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Everything posted by webbdawg99

  1. The SVOne!! I had the Infinity ZX-1! Strong boat....FIRM wake!
  2. @JoeMac I'm not sure of the EXACT rule. But it's something to the effect that you can't compete in the Big Dawg if you've finished in the top 10 in a pro event within the last 5 years. Again, not sure on the specific rule, but that's the basic reason. Jeff is not currently eligible based on his participation and placement in pro tournaments.
  3. Looks like Badal needs to be added to the short list
  4. @Taelan28 Ok, let's just assume that you're right about waterskiing NOT being a physically demanding sport. Doesn't this completely negate your argument that Andy is at a major disadvantage bc of his age? I'm not sure I follow your logic, ignoring the fact that I believe you are incorrect.
  5. I think we can all agree that as the rope gets shorter, we are approaching the limits of physics. I know there are people out there that believe that running 43 is approaching (if not surpassing) physical limitations. So IF that's the case, why not make the next line length be 41.5, or 42, or something longer than 43? Is it possible that the loops of the rope will ever be amended to help truly find what that physical limit is?
  6. I second what @MattP said. You could put some double sided adhesive strips if you're really worried about it. But I'd say don't worry about it at all and just ski.
  7. I can't take @Taelan28 seriously on anything he says. I think he is just going for the most "dislikes" in Ball of Spray history
  8. @MattP If we were sponsored by Radar, we probably wouldn't have to worry about scorching a ski! lol
  9. Are you referring to the boot moving under the horseshoe? Or the plate bowing up off the ski in the front? If you are referring to the plate bowing....its pretty normal. If you have a tendency to rock back pretty hard, pulling on the horseshoe, you can increasingly bend the plate over time. And that's a good indication that you need to change your skiing style! Someone I ski with has a steel plate that he bent in the front pretty bad over time. He just took it off and flattened it back out. Then over time, bent it again. I don't know if you can straighten out a carbon plate or not.
  10. @MattP Figure out how they rigged this and lets do it at WSA!
  11. Apparently this is going to be in WaterSki Magazine. Here's an awesome pic too!
  12. The above statement by @ToddL is why the gate is SOOOOO critical. Everything flows downhill. Build the foundation of your pass on rocks not sand. A good gate is the foundation of a good pass. A bad gate will lead to an uphill battle almost every time!
  13. Maybe a new twist to the Big Dawg finals next year!!!!
  14. All jokes aside, this is a topic that is hot on my mind right now. I've been on the same ski for 4 full seasons now. I've been told by multiple folks that its time for me to get off that "old broken down" ski and get a new one. If its old and broken down, its been a slow progression.....not a sudden change. So how do I KNOW if its broken down? Whats the SERIOUS answer to this question?
  15. @ShaneH Now I'm dying to know what X, Y, and Z are!!!! ha
  16. There's an AWESOME computer program out there called DartFish. Its used in multiple sports....everything from golf to racing. My understanding is that its basically video tracking technology. I'm surprised we haven't seen this technology used in waterskiing. Maybe the current technology will not work in the water?
  17. Fun fact about the above jump crash that @cwillygood posted: it ended up on Tosh.O on comedy central. I think it may have also ended up on Sports Center's NOT top 10 plays!
  18. I left them one hole back. I really like the change so far. Turns feel much more consistent and predictable. Hoping this will help carry me into 39. However, I'm still concerned that this ski now has 4 full seasons on it.....should I not be?
  19. Yea. Caught all the mistakes tonight before skiing fortunately. The fin was still off....just not nearly as bad as I thought. Ran some sweet passes tonight. Still need to get more comfortable with it. The onside turn keeps moving nicely without overturning. The offside is much more consistent. Ill just need to adjust my input into the offside turn to yield more optimum turns. I think it'll definitely prove to be a good move.
  20. @Cam Funny you mention that. I don't own any calipers. My ski partner took my ski with him the other night to set it to stock. He JUST emailed me 15 minutes ago and said he read on HO's website that you're supposed to measure with the tips. He had measured with the jaws. So now, he's moved it back some. It wasn't as off as we initially thought, but still need some adjustment. Now I'm not expecting to OTF tonight like I was 30 minutes ago. Nice catch.
  21. Here is a pic of my fin after attempting to set it back to stock numbers. The marker line shows where it was. As you can see....LOTS of tip added....but nothing to the rear. Is this right??
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