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Everything posted by kmenard

  1. I am going to ask this every time...but...which mount? :)
  2. I learned on an old Jobe. Got my first real ski in the mid to late 90's: http://images.craigslist.org/3Ib3J93N65L35J15M7d1uc74d05c8ba4e1b01.jpg I open water ski and am still on that same ski. Starting to get an itch though...
  3. Yes, the corrosives that will enter the carb, are going to enter a fuel injection system as well. Before storage every year I make sure to run the last tank with Sta-bil and I have never had a problem...granted, I also run a Holley and not a quadrajet, but FI or Carb if you let stake fuel sit over the winter, you will have issues with everything from rubber lines to needle and seats, etc. Often it is the stuff downstream from the carb that is getting old and corroded that is causing the problems upstream.
  4. I have been thinking about doing a mount on the ski itself for giggles.
  5. So instead of rebuilding the carb, you are doing the injectors. Holley has one: http://www.holley.com/700-21.asp I think MSD has one too. Remember the early 90's truck with throttle body injection? Remember how much they sucked? It really isn't worth it.
  6. More exposure means more wakeboard boats on the lake tearing up perfectly good waterskiing water. Get those damned kids off my lawn! Also...I want to see Softball back. I don't know HOW I got hooked on that sport, but it is fun to watch the softball WS. (go sun devils)
  7. @Brady...wouldn't you want her to fall INTO your boat?
  8. what type of mount was he using for the hero?
  9. Anyone else have one? Hoping to get one for my wife this season.
  10. I am hoping to upgrade my ski this year as well, sadly, there aren't many (read: any) place in MA that I know of to Demo skis.
  11. ...btw...what are these shock tubes you are talking about?
  12. as Kpicket said...it isn't just a boat 'tipping over'. I have never seen a boat hit an unmarked rock, nor have I seen a boater watching the tuber behind him rather than the boats in front of him hit someone...but it doesn't mean it hasn't or can't happen. I have seen bilge pumps and water lines fail however.
  13. I am going to go against the grain here a bit and say I would never strap my kid down on a boat. There is a reason there aren't seat belts on boats. Make sure the kids have a vest on at all times and have them sit. Take breaks so they can swim and be kids. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7050/7152816607_21a7d75fa3_z.jpg
  14. Powell is a MUST...like Bucket List...MUST!
  15. About to start hitting the slopes for snowboard season...engine is out of the boat getting the bearings checked while I consider increasing the size a bit...had my steering rebuilt and ordering a new throttle setup after the first of the year.
  16. the water was TERRIBLE that day...but in New England, you only get so many days to ski, so sometimes you gotta ski the moguls :) That wasn't the day I tried it (again). The rope is quite long to get out of the jet wash, but I have been seriously considering trying a shorter rope and seeing how it is. I have been working to turn the ski more this year, rather than just burying the back, which is a bad habit I picked up a long time ago. Squaring my shoulders to the boat? yikes...that sounds like it going to be tough :)
  17. Every time I try to make a one handed turn...I get a nice drink of lake water. One thing I know I need to fix is 'pulling the rope' http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/338172_10151597635527524_1604232668_o.jpg http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s720x720/255285_10151597633037524_1452199778_n.jpg
  18. Anyone know anything about this ski? Good/bad? http://newlondon.craigslist.org/spo/3170431738.html Thank you!
  19. Jobe is still making skis? I learned on a Jobe 20 years ago, and it had been around for some years before that...LOVED that ski.
  20. ya, saw that :( Still might be fun to take the kiddo to see though
  21. Wow, Buffumville is right down the street from me!
  22. I didn't even know this stuff was happening in MA...where was this?
  23. http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5266/5737099756_874c6b0a70_z.jpg Lake Powell at sunset.
  24. @Horton - I haven't figured out where to mount the other 4 yet :) The boat has a really heavy layup, so my guess is mid 70's, but after that one pass on the CT river, I haven't had the guts to go full throttle for fear of expensive parts flying all over the lake. It has a great wake for skiing, but because there is no rudder or prop in the water, you can turn the boat with a really hard cut.
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