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Everything posted by fu_man

  1. Slalom course on jumpers....one of Lucky Lowe's drills. Although it has been a while now, all the times that I skied with him he never made me do it but it came up every time.
  2. Carl Roberge will . Skip to 4:15 if you are in a hurry.
  3. Honey...Someone stole our fireplace mantel! The fin is quite impressive but I am actually impressed that in order to make the tip of the ski Larry had to bend a 1x6 piece of oak! That is no small feat. Imagine how much that thing weighs?!?
  4. 91 is a great hull. Great wakes and a beautiful boat. I would probably go with that. But Good Lord that Stars and Stripes is a gorgeous boat!
  5. @Fam-man It has been a while. I don't recall.
  6. I like them. Vectors were too loosey goosey....not a lot of support. The Vapor was the most comfortable boot I have ever tried but I could not get used to the lateral stiffness. Profile is a nice in-between. I prefer my foot clamped in tight but some freedom in the ankles. It allows for this. I have the Profile on my Vapor ski. I am not a super technical skier. 32-34mph, 22-28off. Sometimes I wonder if I should have given the Vapor boot more of a chance but the Profile works great for me.
  7. BTW...this set up also helps the ski boat can stay nice and clean. Get a cheap tooner then you don't have to worry about keeping it pristine. Eat on it, drink on it, swim from it, tie up to other boats on it..... I like having both!
  8. The perfect crossover boat....A DD ski boat on one side of the dock and a pontoon boat on the other. That's what we do on our public lake. Ski in the morning and trade it for the tooner in the afternoon.
  9. @Razorskier1 What you are saying makes sense as I read it. However I am wondering how you keep width on the gate glide with your shoulders pointed inward? How do you not get pulled in? Rini coached me to face 11 o'clock during my glide to keep width. This works to that end but the two ideas seem to be in direct contrast.
  10. Yea, might want to make other plans. See here.
  11. Jeff Rogers. Very exciting to watch. This is my favorite . I'm pissed they took the sound off. It loses its excitement without the music.
  12. That is a pretty boat. I like the color.
  13. Watching the overhead view of the gate is amazing (at 2:19). If you pause it just as he turns in, based on the angle it looks like he is going to be way early on the gate. Then he pulls into the wake and it still looks like he is early. The buoy gets lost in the spray and then POOF appears out of nowhere. I've watched it about 20 times. Cool stuff.
  14. Saturday night, for shenannigans, my buddy and I were going to do a head to head comparison of his ancient Connelly Super Glass and my slightly less ancient Connelly Shortline. Rain was starting to push in hard but dads and kids wanted to ski. My 12 year old daughter rode the Super glass. My 10 year old son doesn't slalom yet so he rode both at the same time...in the rain. Then dads rode them. Interesting to feel the evolution of ski design that was probably 35-40 years ago. Not my ski, but here is a picture of the same vintage and graphics. Any info on when this ski was made? http://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/Z4cAAOSwB-1Y6YQK/s-l225.jpg
  15. yep...bright paint on the bottom or possibly wrap the whole tip of the ski in neon duct tape.
  16. I am looking for ideas on how to display some vintage skis as wall art. If you have any, please post some pictures of how you show off your skis. I know I've seen them scattered here and there in the forum.
  17. This is a really well done webcast. I like the multiple camera angles as well as showing who is on the dock. Great graphics with skier info and what pass they are on. Helps pass the time between ski passes. Driver cam is cool too.
  18. Ha. "Razor" skier....ironic.
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