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Everything posted by lakeaustinskier

  1. In my opinion a promo boat is a 1 year old boat that has been meticulously maintained by an owner that has an incentive to maintain their reputation since they have to sell a boat every year. Any other description is..........a used boat. Over the years I've purchased two promo boats including my current boat - 2015 CC 200 6 litre purchased from @skiinxs. Never had any trouble.
  2. I'm not sure I understand your question. If you see a ski you want to try.........buy it (either new or used). Keep the ski in pristine condition. Ride it for a sufficient number of sets. If the ski is a keeper then hooray! If the ski is not for you then dump it for a small loss on SIA. Look at the small loss at sale as a rental fee.
  3. This discussion makes me sad. I'm not a top level skier. I'm a 32/35 hack who has three kids who don't really ski. They certainly don't ski tournaments. Every tournament I attend (solo) steals time from my family - but I participate for love of the sport. If there was any malfeasance at any event we'll know soon enough. In the meantime this discussion just reminds me about how clubby our sport truly is. Maybe that's the real reason our sport is declining.
  4. @jaypro If you are concerned about the "on/off" feel to the binding you might try the Fluid Motion Evo series. I've been on the FMs for several years mostly because the upper part of the binding isn't as rigid as most hardshells. FMs don't seem to be very popular but they work for me (I'm a 32/35 off skier). Good luck!
  5. Agree with @Jody_Seal I have a 2015 200 with a 6 litre that was doing the same thing. Would come on sporadically and then go away. It never seemed to affect the operation of the boat. Turns out it was a bad O2 sensor.
  6. @jcamp Maybe I'm jaded about marketing language (I am) but I was hoping for more feedback from people who have tried both skis. I've been on an XT for about three years and Horton's review is spot on. He especially nails the XT's characteristic of having different speeds coming off the ball based on whether the turn is an arc or a pivot. Other skis that I've ridden (notably the VTX and Vapor) might be faster in some areas but when I'm at my limit or I really screw something up the XT always makes me feel like I'm still in the pass.
  7. Were there any changes when they reissued the ski? or is it just the same ski?
  8. Maybe I'm missing the point in this discussion but in an unclear 50/50 situation the benefit should always goes to the skier. I used to be a USA Swimming judge and they really emphasized the benefit towards the swimmer in a 50/50 call (not the same sport but just a comparison). Some people are going to disagree with this but it almost seems that as judges we're looking to judge against the skier instead of just judge fairly according to the rule book. The fact that this topic has had so many opinions in a short period of time looking at both slow motion video as well as full speed just reinforces the 50/50 nature of this call. 2
  9. I have a 2.0 long sleeve top. Worth every penny. Yes, they are a bit fragile - it really helps preserve the top if you have another person help pull the top off.
  10. Yes - my hip is sore right now. At first I was concerned that I was getting some arthritis in my hip, however, the Xray was negative. The massage therapist thinks the asymmetry our sport causes the soreness. I deal with it by using a Trigger Point roller and doing yoga stretches that focus on the hips.
  11. FREE. I have a complete system with Stargazer, two timers, and a judges display I'll give someone for free (you pay the shipping). Everything worked when I took it out of my 2007 196. If you're interested PM me.
  12. Several people have mentioned women not having enough strength or power to ski the course or compete at a high level. I've never been accused of being a politically correct person but as the father of a girl this thinking is crap. In my area (Austin) I've seen several junior girls easily run into 35 off. Heck I've seen Bailey Austin run into 39 at Aquaplex. I've also seen some of these girls take some vicious hits and falls in the slalom or jump path trying to scrape out of a problem. No lack of aggression there. Every time I see one of these girls ski it just reminds me why if I'm a male why are some of these girls better than me? Maybe because I rely on my strength and I use my upper body too much with bad form? In my opinion most of the time proper technique trumps brute strength. Maybe females have other interests (not skiing) but strength isn't the issue.
  13. Just a great guy and more importantly a skier who can coach. I've taken lessons from a variety of coaches over the years and hands down Trent seems to have the best communication skills. Some coaches can only say one thing one way - and you either get it or you don't. If Trent sees that you don't understand he'll re-phrase the question until you understand his point.
  14. It might not matter (at least for me). Maybe don't worry about your hands and focus on something else. I really focus on my hips at that particular point - my connection to the handle and where it is in relation to my inside hip and how close the handle is to my body. For me its a mental thing - if I worry about my hands and the handle etc. I tend to transfer my load to my upper body and arms. While I understand @RazorRoss3 with the lats (and I agree with him if you can do it) personally I can't think that way. I would get into trouble by instead pushing the handle down with my arms and then my upper body lurches forward and then the train comes off the tracks.
  15. I want to be Elgin when I grow up. He drives a red Mustang GT and loves life. The man has the most positive attitude of anyone I've ever met.
  16. @RazorRoss3 also feel free to call me. I ski at Aquaplex. Ted Thomson 512-422-5876.
  17. Not pointing fingers but is it tight in the shoulders or waist area? I wear a size 42 with a 33 inch waist and have a XL. I also bought a new Eagle this year and discovered that the best way to break the new vest in was to have my wife zip me in - then sit in the hot tub for a while. It seemed to help loosen it up a little. Perfect fit for me now.
  18. Practice can be chaos unless someone with a strong personality takes charge and organizes the event (I know since I worked the practice dock when Nationals was at San Marcos River Ranch - SMRR). People will and do pay money for a proper practice - sites should capitalize on this. I know I might be picking a fight here (I apologize - not my intention) but attitudes like "suck it up and ski and you get what you get" don't help anyone. And yet we still pontificate about why our sport is lagging? Sure, if you are a 3 EV (I'm not), or your entire family competes (mine does not), then maybe it makes sense to not care whether you can check out the setup/conditions/water feel. And then fall on your opener.................not for me.
  19. Video plus just working on ONE thing during the set (not multiple things). If you know what you're looking at video doesn't lie.
  20. I replace my gloves when I feel that the old gloves are affecting my skiing. I don't care how they look - just that they work.
  21. Probably need to clarify my post about the carabineer. Definitely don't want anyone to get hurt. I'm assuming that the rear tow hook is designed for towing, the tube rope (and the extension) is rated for the tube load ( I double up the extension), AND use a climbing carabineer and not something cheap from Home Depot. Another bonus is being able to hook the tube to the back of the boat for ease of transport when no one is tubing. All I know is this makes my family happy and I get to own a nice slalom boat.
  22. Using the rear tow ring is the only way I sold buying a 2015 200 to my wife (instead of a legit family boat). Doing so gets the rope out of the way and opens up the boat. Take a length of rope out of an old slalom rope (the 39 segment works well - sadly because I can't touch that rope length so its new). Use this section as an extension onto a tubing rope and run it through the rear tow ring. If you want to get fancy use a climbing carabineer and you can snap the segment onto the tubing rope.
  23. Maybe a different thread but I figured I'd ask. I have a 2015 200 with the 6 litre. The previous owner swore by Royal Purple synthetic (and thats whats in there right now). I'm getting all kinds of advice on synthetic versus regular Rotella. I've also been told by one dealer that if you run synthetic in anything else except the supercharged motor you'll void the warranty..........but another dealer says it doesn't matter. The owners manual appears to be silent. Any advice on separating fact from fiction?
  24. This might be more than someone wants to bite off and buy an entire ski lake but Utopia Ski Ranch outside San Marcos is for sale. Great place. (SIA)
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