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It is time for your yearly Who Are You Guys thread:


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My name is Matt Welton, I am a 21 year old Naval Architecture student at the Univeristy of New Orleans, originally from Grand Rapids MI. First time skiing was on my dads shoulders when I was 2, and have been slaloming since I was 7. Growing up on the water and skiing was a huge factor in me choosing my career path, and this past year I was lucky enough to be able to land a gig as the Naval Architecture intern for MasterCraft. One day though I hope to be in a position to start my own company designing and building tournament ski boats. As for skiing, I try to get out and ski whenever I can at a couple of local private lakes, and the past couple of years have tried to get a team started at the university but with very little success.

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First I love this site that's "full of talent" Horton keep up the good work!

 Jeff Lyman Collision repair shop owner M2, 50 in 4 weeks. Live and ski at my home on the river in Syracuse NY usally 2 times a week or when I can find a driver ( wife scared to drive on our river kind of tight turns). I started skiing courses about 3 years ago and lucky to have 1 near by and another at our camp up north. Bouy chasing has excited me to be a better skier rather than just free skiing with no measure of achievment. Started sking behind my late dads 12 footer with a 10hp at about 8. Then progressed to a 1954 flat bottom 17' Chris Craft, which still sits in out boat house in the Adirondack Mountians. Jumped and tricked some in the 80's with a beer in one hand and the rope in the other.... stupid. But I lived!

Bought my first real ski boat and ski just 5 years ago a 93 Prostar 205 and Connelly F1X with double sidewinders. Great boat but my PB's have all been behind Malibu LXI's 5 @ 28 off, soory MC owners its a fact I love the wake behind a malibu. Was dreaming...... not really I was really thinking about entering or training for a tournament after 50 but now with 2 blown out knees competition may not be a good idea. Hell I'm lucky if I'll be able to even chase balls by the end of this summer. PT going well but still hobble around like Frankenstien.

My 18 year old daughter got her first new Connelly womans ski last summer. She looks forward to showing up the young boys! My 15 year old son is a up and coming wake boarder, never slalomed and I'm not pushing him to. This sport while personaly trying is a great way to unwind with good friends. Looks like I'll be a driver most of this summer. Memories are many over the past 40 years!

Ed J.I've driven some NASCARS on road coarses and run over 100 laps at Atlanta MS. I agree race car driving has a closer coralation to skiing than one might expect.  



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Brian Wisherd 43. Currently reside in Central Fl. Born and raised on a lake just south of the Twin Cities MN. Skied as a kid but recreational only. Was dragged into the competitive end of the sport by a high-school buddy and then a neighbor moved in next door and took me to my first touney. Hooked ever since. Got tiered of of chipping ice away at the ramp and making the local paper every spring as "Those Crazy Water Skiers Back at It". Should have seen it coming since my mom worked for the paper. So I moved. Apparently I was the only sibling that got the memo that said you dont have to live in the great white north. Love MN summers though. Always back in town skiing and enjoying the 4th of July. Thats the only summer day up there doncha ya know. PB touney 4 1/2@38. PB practice 1@41 (daughter ran full course that same day). GOOD DAY. Currently on the hunt for a new ski. Have been a fin tinkerer and hardshell builder for a decade or so now. My wife is THE best driver on our lake out of 5 drivers including me. She's great. This will be yr 2 for my daughter 11 in tourneys. Doing well. Built her a ski using Eric's ski downsizing techniques (made a 65 a 62). Have actually had several complements on the pink and purple paisley paint job. Owned first ski boat (87 Supra Ts6m black Celebrity Edition) before I had an adequate tow vehicle. Who knew you could pull a Supra with a 4cyl stick-shift truck 2wd. Stopping was another matter. Awesome boat. Currently own a mint Masters Edition (forest green/tan) 196. Have yet to ski behind better ($40,000 better). Will see where the sport takes me next. Really enjoying Ball of Spray. Great site JH.
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Long ago, a '82 stars and stripes behind a suzuki samurai...that thing had 64 hp and a top speed of about 65 no trailer. Had to really goose the boat at the launch while on the trailer to create some momentum in order to get the boat out of the water. 
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Alright, I will contribute to this thread...:)

Craig Bradshaw, 28, 4th year PhD Student in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University

Grew up camping and skiing around Indiana, never knew a thing about competitive skiing until college.  During my second week of classes as a Freshman, I accidentially found myself in a callout for the Purdue Water-ski Team and was immediately intriqued.  Joined the club, was immediately hooked, and spent five years running around with the team.  I met my wife during undergrad, taught her to ski, and got her to run around with the team for a couple of years as well.

