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Everything posted by Brady

  1. Could have been my ex wife was in your boat. She F's up everything she touches!
  2. @scotchipman, you should invest in a gator mod. Isn't that exactly what they are designed to stop? Good luck with your recovery @grer0402.
  3. @DanE this has been an urban legend for years. Here is an article that talks about it. Now, getting bit by an alligator....that is true!!!!!!! :) http://www.snopes.com/critters/snakes/waterski.asp
  4. Had a family dinner at a park this last Sunday and my nephew who just started playing football at BYU called me out and we had a pull up competition. This old fat man did 10....11 short of my nephew. Grrrr!!!
  5. I had the opportunity to go ski with @AB last week in Florida, and unfortunately, this is all that is left of him.
  6. @Zman no friggin way!! @6balls Guns are a very very very good thing!!!
  7. @cragginshred Congrats on your pb! My first experience with a snake was several years ago when I saw one sunbathing in a friends driveway. He asked me to kill it, so being the nice guy that I am, I took my 7 iron(always my club of choice) over to the 5 foot snake and bopped it in the head. Well, much to my surprise, those damn rattlesnakes are harder than a hose, and not like a worm. My bop pissed it off and it coiled and started striking....game on! I beat the shi& out of it and smashed it in after about 50 whacks, and a ruined golf club--take your nice iron and beat it against a driveway and see how it looks! After that experience, I gained an appreciation for snakes, and except for worshiping, I tend to avoid them. @MattP, I would take a snake any day over those friggin evil water dinosaurs you deal with. I skied in Florida last year and right on the dock where we started, not 5 minutes before, a big huge gator was sunbathing.....You seriously expect us to get in the water KNOWING that evil monster is lurking below!!!
  8. @cragginshred Now that you have had that experience, you ought to start a church where you handle snakes and collect money from your congregation. I would joine!!!! BTW, Utah has rattlers everywhere. Probably 20 percent of the time I go hike, I either hear or see one! Scary mofos!!!! They still are not as scary as Gators!!!!
  9. I think Chris could run 3.5 if he could just work on his biceps a bit more!
  10. I also have heard that it is in the muddy part of the water. A teenager died from it from Lake Havasu and he was at the beach playing in the mud. I like @6balls approach; it happened, it is extremely rare and we shouldn't change our lifestyle. I guess if I compare it to my motorcycle, there is a much greater chance of pavement meeting my sinuses than this virus. I guess I would much rather have the virus go after us old dudes instead of our beautiful little babies!
  11. @Skoot1123 Done those, and several of them are at the bottom of Utah Lake. I literally submerge while getting up. My biggest issue is when I crash!
  12. @BraceMaker with the way @AB and I ski and especially get up, you could put the wall of china up our noses and the gushing of lake water into our sinuses would still be present. I have tried nose clips and every time, they get lost. I also drink water up my nose when I have a hard fall. Guess I am not thinking about it since I am busy falling.
  13. @JJVDMZN Drink more, she will appear!
  14. @gharrell12, like it has been stated, it is a fact of skiing, however, I find that after a nice set when my body is screaming at me for abusing it, I make myself feel better with this: (Guarantee it will soothe your leg!)
  15. @Texas6, I took my 11 year-old up to a clinic in Idaho last summer with Terry Winter, and his advice was consistent with @Chef23. The speed is slow enough that it is much easier to control the slack. Terry gave great advice on both the one-handed turns as well as a monster wake that is created at such a slow speed. It was basically that if they can learn to reach the balls with both hands and then get in a proper stacked position over that huge wake, look at how much easier it will be for them once the wake gets smaller and they have the added advantage of the extra reach one hand gives. My two cents
  16. I just read this story today and it was very very sad. I have been hearing about this more and more and I am wondering if any of the Ballers know more about this situation. Is this mostly from man-made lakes? Does the water need to be to a certain temperature? In the article they say she is an avid water skier and part of a ski club in Kansas. My heart is aching for those involved. http://www.ksl.com/?sid=30724920&nid=157&fm=home_page&s_cid=toppick1
  17. @Tdub, we were having problems with my baseline, and we inverted the tac and it worked wonders. Within 2 100th on every pass now.
  18. @cragginshred I have seen @klundell wear a helmet sometimes while skiing. He could give you some good feedback as to what he wears. Probably a good idea, seeing as how he is a doc and they are pretty smart guys.
  19. Chris, the senate is a high-end tournament ski for 34mph skiers. It is virtually a vapor that is a wee bit wider--the vapor is designed for 36mph. The theory is a hybrid cross-over ski that performs well on the course as well as being a great free-skiing ski. The p6 is like the theory, but for bigger gents. Easier to get up, and less drag. An important thing to note is this: ALL major companies that design skis have phenomenal products. You really won't go wrong. And the technology is so far advanced than it was even 7 years ago. Guys like me can make any ski look bad, and the majority of ballers here couldn't tell you the difference between the higher-end skis. There are a few elite skiers who know exactly what their ski does and doesn't do. The rest of us are all here for the ride, working endlessly to chase after the elites of the sport. The same can be said of sports cars. The average joe like me couldn't tell you the difference in feel between a ferrari or a porsche or a mcClarin, or a Lamberghini, but you put a guy like @SkiJay in any of those cars, and he could write a book about the differences. Bottom line, if we can't ski like the elites, at least we can sure as hell look like them while waiting for a set, holding up our beautiful babies for all the world to see!!
  20. i would like to see a new system I could put on my wife that would make her oblivious to when I go and ski. I don't care how much it would cost, I would buy!
  21. Chris, uh.....wakeboarding?!? My price just doubled for my ski!!! :)
  22. Chris, I have the perfect ski for you, it is the big boy radar ski. It has never been out of the box, (i ordered two) and I will give you a hell of a deal. from one big guy to another, it will get you up, but as you are sitting there dragging ass and dying every time out of the water, use that for your motivation to lose your ass! I have and am still using that for me. What sounds better, and eclair and paying the price to get up, or eating clean, and getting up much easier. Oh, and getting stacked as a big boy brings new meaning to the word, nuts, because, if you are not in the proper position, those otf's are far more painful!!!! So, let me know if you want that ski, and welcome back!!
  23. Found this video on youtube, and it gives a nice view of literally how nuts you jumpers truly are!!!! I would love to see more crazy jump videos!!!
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