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False Advertising


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  • Baller
Starting to see a lot of guys advertising features their boat/ski products don't have on a popular skier selling site. One guy pulls you in advertising 2009 then reality is its a 2002. Another guy advertises Zero Off but pictures show Perfect Pass with no mention of speed control. What gives? Seems minor yet unethical to me! Not a chance in Hades I'd want to deal with these guys. How about you?
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Or possibly a boat-trader listing. If the price lines up with what it really is and not what the seller says it is, I wouldn't run out to reform the angry mob. I've seen this all the time with ski boots and slalom ski where a 2004 can be listed as a 2008. I know that it's pretty rare to see the correct HO Monza advertised with the correct year. Advertising a 2002 boat as a 2009 is pretty shady though.
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  • Administrators

No censorship today. I am always watching MS but your posts are good. :- )

Can I get you guys to promote the BallOfSpray ads? http://ballofspray.com/classified-ads?page=show_all


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  • Baller
OK, just wanted to know if you had talked to the guy with the 05 with ZO because the picture in his ad is definitely Perfect Pass and the description says nothing about the speed control. Also, why would you have the upgrade and then sell? Can't see that making much of a profit. If I'm rambling I just had two rum and colas with my B-day lunch. 50something and feeling ancient! Think I'll put on some some mukluks and go ice fishing with the idiots on my lake at the icehouse village that sprung up. Makes me wish I was unemployed. I check BOS classifieds everyday. Good stuff by honest people!!
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I will check with my connection and see if he will trade his secrets. Jody Seal is the only other guy I have seen that advertises the service. If you know your engine stuff and can do it yourself, it would not be bad when compared to getting 19k for your boat and spending another 10-12k to get a 07 or better.   
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