputation, of thoughtful, responsible and safe, boat owners the world over, as far as I am concerned they should lock him up and throw away the key. John I am not sure that the post by Taelan 28 is appropriate for your website, we all have our moments, when we, speak before we think, and sometime use somewhat colourful language, but to see it in print on a respected website, is not nice.
  15. There are many great skiers out there and always a debate of who has the best technique or who can take the world recoed, but sometimes we forget it,s not just about being able to ski, not only could Wade Cox ski he, was a Supreme competitor, who could tough it out with the best, even if he wasn't having a good day. I think a Great skier, is able to compete over a period of time, and deliver the goods, time and time again, it,s not about holding the World Record, it,s about being able to compete in all conditions, behind any boat and at any lake.
  16. Well here we are then, my left kne was shot to bits but the surgeon decided to give it a go, gave me pictures of before ,during and after, truly amazing surgery, my bones were pitted and just shredding the back of my pattella, so he remove cartillage debris, polished the bones to make them smooth again, re-profiled my pattella, and proceeded with microfracture, the only thing he was unhappy with was that he found a tear in my meniscus (THIRD TIME), the only problem I am having at the moment is that starting to show possible, bruised or torn meniscus in the right knee, due to weight bearing on that leg only at the moment, have to wait and see, now on the road to recovery now hope that the microfracture takes, above 45yrs old success rate declines, thats what I read anyway, might be a load of rubbish. Must Stay Positive ! It,s gonna be Alright !
  17. ShaneH many thanks. Ral I like that, it's wicked !
  18. Hi Guy,s, here,s some "GOOD" advice for any waterskier with a knee problem, "DO NOT" go and see any old orthopedic surgeon, I recently learnt that previous surgery was not of the best quality, as my "KNEE" Specialist and I mean only "KNEE" pointed out, anybody can cut material away thats easy, but there,s a requirement to understand the impact and stress created in other areas, not just within the knee but also on the hips, because of previous surgery and lack of understanding by the surgeon, I,m heading for a knee replacement, but he feels that when he gets in there, if the rest of the knee is reasonable, he can carry out a number of procedures in different areas, to rescue my knee and maybe give me 10 or 15 years of waterskiing, that will take me to about 72 yrs old, then it will be a knee replacement. Please Please let the rest of the knee be reasonable shape. Surgery is on the 9th December, 4 days after my first consultation, with him, which is pretty good going, fed up with the discomfort, I am very anxious, waterskiing is the one thing that gets me through, I dont want to just drive the boat.
  19. Now there,s a project I wonder if you could make a home build out of an old jetski, I don't think it would be to hard to lash something together.
  20. Thanks Guy,s not sure of the area, just yet, I,m ok going upstairs, it,s coming down or standing in a skiing position, it,s basically where the knee begins to take the load, I have done lots of gym work to streghern the quads and also stretch them to take away the tension on the patella, my physio was hoping that the conservative approach would do the trick, alas it,s not worked out, had the cartilage operated on twice before, the consensous is that its to thin in the area I have discomfort, I must go up and down about 1200 steps a day at work which doesn,t help. I see the Top Man on Monday to discuss a plan of action, just thinking that I am probably going to kiss goodbye to 2012 season. Shane I know they do not build muscle but I think that you might find an EMS machine useful for activating those muscle that have forgotten what they are there for, as always discuss with your physician first. Wish you guy,s a speedy recovery.
  21. Well it,s come down to surgery, after months with the Physio it,s time to bite the bullet, looks like Microfracture on the left knee, anybody know of any waterskiers that have had this done, the recovery time, and was it successful ? May end up having to ski on one leg, How do those guy,s do that ? must have muscle on muscles ! Any comments appreciated
  22. I do not a lot about the R style, does it allow you to ski as if you were using a RTP ( lift the heel a bit ) or is it like skiing with a double boot, I have been advised that I should not ski with a double boot. Would appreciate your opinion on that guy,s.
  23. I do not a lot about the R style, does it allow you to ski as if you were using a RTP ( lift the heel a bit ) or is it like skiing with a double boot, I have been advised that I should not ski with a double boot. Would appreciate your opinion on that guy,s.
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