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Everything posted by bkreis

  1. I had both repaired rt in 2004, L in 2013..theyre great!!!
  2. Charlie ross killed it!!!!!!!
  3. thank you @Horton for posting the link. I'm so grateful to have lived and the support that has been here so far. the 1st car, likely a taxi that caused the situation did not stay and sent me into oncoming traffic the other direction after breaking the frame in half to have it held together by a piece of plastic. The impact was the rear half of the frame so I never saw it coming. th front I was able keep intact until I was forced to lay it down as hit by a suv. I was unconscious and have no memory of any of it. I can only tell because of the damage to the bike when it was dropped off at my house. the 2nd vehicle/suv did stay, and poor guy thought he killed me. now 2 weeks, my face hurts as it should, head hurts and thankfully did not require surgery. all the impact pain is starting to show itself now that the shock is over...day by day!!! Thanks to all that are able to help and send some serious positive vibes!!!
  4. I met Steve at Chets @Chet when I was beginner, 26mph 15off..Steve was always so encouraging to all levels of skiers, which carried over into his personal life. Steve was truly a genuine soul!!! It's interesting to me how this sport brings very nice, genuine, passionate people together! If anyone ever wanted to observe proper etiquette towards other humans, Steve would have been my choice of mirror! Just the salt of the earth guy! I will miss his companionship, insight, desire, drive, friendship, and fuck, just everything about the guy. He holds a dear place in my heart and many others..I wish Melinda, wife, all the love in the world!!!!! RIP Steve..a true loss to the planet!!!!!!!
  5. hi all. I ski in Miami regularly, and the difference is the trees creating tunnel vision. I you ski like you ski anywhere else, it the same. I ski at chet's, Hobe, okee as well and the boy count and feel is the same. Th visual is totally different.
  6. I was having this discussion with somebody yesterday, and basically what happens is when it’s cold our bodies are more stiff if you did not warm up properly which makes it seem like it’s harder to move then makes everything feel faster because you’re not as agile as you would normally be. So do an experiment warm-up really well so if you’re limber then go ski cold water and see what happens.
  7. @BHarris that burning is not good and may be coming from your neck. I’d check you’re spine and you may find the answer.
  8. W surgery 16 weeks is typical…either way constant rehab will be important
  9. I wear an 11 shoe and use a 10 reflex
  10. The big events need to be easily traveled too. That requires a commercial airport nearby..personally did not attend regionals due to location, based on that,same w nationals…it has to be easy for those of us who work and need to get in and w flights available and not driving for 3 hours. IMO
  11. Well, definitely going to make that a thought provoking conversation
  12. If you don’t know how to set it up definitely get a new one before somebody gets hurt
  13. @The_MS i have a blank 66 w no fin or wing w sharkskin bottom...it’s a prototype that didn’t get produced...
  14. soo important!!!!! 30 giant arm swings each direction , hair and back mobility/stability movements
  15. Having taken it for a few years now, it’s common sense and a good reminder on some issues that most overlook. Everyone should think of it as positive, you can start and stop as needed to complete it over months if you want to. No different than everyone should be Cpr certified just to drive a car in my opinion.
  16. start the nerve glide exercises and postural correction exercises asap...do not let this be as it will not just go away @skispray hopefully the time in which you have noticed hasn't caused any permanent damage...I treat this stuff in my fitness training programs if you can't find someone.
  17. @countymountie skiing is intense and we need to as structurally strong yet mobile as possible. I do virtual training, if your interested, dm me
  18. keeping hip flexors in balance with extensors will help prevent and relieve p.f.
  19. @snoh2oskier i have a 66 prototype w sharkskin bottom totally blank for sale 250 usd plus shipping,
  20. make sure your screws are correct length, if too long the plate will slide because they don't grab the plate tightly.
  21. I go to a fair amount of tournaments and none now is trying to get back to perfect pass feeling. in fact, in my 20 years of skiing, there are fewer injuries and higher scores than ever before. any struggling with zo is likely in need of coaching, as most of us are!
  22. @Anderson too soon to tell, you need the inflammation to settle down to determine what happened...ski with the motto, live to ski another day!!!!!
  23. @ozski they sold every ski boat they made.
  24. Zachary isn’t the problem, getting there is. No travel for me as it’s too much risk and could screw up -normal - life
  25. time is an issue if everyone ski 4 passes or more...otherwise, nice idea @Horton
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