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Everything posted by Murrski

  1. Contact Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys. I'd propose a 160ft video wall for replay purposes at each end to watch during your drop. Retractable roof to allow natural solar heating when necessary. Beaches and cabanas providing a little Vegas - Rehab atmosphere. Some stadium seating with an extreme sound system to attract all walks of life. 900 million should cover it... no big deal!!! lol. Funny thing is... I've had this dream before and woke up laughing!
  2. @jdubs - agreed! TW did a couple ski wraps for us too. They came out really cool... held up through the season with no problems. His design creativity is amazing!
  3. @allycat - check out this BallofSpray thread about gloves. Personally I use the D3 Enzo gloves and really like the grip as well as the palm protection to prevent calluses. http://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/comment/146017
  4. Thanks @ShaneH - I'd like to have a pro install shop do the work but the decision will be cost based. Terry has quite a bit of experience applying wraps but on smaller scales. But he has done difficult contours like motorcycle helmets and easier applications like slalom skis. Making sure the seams line up perfectly and the edges are securely taped is my big concern. I'm also worried about the boat rubbing on dock bumpers when we are at our lake site. Wondering if folks with wraps have had any problems with abrasions, color fade, etc. @Dirt - I did contact Robbie last year and found out the company that wraps their CPs each season. They are based out of Lodi and I'll definitely be in touch with them when the design is near complete. Thanks for the feedback!
  5. T-Whisper is designing a really cool boat wrap for my 2000 MB-190. Curious if anyone has Vinyl boat wrap experience and care to share any do's and don'ts! From the YouTube videos I've watched - I'm tempted to install myself to cut down on costs. Currently the boat wrap design will just go from the rub rail down to the bottom edge but we are tempted to do the bow and top rails too. Appreciate any feedback!
  6. What can I say... I'm a D3 guy. Been loyal to the Kidder, KD and D3 family since I was 5. Big Roberge fan in the day and now I love watching Nate tear it up. Don't get me wrong though -- I still love watching the other skiers too -- I just like seeing D3 skiers on top of the podium! Smith, Lang and Krueger... BOOM!
  7. Thanks Doug @Eagle1 for following up with Larry. I spoke with him on the phone. I was able to find the original purchase invoice from H2oProShop. I thought I bought the vest in 2011 but it was actually in July of last year. Looks like your team will re-stitch and send it back for $30 plus shipping so that's appreciated. Hopefully I can get another season out of it next year and I do appreciate the support! Cheers
  8. Appreciate the input guys. I'll send you an IM Chad @ChadScott to see if I can get contact info for Doug. Larry wasn't too customer friendly with my wife on the phone but maybe she just caught him on a bad day.
  9. Used my Eagle pullover vest for a year and half and the zipper stitching (back zip) and armpit seams have come unraveled substantially. Contacted Eagle Sports and Larry Solomon stated that most of their pullover vests only hold up for a season or two even when properly cared for. It's disappointing to have to purchase $145 vests for a family of four every other year. I'm curious what your experiences have been with the products. Any recommendations for a different vest brand that will hold up longer than 18-24 months?
  10. @ski38 enjoyed watching the webcast and I look forward to seeing the video archives to fill in the gaps when the ISP issue happened. Any idea when the videos will be added to the DiabloShores website?
  11. Remember, most spectators do not know where your peak is nor your expectations but like others have stated - be appreciative that someone else thinks you skied good. It's not like you threw an interception on the last drive when down by 4... didn't strike out with bases loaded - down by one... didn't miss an open jumper as time expired. Not to mention you didn't have thousands of spectators cheering or booing your performance. Long story short... appreciate our sport but realize -- it's not that big of deal if you don't ski to your potential on any given set or round.
  12. @ShaneH @Horton - I haven't been in the market for a MC so I'm not aware of 2013 pricing but from what I can see on 2013 used - I'm guessing around $60k for new. Is that a good ballpark?
  13. @Horton - I gotta think with that Bimini design that Mastercraft won't offer a wrap around windshield? Personally, I like the new design and all of its features. Thanks for doing the video and @MarcusBrown - nice job putting that civil eng, ski experience & passion to work! Way to represent the Chico Nation!
  14. @Ali @Waternut - Terry's email is: t e r r y w i n t e r 1 @ m a c . c o m. Cost will be dependent on design tme/complexity but plan on something between $100 - $150. Mine ran in the middle of that range but I didn't need shipping since we live in the same area. On the wing question - I'd say without wing initially then after 10-12 sets - give it a try to feel the difference. Most on the forum I think would agree that the skier should first feel the ski and know where you need to be on it to slow it down when sking at speeds less than 34mph.
  15. @davemac - I didn't remove mine. Terry's design had the Ball of Spray text with a collage of graphics around the text that went right over the D3 impression. The impression gets lost in the graphic and is a total non-issue IMO.
  16. @Ali - Ski wraps designed by Terry Winter @TWhisper are very cool. Here's one he did for my wife: Here's one he did for my D3 Fusion: These are easy to put on so he can design, print and ship them to you.
  17. @MattP - I'm guessing that there isn't a live video stream?
  18. Waterski Mag Photos - Sorry if redundant to another post http://waterskimag.com/files/2013/08/TOD1506.jpg http://waterskimag.com/files/2013/08/TOD1516.jpg http://waterskimag.com/files/2013/08/TOD1567.jpg http://waterskimag.com/files/2013/08/IMG_1869.jpg http://waterskimag.com/files/2013/08/IMG_1870.jpg http://waterskimag.com/files/2013/08/IMG_1871.jpg http://waterskimag.com/files/2013/08/IMG_1873.jpg http://waterskimag.com/files/2013/08/wake.jpg
  19. They've only made 4 boats... only loss in investment would be R&D (lot's of time I know)... not a line of already manufactured boats. Roll the dice and shock the world!
  20. wonder how peculiar pulling up on a trailer will be... very innovative though. Looking forward to the first eyeover in person.
  21. @Emil0509 - check out the HO-Freeride http://www.hosports.com/waterskis-freeride.php and the Radar-Satori http://radarskistore.com/p/2013-satori-mahogany-ancient-gold/slalom-skis?pp=25 . Both are designed to be fun, open water single skis that match up well with the characteristics you're looking for.
  22. ahhh, that looks pretty beat up. For me, I'd send it to the dumpster and buy a new one.
  23. @rodtg2 @joeprunc - check Steiner's Watersports Center @ Holiday Harbor (McCloud arm). Suyderhoud used to provide lessons there but not sure about that since 2007. Check out shastawatersports.com.
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