My wife (then girlfriend) and I bought a 94 MC 190 together about 2.5 years ago.  Both families did not understand why we would spend money on a boat when I had not even put a ring on her finger yet, they still probably don't.  Alas, all's well that ends well, and I put a ring on her finger INSIDE the boat we bought together :)  We were then married last March at Levee's Edge in Baton Rouge (scoke and jfox in attendance).  This was another decision that the families probably still do not understand.

We still ski all summer and hope to return to competitions when life settles in and we make at least enough to put us above the proverty line.

My goal has always been to try and help those who want exposure to our sport.  Sadly, there are a good number of people I have run into over the years who want very little to do with 'new blood' on their lakes which has made it difficult, at times, to get on the water.  However, there are some fantastic people I have met who have helped me greatly over the years and I hope to return the favor to anyone who is enthusiastic about skiing.  If I can improve my own skills in the process, that is a bonus.

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Ed, I can't open those jpegs with anything on my computer (and I have most everything including photoshop).

Did you fly the Bud jet at airshows around the country? How long ago were you doing this? I made demo skydives into the St. Petersburg/Clearwater (FL) airshow twice (1973 and 1975) and the Bud jet was there both times. Loved watching that thing!

The reason for the skipped year is that back then they alternated the airshow between St. Pete/Clearwater and MacDill Airbase. When the show was at MacDill, civilian jumpers were not allowed to participate in favor of the Army's Golden Knights or Navy's Shooting Stars. Too bad, would loved to have jumped from a military C-130.


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Why can't I keep engineers off this forum. You guys are like cockroaches.

Wait a minute. No. I love you guys. It is civil engineers that drive me crazy.

I'm sure it's too late, but if you don't have a doctoral thesis picked out I'm sure we can find a water ski related problem for you to spend University money trying to solve.

Sometimes I think I could turn this website into a job posting form for engineers. I skied today with a mechanical PhD who works at Lockheed. During the summer months I ski with another mechanical guy who works at Edwards Air Force Base as a project manager. Of course Eric claims to be something of engineer but I have not seen the proof. I think Scoke is a domestic engineer. DW did aerodynamic work in the auto industry for years. And so on and so on.

By the way, I'm not an engineer, contractor inside Chevron so my boss and most of my coworkers are engineers. 

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Engineers and skiing are like...(insert analogy)...

I actually wanted to work on a project that sounds similar to something that MCskiFreak is doing when I started doing research as an undergrad.  I went far enough as to get an internship at a boat company, Skiers Choice.  Worked there for a summer and was even featured all over the 2007 boat catalog! It was an interesting and fun experience but motivated me look at other options.  I now work on thermal systems; my dissertation is about a unique type of refrigeration compressor called a linear compressor.

I digress.  I am always looking for ways that my expertise can help skiing in some way. 

Wait a minute, you aren't an engineer?  Don't be modest, you can't develop rocket boots, zero-point energy beams, and a giant steel ball that attacks cities without being an engineer (degree or not).


I'm interested in your CFD project.  You using commerical software or developing your own code?  What is your project objective?  I have used CFX a bit and may be able to help.

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Im currently using CFX, but may be moving to PhD students own design if the code works well. I am doing research into the ability to accurately model the wake shape of a ski boat using the software. I have been having trouble with the multiphase flow part of the problem. Any insight into that?
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Air water surface interaction is where we are running into problems, I know that it will work with CFX several companies already use it to model large commercial ships and their wake fields, but thus far we have not been able to get the problem to run successfully.
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Yes, Airshows in the BD-5 Jet from 70's through 90's. Along with Military Fighters, Pitt's Specials, Eagle, and a Laser, that was also sponsored by Bud Light. Originally based out of Miami and part of the ski club there. Started in Airshows Skydiving, like you, in 1968 while going to College at Embry Riddle in Daytona. Also taught Aerobatics at Riddle and started their Skydiving Club before going in the Airforce and Flying two Combat Tours. My Son is currently on his 2nd Tour in Afghanistan, so were keeping the tradition going.

Thanks,   ED
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Ed, while at Embry Riddle, were you jumping at Deland? I have 1000 jumps, probably 200 or so at Deland (most at Z-Hills) including a world record in 1974 (16th in the first ever 16 man diamond).

