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Everything posted by Zman

  1. What @allycat said - more skiing is therapeutic. I swear by it - but my wife thinks I'm crazy.
  2. Get a spray can of 3M Adhesive Remover. It runs about 20-25 dollars for one can, but will last many years. I try to carefully peel the dual lock from one end to the other to minimize how much stays with the ski or plate. Then spray a little of the 3M adhesive remover on the glue that remains, rub the bigger chunks right off with my thumbs, then use an old rag and a little more 3M. Pretty easy really with this stuff - white or black.
  3. @gator1 First, as already stated, kudos for your persistence and ingenuity. You also have to be pretty daring/trusting testing your apparatus after already sustaining the injury you had - and knowing what the outcome might be if it does not work. Guess my biggest concern would be getting the lanyard adjusted just right for each skier and skier style.
  4. @Horton Still early with my course work getting back to skiing. But, still running without the wing and ran a few buoys at 32 (34 mph) tonight first time shortening to that length this spring. 28 is feeling very good. Did not run many 32s last season and it was a short summer for me. So, for 32 to feel pretty good on my first couple passes, and with no wing felt cool. I hope to complete this pass with no wing, then see what happens. Do you think the ski will start skipping out on me if I try 35?
  5. @T8skier Making me feel bad, I only did 8 weeks of PT, but then continued some rehab on my own as I started my new job. I don't run, so can't say if I lost anything. Everything feels great on my mountain bike and on my ski.
  6. "We"? I only saw one skier, for a short run....
  7. @MS - you can rest well knowing that your old course magnets are sitting comfortable now in 70 degree water here in south GA.
  8. I also go with what @MS said, use JB Weld. Fixed a few handle digs in the past using JB.
  9. As one of the large club of 2012 achilles injuries, I have provided input to @gator1 and looking forward to what he has come up with if it has merit. In the meantime, I think I have already made some changes for the better with my boot selection. @gator1 - are you filing for patent on an idea, or do you have an actual working model? (Size 9?)
  10. Gotta give her credit though. I don't know too many women who have a dry suit, much less actually use one. Def bad ass! Hope she recovered OK from that high speed swan dive. And, I shouldn't say too much about the boat color...25 years ago that was just one of several bright colors in my Eagle barefoot suit.
  11. What @Horton said on that color (and I hate to be negative). I was so aw struck on the back of the boat I didn't even know there was a skier until they did that stunt double move. Can we see a pic of the exterior?
  12. Go with Nautique - just not that pea green in the "Wife Failed" thread. How did the wife fail anyway? Seems like the skier gotta a good glimpse of the boat color, thought WTF, then went OTF. Oops - I should ask that in the other thread.
  13. While we are at it, can someone confirm front boot position for 2005 67 inch Monza? I believe it is 29.25 Setting this up for a nephew of mine.
  14. One step closer to having my course set up. Just need to attach the arms for turn balls. Far end is just hung up a bit on some weeds; a lil tweak on that end and it will be perfectly straight. Or, maybe it's that strong cross wind?
  15. @Waternut - I am in Tifton, GA. Just getting my course set up, should be complete within a week or so. Looks like I am about an hour and 20 minutes south of you - on down I75 a piece.
  16. Likewise for somehow just a lil further south...
  17. First, a picture as I found it. Later I will post a pic with a bunch of red, yellow and green spots.
  18. What @thager said - but, be careful when you widen the space between the bunks to be sure as the boat rides lower on the bunks that the boat's v-hull, the skegs, prop and shaft will not make contact with the cross beam. Allow about an inch or two of clearance. When you loosen the bolts that allow the bunks to pivot, just loosen them enough so you can barely make them pivot. Then drive the boat on the lift and crank it out of the water to put some weight on the bunks. This should force them to pivot and conform to the boat hull shape. Lower the lift, move the boat off the lift (don't work underneath it), and tighten the pivot bolts to hold the position forced by the boat hull. Do this before you spread the bunks wider apart. This way you can get a better idea how far your can spread them before the v-hull and your running gear are getting too close to the cross beam. Is that a Hewitt lift? I am ordering my second Craftlander lift tomorrow. Was very happy with my first Craftlander, and now need another one.
  19. First set on the new Strada boots after 12 years or so on Animals. I'm going to like them. I may have gone a lil looser on the laces than I need to at first, but they still felt good. Maybe snug the front down a bit more tomorrow.
  20. Hmmm, nothing was in my boots. Would also be interested in answers to what @gsm_peter asked. Just bought my Strada boots and a pair of Vectors for my wife from our newest sponsor, Performance. Love working with those guys and gals.
  21. Good input guys - thanks! Looking forward to my first set in the Strada boots this weekend. @Horton - you said you need "to be able to easily get out without loosening the laces". Do you mean while standing on shore - be able to step out of them? Feet dry? @mwetskier - where do you find such info as Radar recommends 35 lbs max tension? I guess not that important because I am going with the overwhelming input of "snug" but not pulled tight. Gonna run my on the G10 plate on my Goode 9800 SL at first. Once I know where I like the boots (front heel to tail of ski), I was planning in removing the Radar plates and screwing the boots right to the G10 plate. Is that what others on Goode do?
  22. Joe, @jdarwin I am looking for a large right foot forward double boot set up for a beginner course skier. Do you or any fellow skiers there at Cottonwood have any old gear they might want to unload? Something like the Leverage, or HO Animals or Venoms would work great. Might even consider a front boot (right foot forward) and a RTP. Thanks! I need to get over there and ski with you and Mike one of these days!
  23. New to Strada boots - just got them from Performance. For those of you who occasionally take a fall requiring a release, do you usually come out with the liner still on, or does your foot come out of the liner? With laces not pulled too tight, should I be able to pull my foot out - sort of like making a snow ski binding heel release?
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