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Everything posted by skinut

  1. @RazorRoss3 that makes total sense. Thanks for the clarification.
  2. @LeonL What do you mean by keep the ski moving? I've heard and thought about that advise and I'm wondering what things prevent the ski from moving other than overturning.
  3. I was skiing yesterday and came around 5 ball and noticed some small rollers. As I finished the turn the ski caught one of the rollers and the binding released. So my questions is based on the video do you think my bindings are set to light. I have used the dock method to check binding tension. If I have some one step on the back of the ski and I jerk forward on the ski the binding will release. It doesn't feel to easy or to hard. I was surprised that the binding released in the turn with such a small roller.
  4. At elevation the 422 struggles. I had it on my 200 6 liter finally went to a three blade due to our short set up. The new Acme worked but it is not as smooth as the 4 blade but it improved the wake.
  5. SE Idaho here. I know @DaveLemons is also a skier in SE ID.
  6. For me the biggest WTF moment was dragging the bottom of a cove for the course I had sunk the weekend before only to find the mainline cut into 10 or 15 pieces. The only conclusion that I can come to is that some f-wad was trolling in the cove and caught the mainline with his hook. Then, to be a good Samaritan, the a**hat brought up the mainline and thought, hey, this shouldn't be here I'll be a good guy and cut the sh*t out of it. Needless to say I lost 1/3 of the course and the entire mainline. Can you imagine if I took someone's fishing pole sitting on the shore that had a line in the water and broke it in half and threw the line back onto the shore just because it was in my way as I was walking along the shoreline. People can be such d-bags.
  7. If you remove the fins please take video. I would love to see what a hard turn in a ski boat would look like without tracking fins. :D
  8. I skied the VTX this weekend. It was only one set and I was tired so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. I am currently riding a Goode Rev6. I was skiing at 22 and 28 off 34 mph. My tourney PB is 4 @ 35. I've only been on the water three times this season. Coming from the Rev6 I didn't see a huge change in the way the ski behaved. I was comfortable after the first pass. The biggest challenge I had was getting the ski to finish the turn. My guess is that with a few more sets I would be able to adjust and make the ski work a little better for me. While I wasn't blown away I would also say that I wasn't disappointed. I have ridden the VTR from a few years ago. I was not a fan of that ski. The VTX seems like it had some potential.
  9. This is probably one of the better ways to keep the sport alive, IMO. It would be awesome if this could be done by all of the manufacturers on a consistent basis. Build momentum and continue to utilize that momentum over time.
  10. @jaypro I have the same bike. That bike put the fun back in mountain biking for me. I absolutely love riding it. I never though I would ride a mid-fat. Once you go fat you'll never go back ;)
  11. @jaypro nice stumpjumper, is that a 29 or 27.5
  12. I have a 2012 6.0 and ski on a 2100 foot lake at 4500. I can barely get up to 36 mph by the time the boat gets to the 55's. I have used the 422 and 654. I now have a custom 3 blade from ACME that helps the boat get up to speed. If you have a short setup and are at 4500 elevation a 5.7 won't do it.
  13. @jedgell Are you back in Missoula? @sunvalleylaw We do have great access to a lot of cool things. I'm 2-3 hours from the best snow skiing in the world. SV, Jackson, Grand Targhee, and most of the Utah resorts. The nice thing is the cost of living is really cheap.
  14. @sunvalleylaw My wife constantly hears me bitch about Idaho springs...they suck! At least you don't have to deal with the constant 20 mph wind that blows for two months straight in E. Idaho.
  15. And now you know why you always rode the tail on that ski....too much weight on the back of the ski :D
  16. Nope, 90* = handle pop or herniated disks, at least for my mortal body.
  17. @jpattigr SE Idaho. We are about 2.5 hours north of Salt Lake City.
  18. Thanks for all of your input. I've got Nautique parts checking on the build sheet.
  19. I just looked at the title and it is a 2006.
  20. @bojans it is the Excal but I have no idea if it is upgradable to ZO. How do you find out if it is compatable with ZO?
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