Do you remember if you flew the St. Pete/Clearwater air shows in the mid 70s? If you did, I probably saw you fly the Bud jet :)


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Yes, jumped in DeLand with Gary and Doug Dupree starting in 68. Formed a Club at Riddle that then practiced at DeLand  Also held the Collegiate Nationals there.

Airshow wise, flew virtually every Fla show back thenin 74. Had just come back from Vietnam flying F-4s in 73.

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I knew Gary pretty well; purchased a couple of sewing machines from him to start my own rig building business (previously built rigs for Bill Booth and then Bill Buchmann). Wish I could get a ride in a military jet, but seems one must go to Russia for that (at least for a front line military jet). I'm sure you flew the airshow(s) I jumped into at St. Pete/Clearwater then. I had one of the first Strato Stars in Florida and managed a 1 foot stand-up right in front of the crowd at that show while most of the others on the load landed quite some distance from the crowd. Squares were about to take off!


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Hello, My name is Hector Matthys I am 31, married, have four children (5 yrs to 1 month), and addicted to lurking in addition to watersports……. I have been lurking for quite awhile, probably upwards of ten years when including “thewaterskiforum”. I guess I only post when I actually have something constructive and there are too many talented skiers for my to provide much input there and being a consistent lurker questions I have typically are answered in due time. Thanks to everyone along the way as I have definitely improved from the discussions on the boards over the years.


Anyway, started out skiing once or twice a year behind relative’s random boats from about 6 years old until I was 16 when I convinced my parents to let me buy a jet ski as my tow boat. I had the chance to be in a slalom course for one set at the OWC during college. We got married the summer after college, my wife gave me quite the wedding present…. she hadn’t ever tried skiing since some failed attempts as a kid and the day after we were married said the wanted to try slalom (deepwater start) and she gave herself seven tries and made it on the seventh! Having real job and a new home (Illinois vs. Minnesota) after college we joined a fairly recreational ski club where we would ski & camp most summer weekends. It had a ski course on basically private water. We were members for six years, during the last our oldest was diagnosed with Leukemia and trying to camp wouldn’t have been the best thing. (Shameless plug: She is a St. Jude’s patient and I am involved in a 465 mile relay style fundraiser for that great organization. If you would like to support a good cause please send me a “conversation” message or e-mail “hector matthys at hotmail dot com”). She is doing great now, but still finishing up the treatment protocol. For the last two summers we have scaled back on the watersports some but do still get a chance to hit the water with some friends now and then. We are hoping to get a job & move back to MN, so I may need to look a few BOS members up if it works out.


Skiing stats: never been in a tournament out side of out club “tournaments”, I just enjoy improving against myself and the chance for everyone to have fun as a family at their own level. PB’s are 1.5 @ 35’ off, 34 mph and 0.5 @ 35’ off 36 mph…..0.5….that hardly counts : ) I ski on an D3 X5 w/ double approach bindings. When we started in the club we bought a 2001 Malibu Sportster LX – fun boat! When the oldest was two we had the opportunity to move into a 2002 Malibu Wakesetter LXi (22’ DD), so we didn’t have to worry quite as much about the kids jumping overboard. I also wakeboard, take the old garage sale combos out from time to time (including it the course – exciting!), barefoot, wakeskate a little & surf a time or two.


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My name is Nick, I am 22 years old and I have been skiing in northern michigan since I was a kid. Mostly behind a 89 MC Prostar 190, solid boat for being almost as old as me. From reading other posts I guess that it is quite popular trend to buy yourself a ski boat without having a proper tow vehicle as I recently bought my first boat, a 96 Centurion and only have a car to pull it with. Currently attending Lawrence Tech University, to become either a civil engineer or mechanical engineer, haven't decided yet. By the way Horton its civil engineers that have to take all the risks which probably the reason why they drive you crazy.
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Terry Bandel, age 63 started chasing bouys at 52. Ski at Laku in Colorado, live in Kansas a 200 mile commute. Like many on this board, I'm not good enough to compete in tournaments. However that doesn't stop me from participating in as many tournaments as I can in a season. I enjoy judging, driving, hanging with skiing friends from other sites, and skiing against my average. If you were at the 09 regionals at Laku I may have met and pulled you in practice on lake 2. Designed and sell the EZ Fintool. Many of you use it as a simple solution to measure your fin and I appreciate all of the support, encouragement and good feedback I've received from all of you.
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Ed, I have an early Wonderhog in that photo. I built the first 100 Wonderhogs for Booth. That rig has belly band hand deploy, blast handle reserve, and one-shot capewells. 3-ring release was in development, but was not released until after I left Booth's shop. I would not hesitate to jump that rig today (Strato-Star main, 26' Navy Conical reserve).


