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Everything posted by bkreis

  1. been through it on both arms in 04 and then other in 13. what method of repair was used... a lot of people have done this.. @jeidmann you should get back to better than before in your skiing..
  2. I have an exercise program that helps strengthen and correct these problems,,if your interested dm me.. @Groot or www.skyfitness.com
  3. that's what is great about sure path!! tracking the pylon as opposed to tail of the boat. it's changed all my training partners abilities.
  4. for anyone interested I do virtual training/fitness in all modalities..and prevention of injury is the focus! www.skyfitness.com
  5. @owennibleythe video of falling at 2-4 looks like you fell to the inside instead of staying over your feet so the ski got buried.
  6. Terrible, did you do daily rehab? What is the diagnosis?
  7. @Boomake sure you get an mri, I train and do post rehab/medical conditions, so I can help. dm me if you'd like. we can do virtual rehab if as well.
  8. I love it!! we train with it almost every set. it still allows for drivers to "feel" different but keeps them in check...I'd imagine it'll eventually be integrated into our screens.
  9. ho works 01, Goode 9970 cc, and the d3 ion 2
  10. this is so not complicated...hire me and you'll have zero issues...lol..seriously! @lpskier
  11. this is quite simple, train to have have balanced strength throughout our bodies to help prevent injury, be mobile in an asymmetrical sport, move like a cat/stay over our feet. I do live virtual training and via email or in person if your in miami if any are interested.
  12. miami ski club also has someone who pulls people
  13. hello everyone! I'm in need of a Mapple T1, 66 or 67... I'm hopeful someone knows someone that has one. please dm me if you have any insight.
  14. Totally treatable, fix the cause not the pain sight!Zero of my people get these type of issues…you must train properly off the water and dial in nutrition.
  15. reiterate warmup and exercise a little before you ski so your your body is ready...stiff, cold tight, will make you feel like changing the fin...keep your body warm instead!!!!! if anyone needs proper body/fitness training hit me up...virtual works!!
  16. likely you've changed your balance point due to cold, warmup physically, then ski
  17. it's gonna brake...maybe not right away, but why would you risk it...shame on the seller...it is trash
  18. that is going to snap getting out of the water
  19. she has to stay over her feet and ride the ski..sounds like there's some rushing of the upper body going on,,chest and stay over your feet
  20. as the miami Nautique gloves are very close to me, I helped in the fit/design/performance aspect, they're amazing..no Nias..lol
  21. @Lars it's a mute point as Nautique has it back...bryant managed to add 300=500 lbs more material than it had previously. again it doesn't matter now since it's back in Orlando now.
  22. Would depend on which factory built it. If Bryant boats built it, it’s quite a bit heavier which will make the wake harder as you said.
  23. it's no big deal and for some it's educational..just take it and encourage everyone to join and take for the sake too the sport
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