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Everything posted by Brady

  1. This angle works perfectly. It is Marcus Brown. Coming off the ball, you can see him literally shoot across the wake. Again, I am in awe at all these guys and gals.
  2. @crashman This did replace my TV viewing for me this weekend....even beat out football. I tell you what, with how professional this whole set up was and with the awesome live streaming, this is bound to create more excitement and interest from the general public. The only part I am struggling with, is how you can translate truly how fast they are going into a tv or computer screen? The sheer athleticism of these incredible athletes in mind blowing. We all know how good they are....the general public needs to see this as well! Awesome weekend.
  3. I can't believe how easy Whitney makes it look! amazing........and then the queen of the water makes it look even more amazing. Round 1, Regina just ran 1.5 @41.
  4. @foxriverat what is the link to watch the streaming?
  5. @DefectiveDave‌ you forgot the last component to make your winter skiing complete. There is a substance you can put into your body that literally warms you from the inside out. It also makes your ski outing all the better. Might I suggest a nice rum!!! I believe there is a company that supports ballers with their product! :)
  6. @SkiJay, did you run intermediate or monsoon tires on your ski with all that wet weather, or did you stay with the regular soft tires?
  7. @Garn I gave you an awesome on your post above, but I may now take it away!!! Shame on you!!!! It is ALWAYS worth it. This year has been the year from hell for me, and about the only thing keeping me going is the thought of being back on the water with you and chippy. It is always worth it to ski my friend!! And to prove it, I will ski in my undies this winter while it is snowing just to prove my point that skiing beats any activity on this planet!
  8. @AB look at your picture for a minute!!!! Let's see, Frostbite or Alligator bite....uh, yaah right!!!! Give me the cold.....
  9. @DefectiveDave As far as getting into a drysuit, if you are wearing long johns it is easy as can be. I sometimes leave my socks on and I slip right in. Other than that I would talk with @ShaneH. I know he is a master at quickly getting certain people out of a drysuit super fast!!! Oh to be young and single like him!!!! Bottom line, it is cold and miserable to ski in the winter and your hands will ache for hours afterward as they start to recover from the mind-numbing cold. BUT, it sure as hell beats the alternative of sitting on your ass not skiing. Now as you start skiing in the winter wonderland, your next thread should be "How To Break Through Ice To Get To The Course Without Damaging Your Hull." (As a side note, @scotchipman and I were skiing once early this year when the huge ice drift from the lake was getting closer and closer to shore, and we ended up with about a 200 foot window to free ski. We got off the lake barely in time before it reached the shore. Great times)
  10. Hey @DefectiveDave. Being from Utah, we are used to skiing in the bitter cold--for months at a time. There are a lot of drysuits that work, and guys like @scotchipman and @Garn can give you their recommendations. I prefer the tight on the bottom, and loose on top type of suits. Many times, I wear a sweater and sweatshirt and for sure always wear long johns on the bottom and I stay pretty warm. The parts that get really cold are my face and head and my hands. There is a remedy for your head. Laurie Liddell has a great neoprene hat that works wonder, but there is nothing for your face that I have found, except for facial hair....it is miserable in 36 to 45 degree water to stop after a pass--it is much like brain freeze over your entire face. For the gloves, I took a pair and put silicone all over the back side of them. They stay good for the set, especially if you don't fall. Chippy literally holds his hands up between passes so they don't even dip in the water. Without the silicone, your hands freeze during your sets, especially because the wind-chill effect takes place. The silicone for me has been my golden ticket. Finally, take a big cooler full of hot water and you can dip your boot liners in it and your feet will stay toasty warm all set! That's about all we cold-water skiers do! Enjoy, and shred it up this winter.
  11. @Garn. Fantastic! Two points. If you were behind my boat you would have ran 3 balls at 35 and if your ski didn't have all those silly rush stickers, you would have run 5 balls!!
  12. @Than_Bogan‌ in your case, you truly are crazy! Here is proof. Now that I said that, you will start creating some formula to either prove or disprove my statement. Then, will work in a tolerance of how often my statement is accurate, and you will then figure out variables where my statement doesn't apply. Finally you will put the whole damn theory in an algebraic formula to back up your hypothesis........like I said, crazy!!! I am beginning to think the only sane ones here are peeps like @SkiJay‌ who went 200 mph on thin rubber tires....just because he could!
  13. @efw, i wouldn't mind if you posted them. I like her handles and ropes--not much concerned whether she is nuts or not. If I used that logic, 95% of the people on Ball of Spray wouldn't deal with each other---we are all whack nuts! If your friend bails, you can buy your CBG from me. (Crazy Brenda Gear)
  14. @Than_Bogan, maybe I should just start running 39 and stay on it til I get it! I can just imagine that one. pass one, got halfway to the gate. pass two, got 1 foot closer to the gate......pass479, have the best damn pull out and approach to the gate as any 15 off skier on the planet---still haven't gotten to one ball though! :)
  15. I know this topic has been hammered, but I want to voice my opinion on the matter. To me, every thing about what is happening in the ranks of the BD could be summarized by one word--Intent. I have taken steroids in my life as well as pretty much every other substance you can put in your body. Currently, I am taking Testoterone, not to enhance my performance, but rather to get my levels to where they should be. Like @Chad_Scott said earlier, the testing is completely unique because the athletes are the ones asking to be tested. We are free to choose to put whatever we want into our body, but IF we have the talent and choose to be a part of the BD, then we also agree to the rules of THEIR game. I play a lot of golf and there is a group of about 30 that have a weekly game together. We do NOT go by the USGA handicap system, but rather by an internal system kept by the group--it keeps the game fair and equitable, and we know that when one person cleans house, it was his time, and not the result of sandbagging. And newbies that come in can't even bet until they have a few scores with the group under their belt. No matter how "fair and equitable" these Bid Dawgs are trying to make their tournies, there will always be a possibility of a "Dr Jim" trying to gain advantage by Intent. So, I salute you all for having the integrity to govern yourselves, and I will continue to take my performance "in life" enhancing substances, because it is what is best for me and my health.
  16. Come in at 220 and run 28off. Then celebrate our weight loss with @AB by consuming ungodly amounts of alcohol!
  17. Yes @ski4xtc‌. Laurie, I have already been given a ton of grief about not including the fairer sex! I attempted to go and edit, but @MattP let me know that it is not changeable, so I am having to live in my shame. I think the best way I could console myself is to bring my boat out to you and pull you for a few sets...without charging you for gas! I could also throw in a slurpee and we could talk audit and tax code!!! For you, that should be heaven on Earth!!! :)
  18. Could someone also please break down the ages associated with each division as well. Thanks in advance.
  19. Brenda has been wonderful to work with for me. She is fast, accurate, and fair. I will never buy a rope from anyone but her. @efw, what was your issue with her?
  20. So did you tell us about your truck because it is a fantastic vehicle to pull a boat, or are you pimping your site to be an advertiser? Just curious.
  21. @skidawg Not a damn one. I knew if I got a bit sentimental, Horton would think I am a pussy. But, I still felt it needed to be said! :) If I say nice things about you, I am open to you giving me some however!!!!!
  22. @Horton I am thread jacking, but you have exactly described the "struggles" we all have in life. Too many people look for an advantage, or an edge, or simply allowing situations to unfold, let alone outright dishonesty, when they damn well know those situations are not accurate. I applaud your integrity, and I wish society as a whole, could adopt your attitude in life. Imagine politicians having that type of integrity. Imagine business people with the same etc etc etc. With the exception of your hair and your smart assness, the world would be a far better place if we could all have a bit more Horton spread around.
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