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Everything posted by Tuney

  1. I agree with skibrain, unless your dad has explicitly expressed interest in other brands I'd get him an HO. Use the ride before you buy program and get him a Senate if he doesn't like the HO.
  2. Taken by Radar at the surf expo http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs676.snc4/61678_1605753425186_1276669657_1690292_6415784_n.jpg
  3. I like the direction you went with this review.
  4. I have a 22" at home and a 10" on my eeepc netbook. There is a little side to side scanning to see the tweets on the eee, but nohting significant. Looks good on the 22".
  5. I like the white one... sick looking boat. I wish I had the opportunity to ski behind some CC boats - I grew up idolizing the ski nautique.
  6. Oakley shorts... bottom line you'll run your best sets in them... but other skiers will give you problems for wearing the high performance trunks... so you might want to go with O'Neill, then you'll be cool and fast.
  7. I'm not changing my trunks... you guys will get over it right? http://www.ballofspray.com/vanillaforum/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-laughing.gif  PS. I plan to pick up some of the new radar gloves and a now new vest as some of you guys have peer pressured me into it lol.Â
  8. I was in the Windsor area for a few days last year and I loved it. All the people I met were cool... overall a great experience... if I found a lake there and a good job that would take me on I'd do it. Then again I live in Canada now - which is great but not a skiers paradise.
  9. haha damn, FINE..new vest by 2011 ski season..but Trent actually took that ski home with him, I am still on an MPD. Thanimal, I'm Comp sci as well so I hear ya. People will be shopping ebay for these in no time.The red bird of prey vest looks pretty badass though right?
  10. haha I love those shorts. They are oakley and I use em for skiing only I have 5 or so different colours and they are brighter than they show up in the pic. I am not a huge fan of fox, but I have a hefty stable of Oneill and billabong with a couple other shorts of misc brand that I liked. The vest could go, I didn't really care enough to spend the $$ this season.. thinkin' maybe next season.
  11. Let's see if this works... and if not try here: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs230.snc4/38855_649032546890_47910889_36152056_5909559_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs230.snc4/38855_649032546890_47910889_36152056_5909559_n.jpg  The bottom is where it gets really nice, definitely my favorite ski.
  12. That video was ugly... Â good luck with your situation rawly
  13. That's some nice spray right there.
  14. I've been on the Vice, it's a sick ski and I can definitely confirm that the graphics are indeed killer.
  15. Try radar. If you ski at 36mph try the 66" Vice (couple months until released), if you ski 32-34mph try the 65" senate. If money is tight you can pick up an older ski on closeout as well.
  16. Back to the original post. I think the video of Rossi testing the strada at swiss is pretty good. I like this one of Andy Mapple too.   These guys have pretty good form at least..whether or not you should try and emulate it isn't something I should really offer an opinion on.
  17. Thanks for the tips guys. I injured my back so I am not sure if I'll get out there this week but when I can get on the water I'll try the various techniques to get comfortable with the buoys. The driving comment was interesting :) I didn't realize how hard it was to drive the boat straight until I ran it through the course. Luckily my dad and I seemed to get a grip on it before either of us had to pull a skier, although I am sure that will add a whole new set of problems. Maybe I'll try and get some video of the mayhem.
  18. That sucks dude. Don't ski on it again until it's strong. I think you're pretty safe putting the plastic piece up against the boot, at least I do it on my boots.
  19. I'll be hitting the ski course for my first time this week. Have any tips? Whats protocol for a crash or missed ball in the middle of the course, getting on the boat and going back to the start or continuing on from where you are at? I'll be the only one skiing and I am just looking for some practice going around balls.
  20. The only adjustments I have ever made to a ski are boots and the wing. I've thought about toying with the fin but I don't really want to throw more variables into the mix. I'd change given some good advice though.
  21. Wowsa, I skied tonight and the temps are getting a tad chilly.... water 55F / air 50F... I can't believe it's getting cold already. Anyone else skiing cold already?  Join CWSU :)
  22. There is another high end glove coming out to replace em - trust in RadaR.
  23. http://www.oakley.com/a/e9/5f/BAh7CWkKIgo2MDB4MGkLbCsH4Z1JTGkHaQtpCGkC8FI.jpg This one isn't bad.
  24. I've never used a wing. Well, I tried one for one turn on the first set of the season - I didn't like the feel so I took it off. Anyway, I'd like to try it again but I'm looking for input on how to put it back on and roughly how much angle I should put on it.  I have a 66" MPD, 36MPH, free skiing - but I like 28' off. I'd like to get the ski under me a little better going into the turn. I'd also like more of the ski in the water for my onside but I think that might be a fin adjustment and not a wing issue.  Also, do the screws go on top or below the actual wing portion of the wing when installing it? (when looking at the ski from the tail to tip should one side of the wing look like "L" or "r")
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