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Everything posted by Not_The_Pug

  1. Depending on size until you get stable, 17 - 18mph would be fine. Start by getting stable on the ski and then work on simple things like jumping one wake at a time (jump from in to out, then out to in off each wake). Don't start with tricks right away. Get comfortable with riding the ski and getting balanced. You have to learn how to use the edges to move around instead of a fin. Also learn to ride the ski with more weight on the front foot and shoulders over the front foot, not leaning back like on a slalom ski. The most important thing is to have fun.
  2. We can set up a pool to see if @dirt runs it at Liquid Zone record this weekend. Hope he does. Dirt for Baller of the Year!
  3. @skimech, Try to find a D3 rose (X5). Great ski for the ladies and turns. My wife ran one for a long time. Or try droping the leading edge of the fin to push the tip of the ski down, that thing will carve a turn now. :)
  4. Half the problem with watching anything on TV is we as skiers like to be outside doing rather than watching something like Poker or Golf on TV. We will DVR it for when it is dark. I know I don't watch live TV much anymore besides when it is dark or winter. Kevin
  5. MS, try the wing at stock first. I have never run a wing past 7, but 9 works well on the S2.
  6. @horton, you should have seen @dirt negotiating with Greg on a hat yesterday. The price kept going up. :) But he did look really good on your A2. Thought he was going to run 39 in the 3rd round.
  7. I used to never stretch, but now that I'm old, I stretch every day, not just when I ski. I feel a lot better from it. The one that makes my back feel best is laying on my back with my knees up and rolling them to the side and holding for about ten secs each side.
  8. It is always a delma at any lake. We have added a few members at our lake this year and have heard a few suggestions about setting up a Google system to let people know when you are going to be there so to avoid crowded times. People will always show up on their schedule. The last few years Sat/Sun afternoon is crowded because everyone shows up at 1:00 - 3:00 in the afternoon. These are the people that are worried about adding new members to cover costs. During the week nights are mostly uncrowded. This past Tuesday evening my wife and I were out, no one else there and glass flat water. I have told multiple people that we always ski Tues/Thurs evenings at about 5:00 to dark and others are welcome to call us about a pull. Hardly anyone takes us up on it. I have found there are people that will figure it out and change there schedule to fit their needs and there are people that will complain when it doesn't work for their schedule, but never change. It is always tough to please everyone, so just make it fair and let people decide what works best for them. Kevin
  9. If anyone is looking for an S2, my wife decide to give up the ski she stole from me 67.5 and get a 66.5. So the 67.5 for is for sale for $950 OBO Shipped. Kevin
  10. @dirt is on fire. Way to go! When are you going to be back in town so we can ski. I need some of your talent.
  11. @richarddoane, if Eric showed up on the dock with a production ski, everyone would be shocked! I like hearing about his tinkering.
  12. I rode both last fall and they are different. The S2 is very easy to ski and forgiving. The A2 is a great ski too, but requires more effort to ski. I found that if I relaxed on the A2, I would end up in the water. Probably why the A2 is better suited for 36. I ski 34 mph. Kevin
  13. Rod, It is a nice looking boat. Glad to have you & Steve out at Pleasant Oak. I will ski with you guys anytime to try shortline, you just caught us Satuday working on a project. The only comment I will make is the exhaust note sounds cool (I like racing), but is louder than an 08 MC. :) You can definitly tell when you guys are skiing. Kevin
  14. @richarddoane is correct and the issues with bending/breaking on the first ones (fixed now). I switched from RS1's too. Like the EXO's so far, but also liked my RS1's too. Just the RS1's were starting to get beat up pretty bad, so I need something new. Thought I would give these a try before ordering new Strada's.
  15. Horton, Can you give your stock measurements? I know they have changed them since I got mine. Thanks,
  16. I have been using my EXO Form's for a couple of weeks now. I took an OTF the other night, System released no problem. I actually didn't realize I came out until I moved my legs and they moved easier than with a ski on. No damage to the system. I agree with @shaneh the lateral stiffness on the forms is just about right and still good forward flex. I did replace the footbeds with some trim-to-fit ones. They give a lot better support than the stock foam ones.
  17. I know of a 66" forsale for $600, it is left design and was skied about 5 or 6 times. I can put you in touch with the guy if interested. Also he could measure it if needed. Kevin
  18. Eric, Maybe you need tracking fins in the center of the ski. And yes please use some of the 50 trick camera's you have all in the name of science. When are you comeing up to ski with us? Kevin
  19. Jim, Look on awsawest.org and there is info about doing an online deal this week to maintain your judges rating. Kevin
  20. Will be sending in my money today. Can't remember which way I was betting, just happy to add to the cause and have some fun with the BS from these threads that last few weeks. Always funny.
  21. Laurie posted my boat up there very quickly. Thanks for letting us advertise on the site. Kevin
  22. @MattP, Count me in for $20. Either way it is a good cause. Video of Horton should be entertaining also! Kevin
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