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Everything posted by ral

  1. Thanks @Kelvin for your time and valuable info today! I have enough info for what I need now, let's see how it evolves.
  2. I might have a (slight) possibility to spend some time in Houston, and wanted to know more about skiing communities, housing, etc... Anyone in the forum that is knowledgeable about it and would be willing to exchange emails on the topic? Thanks in advance.
  3. @Horton, 10,500 points would get you 4th place…
  4. My daughter Karen had the privilege of doing the English Athletes’ Oath today at the Worlds Opening ceremony. Talking about a proud dad…
  5. @liquid d , I am pretty sure she can make “Johnny” play it for her easily…
  6. https://finance.yahoo.com/video/miss-wisconsin-wins-talent-scholarship-190127043.html You gotta be kidding me…
  7. And she will be a nuclear engineer????? She is not from this world I suspect….
  8. @Mateo_Vargas , hopefully some day!
  9. I still do not see what is the big advantage of not using a plate.
  10. For the 2013 Worlds, I took the first picture below. Now my two daughters are competing in the PanAm with the greatest of all time…
  11. @TonyLightfoot, just dropped by to see the prep work!
  12. What @brettmainer said, plus a couple of other things, related to snow ski gates.
  13. @Horton , I believe you are downplaying the bindings…
  14. , I believe you might be more into something than just making S-turns different than getting back to the line of boat guide buoys. How would you scote 1 buoy then?
  15. I do not feel anyone is getting crazy about this, just arguing different poiints of view. Mine is that it is very unclear how to judge a solid intention to do something. What about getting back to the wake after the buoy, with no S-turns involved? No solid move to the other side of the course, so less score as well?
  16. , yep. She ran that 39. In pic 3, she is on her right edge (see the spray), after being in the middle on pic 2. In the video, you can clearly see the (not at all standard…) s-turn she did. The thing is, judging intentions, like trying to turn, trying to get to the next buoy, or “at most” flat, in a specific edge is a tricky road to travel. What about JT style body slides then? Should be banned also?
  17. So you can then S-turn at longer lines?Look at Regina at ball 3 in these images, She is well inside the 1/4 buoy line, and clearly in the right edge in the third pic, after being in the left edge at the bouy. 1/2 bouy for her?
  18. , the issue is how you define “an actual turn on the turning edge”. There is no such a definition in the rulebook.
  19. So if someone “zigs” outside the buoy without “zagging”, he might get one buoy? Do you define zig-zagging using a certain angle of the ski to one side and the other? Personally, I do not see a rule change like this happening.Maybe, if many want to change the rule for a reason, they could make it more difficult by using the farthest buoy guide as reference.
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