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Everything posted by fu_man

  1. +1 on a bigger ski. I made that 59" mistake. That lasted only a few sets. Now she's on an old 65' that I had. Is it big? Yea. Is she more comfortable on it? Yea. Does she ski better on it? Yea. (She weighs all of about 60 lbs.) I also vote for RTP. I don't have any real justification for it other than I think kids might feel less comfortable being so "locked-in" when they are still getting the feel for it.
  2. I feel like the Aquatic weed cutter is the equivalent of using an Easy Bake Oven to bake a wedding cake for 300 guests. If you cut the top 12 inches off the weeds they will just re sprout.
  3. Yea, I agree. The Stars and Stripes with the old Master Craft font always looks cool.
  4. ...also Ozzy's first album after leaving Black Sabbath. The good old days for sure!
  5. @Horton As someone who still tricks with 2 trick skis for one of my passes, I have always thought that picture was cool. Way old school.
  6. I am not a surfer, but it strikes me as strange to build this there....right on the ocean.....where there are already waves. I would think it makes more sense to build something like that where there are no waves well inland like the midwest or the southwest.
  7. fu_man


    I have a steam cleaner. I turn up the water heater to hot, pour it onto the carpet and vacuum it. No soap. Soap on carpet will clean it but it also leaves soap residue which will then collect dirt. I have heard from many carpet salesmen and installers that say the same thing. Just hot water with the steam cleaner.
  8. They rip you off you for the over sized bag charge, then break the ski, then make it hard to make a claim. I have UPS'd my slalom ski before. Not a bad option, but not cheap either. Call them and see what they say. First ask how late someone is at the luggage counter.
  9. @thompjs I did the same thing. The neoprene foot pad on mine caused me to slip. I bought some anti-slip stair tread stuff. Basically sand paper with adhesive backing. I used to see this stuff on skis from the 70's and 80's. Old, simple, and still works great.
  10. From a couple of years ago sitting in the boat with Lucky: Lucky Lowe: Some day I'm going to get my hips fixed and then I'm going to win a Big Dawg and then maybe they'll put me back in the magazine. My brother: Would you really go back to competing? Lucky: "If you was John C. Holmes and your d--k was broke and then you got it fixed, wouldn't you go back to doing what you do?"
  11. The good part about this thread is now I know what the hell ZBS stands for.
  12. Cool. Looks like a dual purpose tow rope/anchor chain.
  13. Not sure i'd put anyone in the jump seats if someone is skiing from the pylon regardless of line length. Ropes can break. Skier can get slack in the rope and then it goes tight in an instant. Could be dangerous if someone isn't paying attention. I'd feel safer with people in the bow. More weight up there will help reduce bow rise on take off and might help improve tracking too.
  14. fu_man

    '82 Nautique

    The '82 Nautique did not have a platform? When did they start putting platforms on? https://www.instagram.com/p/BQWlnT8gRpw/
  15. Stay in Orlando where you can ski to your hearts delight. From there is is only a 2 hour drive to either coast. Canaveral national Seashore and Cocoa Beach to the east and Honeymoon State Park to the west. My favorite part of Disney was when I wasn't in Disney: skiing with Lucky, Rini, Brooks and the days we'd head to the coast (both ways). +1 on what anjules said. Southwest there was nothing until Eden opened. Probably more skiing in the Southeast.
  16. @bojans I skied that tournament and I miss it. So close to home at an awesome site with friendly people. There was a beach area for the kids to play at too so it was easier to bring the family to that one. I would definitely ski that if it comes to pass and it would be my 1st tourney in about 3 years.
  17. @Horton I have no idea who she is but she makes your front page look better.
  18. If you don't, you're missing a nice picture of Kyra Santoro right now.
  19. I just don't like the way they look. Personal preference. It is easier to add an after market tower than remove a factory one.
  20. @jhughes 2000 hours of someone's ass in the seat.....Ha,ha! Probably dripping wet too. That is a new perspective on wear and tear. Sounds kind of like Santa. 2000 hours of someone's ass in his lap....probably wet too!
  21. Rini says 5-7 ft outside of the buoy line at that line length.
  22. I have always thought this version of the Senate was a classy looking ski but now that I see it, it is hard to argue with @MS .
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