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Stevie Boy

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Everything posted by Stevie Boy

  1. There are many great skiers out there and always a debate of who has the best technique or who can take the world recoed, but sometimes we forget it,s not just about being able to ski, not only could Wade Cox ski he, was a Supreme competitor, who could tough it out with the best, even if he wasn't having a good day. I think a Great skier, is able to compete over a period of time, and deliver the goods, time and time again, it,s not about holding the World Record, it,s about being able to compete in all conditions, behind any boat and at any lake.
  2. Well here we are then, my left kne was shot to bits but the surgeon decided to give it a go, gave me pictures of before ,during and after, truly amazing surgery, my bones were pitted and just shredding the back of my pattella, so he remove cartillage debris, polished the bones to make them smooth again, re-profiled my pattella, and proceeded with microfracture, the only thing he was unhappy with was that he found a tear in my meniscus (THIRD TIME), the only problem I am having at the moment is that starting to show possible, bruised or torn meniscus in the right knee, due to weight bearing on that leg only at the moment, have to wait and see, now on the road to recovery now hope that the microfracture takes, above 45yrs old success rate declines, thats what I read anyway, might be a load of rubbish. Must Stay Positive ! It,s gonna be Alright !
  3. ShaneH many thanks. Ral I like that, it's wicked !
  4. Hi Guy,s, here,s some "GOOD" advice for any waterskier with a knee problem, "DO NOT" go and see any old orthopedic surgeon, I recently learnt that previous surgery was not of the best quality, as my "KNEE" Specialist and I mean only "KNEE" pointed out, anybody can cut material away thats easy, but there,s a requirement to understand the impact and stress created in other areas, not just within the knee but also on the hips, because of previous surgery and lack of understanding by the surgeon, I,m heading for a knee replacement, but he feels that when he gets in there, if the rest of the knee is reasonable, he can carry out a number of procedures in different areas, to rescue my knee and maybe give me 10 or 15 years of waterskiing, that will take me to about 72 yrs old, then it will be a knee replacement. Please Please let the rest of the knee be reasonable shape. Surgery is on the 9th December, 4 days after my first consultation, with him, which is pretty good going, fed up with the discomfort, I am very anxious, waterskiing is the one thing that gets me through, I dont want to just drive the boat.
  5. Now there,s a project I wonder if you could make a home build out of an old jetski, I don't think it would be to hard to lash something together.
  6. Thanks Guy,s not sure of the area, just yet, I,m ok going upstairs, it,s coming down or standing in a skiing position, it,s basically where the knee begins to take the load, I have done lots of gym work to streghern the quads and also stretch them to take away the tension on the patella, my physio was hoping that the conservative approach would do the trick, alas it,s not worked out, had the cartilage operated on twice before, the consensous is that its to thin in the area I have discomfort, I must go up and down about 1200 steps a day at work which doesn,t help. I see the Top Man on Monday to discuss a plan of action, just thinking that I am probably going to kiss goodbye to 2012 season. Shane I know they do not build muscle but I think that you might find an EMS machine useful for activating those muscle that have forgotten what they are there for, as always discuss with your physician first. Wish you guy,s a speedy recovery.
  7. Well it,s come down to surgery, after months with the Physio it,s time to bite the bullet, looks like Microfracture on the left knee, anybody know of any waterskiers that have had this done, the recovery time, and was it successful ? May end up having to ski on one leg, How do those guy,s do that ? must have muscle on muscles ! Any comments appreciated
  8. I do not a lot about the R style, does it allow you to ski as if you were using a RTP ( lift the heel a bit ) or is it like skiing with a double boot, I have been advised that I should not ski with a double boot. Would appreciate your opinion on that guy,s.
  9. I do not a lot about the R style, does it allow you to ski as if you were using a RTP ( lift the heel a bit ) or is it like skiing with a double boot, I have been advised that I should not ski with a double boot. Would appreciate your opinion on that guy,s.
  10. Hi Guy,s the only thing they are talking about for me is microfracture surgery,a long painful recovery period, how much does this stem cell treatment, cost at broomfield.
  11. Hi Guy,s the only thing they are talking about for me is microfracture surgery,a long painful recovery period, how much does this stem cell treatment, cost at broomfield.
  12. Still trying to recover from a nasty knee injury, I still might need microfracture surgery, a good nine months to recover from that if the physio doesn,t work, cause, getting on the back of the ski and launched on the first wake, resulting in the ski going out in front, front foot slipped out of the binding, but the rear stayed in the loop, when the ski hit the water it done all sorts of nasty things to my knee, I have seen one person use a small plastic/bakerlite heel cup from a racing ski sucessfully, without injury, have never been able to source one, wish my foot had came out of the loop.
  13. Let me correct that statement from the drivers seat, a little to the right and then straightens up, awsome skiing, have they awarded it to Regina alrerady or is it still to be verified by the officials ?
  14. I,m not sure ? the boat looks a little to the left in the end of course camera, bouy one then straightens up as she heads for two, Hey whay do I know, I,m no judge !
  15. Well I sure did, great webcast the best one I have watched, did you notice how light the top pro,s were in the gate, even the Powerhouse Arron Larkin, going real gentle, I dont know if it was the camera angle, but it was more noticeable than ever before, how light they were, for me the ladies were going harder than the men, lessons to learn, if you think you are going gentle you are going too hard, be a bantam weight, not a feather weight.
  16. What happened to the Laser Guided Boat path idea, is it dead and buried or still in development ?
  17. Just love the video, I have watched it 20 times or more, Awsome skier, so much control, I have to say the ski doesn,t look so bad either, it doesnt miss a beat.
  18. I know somebody who skis shoulders hunched forward and straight legged, when coming out of the bouy his free hand goes over the top to the handle, but hey he gets the job done, or though everything about his skiing looks wrong, I have never seen him take a hit, skis into 38 off.
  19. Hey Chuck I concur, the stock settings arepretty good, 66.5 bindings 29 1/2 now running 6.840/2.505/.780 my previous measurements were a bit iffy, I know people will mock, but I took 2 thou out of the length, and imeadiately the ski was feeling realy sweeton the offside and pretty good onside, it solved the issues I was having. Best I have skied on the A2.
  20. I was on 6.845/2.505/.780 bindings @ 291/4 initially in the states but when I got back to the UK it wasn,t working for me so I am using the same numbers as a ski buddy who runs 38 off into 39 off 6.839/2.505/.780 bindings@29 1/2 the ski is more pridictable and stable, before the ski was waving around a bit. Regards Stevie Boy
  21. Help Please ! ok got the sweetest onside turn stand and wait and round she comes with that little bit of extra at the end of the turn, not so good on the offside comes round, but I just don,t feel that little extra at the end of the turn, something doesn,t feel quite right. should I increase the length of the fin or shorten it ? other ideas ? I do not want to do anything that is going change the onside dramatically. Regards Stevie Boy
  22. Great Ski, just starting to get in the grove, the numbers that work best for me, 66.5" ski bindings 29 1/2 dft .780 / depth 2.505 / length 6.839 , SKi Buddy, I ski with gets into 41 off with those settings.
  23. STOP! fiddling with it, leave it where it is ! and ski on it !
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