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Everything posted by bigtex2011

  1. mastercraft killed m4 at sc regionals. at least 5 otf's
  2. they definitely get different #'s ..three of us all bought the goode slot calipers and they all differ by a ton. i didnt realize this till a buddy told me.. i wish he hadnt, because it pisses me off that i wasted a 100 bucks
  3. more skiing less gym...i think the gym hurts skiing during the ski year...i agree with MS swimming and biking
  4. welcome, it's difficult to say without a dial caliper, and a wing angle gauge set. if it were me. i would maybe stick to moving the bindings up or back maybe 1 hole. once you get your tools the is a ton of info on fin adjustments. there are a ton of ski video's on you tube...maybe start with terry winter..good luck
  5. thx Scot, i appreciate the feedback on the 206.. we currently use a 2009 lxi as our back up boat. i occasionally get sprayed in the face starting at 35 thru 38 if there is a STRONG headwind. otherwise it is a fine boat. we lease it and need to buy..as long as it fits in the budget i would definitely buy one. i've had a little better luck with nautique's in the past, but i'd never skied behind the 206
  6. thx MS....we missed Y'all at cottonwood this year. are you coming to deans in the fall?
  7. Thx Cotton, I squeak thru 38 about half the time. and i mean squeak. my wife gets into 35. we have 3 squids that are working there way thru the ranks. if the wake is close to a 196, then I'll probably do it. we need the room, and my wife has to bribe the kids into skiing with tubing and other shenanigans.
  8. I'm not sure I could notice .0025, i feel confident I can at .005
  9. we are looking at options for a back up boat. has anyone skied with the 206 with zero off.. we have had many 196's and currently a sn200 at our club. is the 206 a different hull than the 196 or did they stretch the bow to accommodate the extra seating. thx in advance
  10. if your average is 4@anything, seems likely to pick up 4 buoys..for example my average is 4.33 at 38...close out 38, and anyone can get to 2 at the next pass... good times
  11. I appreciate the help. I will not be so glass is "half empty." I had no idea that there was a market for skis that far abroad. thanks guys and girls
  12. no...the last 2 though have had that happen.. maybe I'm a spam magnet
  13. has anyone noticed when they post something on ski it again that you get bombarded with "Chinese", no offense, email you insisting on using paypal. are there alot of ski lakes that i dont know about. I know i'm not so pc, but wow
  14. i think Goode has been on top for a while, however looking at the sites that i ski at here in Dallas, it appears the a2 and the fusion are topping the charts.
  15. triple j s wind protection is fantastic.. 2500' east west lake with a berm and cat tails. around 10 members. you can call if you have any questions two one 4, five three six, nine three 7 seven
  16. triple j ski ranch, in wilmer...18 miles south of downtown dallas... fulltime or partime memberships..2012 sn200
  17. Boy, I'm with Shane, bad brad and joe d. I feel like i work my tail off to scrap my way into or if i'm lucky out 38. (believe me, it aint pretty). doesnt the awsa have more pending issues than to check and see if the prop is a 422, an 1868, or a ou812. the point is, mastercraft, malibu's and corret crafts all run different rpm.. i cant imagine that the awsa cares how many rpm the sn200 turns. the lower the better. as long as u get 16.95 and the splits are right, then case closed.. we just got a new sn200 at our club sight. i got to be honest with you, i miss the 196. i feel sorry for the guys stuck below 28 off because they get way laid with that wacky 28 wake. the boat sounds like ur going a hundred mph .. i cant wait to make it to joe's tourny and try his carbon pro out. and the mastercraft at regoinals in cypress was butter.
  18. i have ridden both, and liked both. like horton says they are very different. I like to work behind the boat so the x7 was easier for me to feel comfortable. however, I ended up skiing with seth and we tweeked the fin and my style a bit and i'm really sold on the fusion. I ran a s...pile of 38's in practice and skied pretty well in some tourneys with it. I you are teetering, you could do the try before you buy with Seth... hope this helps
  19. for me it is more important to be loose and fluid than worrying about speed. maybe, the feel of the load or non-load behind the boat, but replicating speed is not easy for me. the width, is a visual that is different to all of us. .ie..i think i have plenty of width at 35 and 38 but wife says i look narrow. conversely, I think her 32's and 35's look great, yet she believes she is late and scrappy.
  20. looking for a bit of a stocking stuffer for family. recording skiing, kids tubing and chaos. needs to be easy to upload and fairly inexpensive. $200 to 300 would be awesome. we have an expensive camera but are afraid to get in boat with our crew
  21. 5-10 180lbs. 66 D3 Fusion. was on 9700 before. run 38 about 1/2 the time in practice. 4 to 5.5 @ 38 in tourneys, much like horton less than 4 really bums me out
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