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Everything posted by Murrski

  1. @Hersh - I was watching some waterski videos on Vimeo and stumbled on this one of Jeff Rodgers. It's a segmented video but overlays real time skier speed and G-force. No idea if these are actual measurements or just swags but just thought I'd share. https://vimeo.com/20243735
  2. @Razorskier1 - this is feeding my appetite for knowledge going into the off-season. I'm curious about your pre-gate, pull-out width. Are you wider than the 2,4,6 buoy line? You wouldn't happen to have any video of yourself or someone else using this method? Appreciate the post... definitely something I've been tossing back and forth. I'm just getting into -35 so I appreciate the info!
  3. @itch2ski -- Our team boat at Chico State (96-99) were MB's. The wake is good but 22' is a bit stiff but not big. Overall, it's a good wake from 15' on into shortline lengths. I still own a 2000MB-190 and it's been a great boat without any issues and I think the wake competes with today's upper echelon boats. The main difference being the softness when compared to a SN or Centurion. I would say it's very similar to today's MC at 15' and 22' 34mph.
  4. Any ideas on a Flip mino pylon mount? From reading the threads the Flip may not be the best option but I'm just trying to work with what I have. Thanks in advance!
  5. @Razorskier1 -- One thing I noticed with Jr. on his 1/3/5 was that he reaches back to the handle a bit early and out in front. If he lets the ski finish the turn and reach into the pocket that may help a bit with the tip rise and get stacked at hook up. Just my two cents and nice skiing!
  6. @Dirt Such an awesome ski site! I missed this one but I'll be there in October. Thanks for sharing the pics...
  7. I didn't ski any tournaments last year and the year before my best was 5 @ 28' off. I jumped from the 2005 X5 to the Fusion this year... got in better shape and started getting into 35' off. I'm running 28' 100%, 32' 90% and got around 4 at 35'. It's a big leap from a couple years ago. I attribute that to technology and time on the water. I'm hoping to run 38' sometime in my lifetime! No matter what... I'm just having a blast and hope to stay healthy!
  8. Day 1 --> Four times on day 1 because if I can ski as much as I want and my body is feeling good -- I just can't stand looking at nice water and opportunity with that go big or go home attitude. Day 2 --> Three times on day 2 because be body probably told my brain to slow down man... you're not 20 anymore but brain is still fighting back. Day 3 --> Two times on day 3 because my body is starting to yell at my brain saying, "you idiot, you should have just been doing 2 or 3 sets a day from the start" and the brain is starting to listen -- as I hobble around. Long story short... I will ski beyond the point of diminishing returns because I love being on the water and with an opportunity to have multiple days with multiple sets -- I'll worry about pain later!
  9. Thanks @eyepeeler and @skiron07 for your input and I'm in agreement. I honestly couldn't remember when I started1-handed nor was I really coached so your feedback is apprecaited!
  10. My 9-year old is starting to run the course (including gates) at long line and slow speed. I'm in no hurry to start teaching him 1-handed turns but he sees me do it so he wants to do it. What are your thoughts on when and how to teach kids a 1-handed turn?
  11. Thanks again @krlee. I'll give a Ron a call this weekend and see if I can meet someone out there.
  12. Thanks rodtg2! Of the three lakes just north of the Pleasant Oak lake off of Catlett -- is the middle one Liquid Zone and just east of that one is Redwood shores? Just curious! When the weather clears I'll contact Ron to setup a site visit. Thanks again for the info.
  13. Hello Kevin! I live in Folsom and may be interested in buying a membership at Pleasant Oak. Can you provide the address for the lake location so I can look it up on Google Maps? I think I've skied a tournament out there a few years ago. Currently, I ski at Sunset Ski Ranch but that was just for me and now my young kids are getting into it so this may be a better fit for us. Thanks in advance. -Brian
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