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Everything posted by Brady

  1. @AB Speak for yourself!!!! I am a lean mean skiing machine. :) @Horton, here is my opinion why the sport is not as popular. Two things, media exposure and the internet/gaming. First, I believe the reason why so many "younger" people are taking up wakeboarding is because that is what they are seeing on TV, the Dew Tour, boat shows, and at the lakes. Even in Utah, when I went to the boat show with my kids last year, they had a pulley set up with some pro wakeboarders skiing. And Marcus Brown was sitting right there in front of them. One of the elites of the elites and the majority of people are there watching some low-level pros on a wakeboard course. Part of the media problem is that the sport is very very difficult to truly show. You either have a close up on the skier coming around the ball, or a long shot from either end of the course. Unless you are into the sport, it is not that exciting to watch. Especially when you realize just how damn easy these pros make something incredibly difficult look. If you could capture the skiers coming across the wake at 70mph, then I think you would have a more exciting venue. The second thing is the dang internet with the mind suck that it is having on our youth. There are fewer kids trying new things, because they have their heads so far up Minecrafts or Force Recons ass! I only let my kids play their computers for 60 minutes a day. When I was a kid, i was doing everything I could to either ski or do something active! We are raising a generation of lazy kids who get off on gaming instead of experiencing real life! My two cents
  2. Damn! I thought the replacement after 5 years @Horton was referring to our wives. Crap, I am on my 5th wife now, and have had the same ski for 19 years!!!
  3. @kmenard Cortizone shots have become a favorite love of mine. Been getting them ever since football, and I can make it about 4 months inbetween visits.
  4. I love the tower on my Prostar. I also have a boom. However, the tower is almost as easy to teach kids to ski as the boom.
  5. @Wish. When was this made? "The protractor is then removed - it's not used whilst skiing" Waseth this thou created by Shakespeare himselfeth?
  6. That was friggin awesome @klindy. Just to let you know, I copied and posted that on my facebook. classic!!!!!
  7. I like the insightful button really a lot!!! In fact, I think it is awesome!!
  8. Thanks @ShaneH. Your posts were very "insightful"
  9. Sitting on the couch with my wife last night watching a movie. Me. "Look at the boat. Isn't it beautiful?" Jen "Sure" Me. "You didn't even look over here at it!" Jen. "Yes I did" Me. "sure" Jen. "It had sparkly blue aqua color stuff on it. And it was a boring boat. And we have one that sinks every time we go to Lake Powell. Woo hoo, it was shiny" Damn good thing the water ski industry is not dependent upon my wife for its growth!!!!! Beautiful boat @Jody_Seal
  10. I have the 04 prostar, and if it had zero off, I would be good for ever. It is super clean with low hours, but it is a bugger to get dialed in on the stargazer mode. I want the 14 however damn it!!! Good thing I am happy with my wife of 18 years. I definitely couldn't afford the new version of her. :)
  11. @thager I bet that Mastercraft had a lot of wood inside with all the Maharaja's back in the day!
  12. So I went down to the local dealer to see the new ProStar with @Scotchipman today and I was blown away at what they are charging for the basic boat, without all the frills. The price I was quoted was 77K. My question is this: is this simply the greed of the local MasterCraft dealer in SLC or is this the going rate for this new boat? If so, I will probably not be buying one. As far as the boat goes, it seems absolutely perfect with the exception of the storage space for towels, etc, in the rear of the boat. If it weren't for the price, that would be but a blip of an issue to deal with. For those of you who have gotten your new boat, what price did you pay? Curious on this one, as I really really really want it!
  13. @AB I think it is about time you came out of the closet!!! Are you sure you don't live in Lakewood Ohio? @ShaneH I know my wife gets half. I will give her the 04 Prostar and I will keep the 14 Prostar. A perfect arrangement for me. @Wish These women are not my nieces!!!!!!
  14. Could you guys please get more info on the models in these ads? I don't care what they are selling.....I am buying!!!!!!! Maybe an detailed interview with them with pictures would really assist us in making an educated decision on how we are all going to leave our wives to get a date with these, "obviously way out of @ShaneH league women."
  15. @skoot1123 I think it is because you are all a bunch of addicts!!!!! I was clean from BoS for almost 3 months, and now you have dragged me back in!!!!!! Hello, my name is Doug Brady and this site and skiing the balls is my addiction!!!!!
  16. Brady says hello!! Unlike @Horton who gets to play for a living, some of us have to work for it! And, I was in the process of setting up my new business, and a grundle of land fell my way, so I have turned on my development company and home building business, so I now have 2 businesses to run. The good news is that my office will be 7 minutes from the lake and I will be skiing more than ever next year. So, as soon as I can come up for air, I will be back on here pestering the hell out of all of you, and bringing some humor to this site. I do miss you guys a ton however!!
  17. Guaranteed my load is higher than any baller on this site. With my fat ass and my old school turns, I can put some damn load on that line!!!!! @AB is surely not far behind. :)
  18. @Kona I live 11 minutes from snowbird and I will water ski til December. Nothing beats telling people I just got done skiing in November or december. They ask, "how was it?" My answer, "glass!" They then have a confused look on their face. You all go ahead and snow ski....less boats on the water and more glass for me!!
  19. Actually @OTF what I really need is to simply be like @ShaneH!!! That guy has pretty much everything every other guy wants.....including pretty hair.
  20. @ral @jipster43 the reason is simple. convenience. Like dogs, if you only have one, you have to spend so much time with em, but add one other, and suddenly they are happy to hang out together and you are free to do your thing! And, if I could get a cadre of wives, think of the possibilities! You would always have a meal, you could put them all to work to support you, you could always find one in the mood for some loving, and best of all, if you pissed one or more of them off, they could go and console each other and leave you the hell alone. They could share their clothes....really, the possibilities are endless. BUT, there is one great thing that could happen with many wives. You could teach them all how to drive the boat, so that you would always have a driver!!
  21. If it was in Utah, I could put all my wives in it easily. Dang, with that house, I could grab me even more wives!
  22. @Wish Please name each of those guys starting from the left
  23. @KcSwerver I was thinking how deep that was there!!! Living in Utah, I have mastered how to do a slalom ski start exactly like the wake boarders do it. Lay it down and let it ride!
  24. I believe your hair has finally created lift. Cut it, and you will come back down to Earth.
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