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Everything posted by Tuney

  1. My public lake doesn't have a course but I have been throwing around the idea of putting something together for it. For those of you that have experience with it what kind of investment/maintenance does it take and do you have tips to avoid headaches?
  2. They look like this: http://www.h2oproshop.com/ho-syndicate-exo-pro-boots.html
  3. Did you insert that email as a link or has my browser learned how to parse emails in that jumbled format? I wouldn't be surprised if bots are taking a closer look at those jumbled email addresses these days.
  4. Does anyone know anything about the status of the sponsorship? I am guessing based on the lack of an update that a deal wasn't struck? Maybe we can pick up some of Tiger Woods' sponsors - gotta get on that :).
  5. I've got beer. It's my post workout meal.
  6. Tuney


    That is the funniest youtube video I have ever seen!
  7. Hit the gym man. A nice strong trunk would do wonders. Skiing isn't all cardio after all. that said I wouldn't completely dismiss running either just make sure you have shoes that are designed for your arch type. Rowing is good for the back and cardio function, I tried it and I hate it so I stick to other back muscle stimulus like deadlifts, rows, back extensions and pull ups. Core and back(especially back) are absolutely the most crucial skeletal muscle groups for your health(back pain, mobility etc) and I would make sure you work those even if you aren't training for skiing.
  8. Well the Senate is wider, so I suspect it has its own mold all together. You might be thinking of the Annex which is cut from the same mold as the higher end Radar ski. I have heard nothing but good things about them though.
  9. Nice gym, mine consists of a heavy bag, double end ball, elliptical, treadmill, pull up bar and dip bar. No real need to take a pic of it :)
  10. Especially if you had also been drinking... but I'm sure you hadn't
  11. I did Radar. If you could give me editing privileges I'd be OK with helping out with data quality. I made a major oops in my data entry on the RS1... I wasn't clicking "add" on fin type so they all came out stock, then when I realized what I had done and did the remainder properly I set them as personal rather than stock. :). Anyway, I can fix that up if you don't mind giving me access, if you'd rather not give the privileges to me just delete them and I'll redo them. Also made the "personal" rather than "stock" error on these skis. 08 68†MPD 09 66†annex 08 69" Sen C I guess I am just a little tired haha. Anyway, I'll see if I can come up with the time to add more skis over the next few weeks.
  12. thager that would look awesome. I know the RS-1's look pretty sick on mu MPD.
  13. haha. It's too bad as it would be nice to have a chopper to get those over head shots. Hopefully those guys get their graphics right on next time :).
  14. I imagine some sort of metal polishing compound would do the trick. Pick it up at local department store near the jewlery probably. You could probably also find something at an automotive store for polishing rims - they may be more aggressive. Most the metal polishes do a wide range of metals and I can't imagine the the Elite using some sort of exotic metal, but it might be worth looking into before you dive into it to avoid discolourations or whatever.
  15. I hear ya man, I have a new ski and bindings staring at me in my room that I didn't even get to ski on last season.
  16. Is the top actual aluminum or is it painted graphic? It looks kinda like a pastel gray. Sweet looking ski to say the least.
  17. Ouch. That sucks. Hopefully it is a seamless recovery.  How did she crash when she was 10 mins ahead? Was the terrain pretty rough or a bike breakdown?
  18. Nice job filming. That first wipeout needs to go in the crashes thread :)
  19. Having your shoulders rolled forward doesn't sound like excess back muscles it actually sounds like the opposite is the problem. It sounds like the situation a novice bodybuilder is in when he works too much pec muscles and not sufficient back. When the strength of the front overpowers that of the back then the front will pull the shoulders in. Because you said your anterior and posterior delts are both strong I'd ask how your pecs(Chest) compare with your back? How about bicep to tricep? You know your body better than anyone. Assuming your muscles are in balance (back and front and to a lesser extent arms) the first thing I would try is warming up and stretching everyday. Do full body but the main stretches I would suggest are for pec, lat and shoulder: Pec: face wall, place on the wall with your hand stretched away from your body and turn your body the opposite direction. So left hand on wall, rotate body to your right. You could also try laying on your back on a bench or the floor and stick your arms out so they hang out. Lat: place one hand overhead and reach to your other side. Shoulder: standard horizontally abduct the shoulder(bring it across your body, pull it behiind your head and finally do circles. As far as exercises, I'd work on things that horizontally abduct the shoulders pull them behind you with your arms in a wingspan position. As well as rotator cuff exercises. Shoulder Abduction: take a dumbell, and bend over at 90 degrees(prop yourself up on a bench or chair) so your face is looking at the ground and the dumbell is hanging perpendicular to the ground. Have the weight in your hand with your knuckles pointing out and pull the weight out so your arm ends up parellel to the ground. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cline/exer/HorizontalAbduction.gif rotator cuff: get a pully, light weight or physio band, hang it at the level of your elbow when your elbow is tucked into your ribs. Then pull on it rotating your shoulder(keep the wlbow tucked in). Use both directions, so pull across your body and in toward your body. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cline/exer/InternalRotation.gif If the stretching fails and you feel your strength is well balanced (becaue this could definitely be it) then I'd suggest making an appointment with a physiotherapist. Skelletally the shoulder is held onto the rest of the body by the clavicle (or collar bone) which attaches from your sternum to your scapula(shoulder blade) and that to your humerus(arm). This makes me doubt that it is a structural problem but I'm not a Dr. Have you ever had a dislocation or separation? Good Luck. Edit: Mr. Wayne is correct, the rower is working your back muscles not your chest. When you pull on the handle it is causing the stuff behind you, posterior delt and back to contract. You'll also get some bicep in there.
  20. Looks like they tossed a few random letters into the binary - I guess they didn't want to make it too nerdy haha. Very cool for a computer guy like me.
  21. Phosphor screen looking bottom! I might have to get one of these on graphic alone and if the top is anything like my old Jobe Honeycomb I will be sold... I've heard it skis good too though :)
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