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Everything posted by Tuney

  1. I like the concept behind this. But maybe a little logo beside the username would make for less clutter? It could even say Original Baller when someone does a mouse over on it. that big logo kind of disrupts the flow of the forum.
  2. I am by no means qualified to give advice.... but I am going to make a comment anyway. I was dropping my hips into the wakes similar to how you are and I think it was a mental thing. Kind of like bracing yourself for impact (impact in this case would be the wakes). I skied with Trent F last year and he told me to take my trailing hand to the handle with my hips and lean.  That should set you up standing tall and all that is left is trusting yourself through the wakes. It was huge for my skiing.Â
  3. I have an 8.5 wide foot and the size 9 RS1's fit me really well. My dad has a size 8 foot, he rides my boots as well and his opinion is that they work for him but he would probably go smaller.
  4. C14H13N3O4S2 huh, good ole... 4-hydroxy-2-methyl-N-(5-methyl-2-thiazolyl)-2H-1,2-benzothiazine-3-carboxamide-1,1-dioxide
  5. There isn't a "duty" on US Manufactured goods. You will still pay PST dependent on your province and GST.
  6. I am on RS1's I like them because they are very stable, release nicely, the slide on super easy and keep my feet warm in cold water. The only thing I dislike about them so far is the stitching is coming apart going up the top of the boot on my rear foot so I'll need to find a shoe repair guy or something. I'd also like to note that the moment I moved from rubber front+RTP to double boot I knew I liked it better.
  7. If you have the pictures on your computer go to http://photobucket.com/ and upload them. That site is really simple to use, then you can link your album here.
  8. Tuney


    Jefflyman, keep lifting weights. You will only add muscle mass if you are eating a caloric surplus. On a deficit you are preventing atrophy more than anything. Even if you were adding a little muscle, people trying to add muscle by eating a surplus and lifting properly still only put on about a pound of muscle a month. Your fat loss will more than counteract any muscle gain if you are eating below your bodies maintenance level.
  9. Tuney


    Yeah Marco, I remember reading about that in another thread. Really sucks, but at least you can keep the lower half of you moving to keep you in shape. I crashed a motorcycle awhile back and that had me laid up for awhile, I couldn't move and I got chubby. Then I lost motivation and got fat. P90X and crossfit both seem like appropriate programs for overall fitness. I have a friend that is really into crossfit so I tried it out. I like some of their movements, but not others (like those kiping pullups). John, good going that is a good pace. I found when I really started paying attention to what was going into my mouth my weight loss was a lot more consistent. If you hit a wall try counting calories. Also, I stopped drinking calories, except beer.
  10. Which rock have you been under John? Those have been out since before Christmas haha.
  11. Well, ski season is around the corner for those of us who don't ski year round. Who has kept up with their fitness goals? What kind of programs are you on? I've had a steady diet of squats and deadlifts, I work everything in the gym on a 5 day split (move to 4 day split when trying to cut weight) but I am hoping my skiing will really benefit from those two lifts. I should be a lean 155 by ski season... I was skiing at 175 most of last season.Â
  12. Careful with that white nomad.... it will probably take you into 39 off. Radar makes a very forgiving ski, I'd be sure to try one of those... I had no problem getting on the MPD, and when I got a chance with the vice it was a very easy ski to ride as well.
  13. I went from a really old jobe to an MPD that I picked up on closeout and i immediately fell in love with it. If I was buying another ski now I would definitely look at radar first.
  14. What features would you guys like on Android?
  15. Tuney


    Remember your resolutions John... football is great exercise too :).
  16. I don't have a low-back injury myself but I know a handful of people that do. A key to these is consistency - every morning do some exercise. If you aren't already doing Supermans talk to your PT about them to see if they would be appropriate for you. Edit: Found a youtube video
  17. How old and how skilled are your kids? If they are getting up there and love to board put them first man. I'm not sure you can really get the best of both worlds as far as flat and soft then a rampy wake. Based on your comments it sounds like your kids are probably pretty new to the sport. A DD boat can support a good wakeboard wake. Get an open bow so you can throw a big bow sac up there, pushing the nose down will help. I've never boarded behind a boat with a wedge but I hear the floating wedge makes for a pretty nice wake lip on the response.. that coupled with some weight back in the boat should be good for people new to the sport. Eventually you'll probably get a vdrive for the kids if they are still young but this way you get more time behind a really nice ski wake.
  18. I thought new years resolutions were supposed to be completed in the new year? I am way too ADD to put a list like this together.
  19. Like John said I'd ski them first. My liners have never been heat molded and they fit great.
  20. Custom vest, nice - I dig the way the writing on the back fades out.
  21. A $4k ski would give you an edge if the alternative is a $20 stick picked up at a garage sale. $9 a quart for an oil change is not a substantial amount when we are talking about our boats - at least it isn't for me. I use Royal Purple and up here in Canada it is closer to $14 per quart.
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