As for the hair, well it was the 70s after-all...

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H2oski, you don't have to be good to compete in tournaments. I am living proof.


Roger, cool stuff. Is there anything left to get adrenaline flowing after you have jumped from a plane?

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My name is Bob and I'm 34 y/o from east central Indiana (Muncie)- married with 2 young boys- I skied in open water my whole life just for fun until last year when I first tried the course a handful of times behind my (soon to be sold) V drive boat. This year I met a guy at our ski club who owns a RLXI and needed a driver so we started to ski together a few times a week and really started to get hooked on those 6 little balls. Spent a lot of time trying to explain to friends and family what exactly slalom is. Made my first full pass 9/23 and I'm looking forward to getting a DD boat and hitting the course hard next year. I think this sport would really grow if more people had access to a course- so one goal I have for next year is to introduce the course to somebody who has never tried it before.
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My name is Bob and I'm 34 y/o from east central Indiana (Muncie)- married with 2 young boys- I skied in open water my whole life just for fun until last year when I first tried the course a handful of times behind my (soon to be sold) V drive boat. This year I met a guy at our ski club who owns a RLXI and needed a driver so we started to ski together a few times a week and really started to get hooked on those 6 little balls. Spent a lot of time trying to explain to friends and family what exactly slalom is. Made my first full pass 9/23 and I'm looking forward to getting a DD boat and hitting the course hard next year. I think this sport would really grow if more people had access to a course- so one goal I have for next year is to introduce the course to somebody who has never tried it before.
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Great site, cool thread. I had no idea our little sport had such a devoted following all around the world! I finally got around to checking out this forum and having fun checking out the threads.


Jason Smith, 35 and single dad of an awesome 9-year-old son. I started skiing when I was 4 or 5 with my old man whose answer for everything wrong with one's slalom skiing was, "you've got to lean back further, get that spray wall really high...". Thanks, Dad, for getting me out there. Evolved into a rec. wakeboarder while at Univ. of Florida in the mid-90's. I got out of skiing for about 7-8 years while I was married and poor, so I bought a ProStar 205 as soon as I had the paycheck to cover it in 2004 (didn't even have a truck to tow it).


Had a blast getting back into boarding until just after my 31st birthday, when a neighbor (and a possible concussion trying a new invert) led me to reconsider my aquatic direction and take up slalom again. Thanks Ken for getting me out to Lake Francis and introducing me to OB. These two guys are my "coaches" in more ways than just the slalom course.


Finally started coming to my own this past season; PB 1@35' only about 6 weeks after having a slump where I had a tough time running my 22'. Haven't skied a tourney yet, but am looking forward to my first next year in M3.


Pilot for Spirit Airlines; spend a lot of time in S. Florida and plan on skiing the winter through down there at McGinnis, Okee and hopefully Greater Miami Ski Club if I can get Lou out of the pro shop at MIA Nautique!

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Great site, cool thread. I had no idea our little sport had such a devoted following all around the world! I finally got around to checking out this forum and having fun checking out the threads.


Jason Smith, 35 and single dad of an awesome 9-year-old son. I started skiing when I was 4 or 5 with my old man whose answer for everything wrong with one's slalom skiing was, "you've got to lean back further, get that spray wall really high...". Thanks, Dad, for getting me out there. Evolved into a rec. wakeboarder while at Univ. of Florida in the mid-90's. I got out of skiing for about 7-8 years while I was married and poor, so I bought a ProStar 205 as soon as I had the paycheck to cover it in 2004 (didn't even have a truck to tow it).


Had a blast getting back into boarding until just after my 31st birthday, when a neighbor (and a possible concussion trying a new invert) led me to reconsider my aquatic direction and take up slalom again. Thanks Ken for getting me out to Lake Francis and introducing me to OB. These two guys are my "coaches" in more ways than just the slalom course.


Finally started coming to my own this past season; PB 1@35' only about 6 weeks after having a slump where I had a tough time running my 22'. Haven't skied a tourney yet, but am looking forward to my first next year in M3.


Pilot for Spirit Airlines; spend a lot of time in S. Florida and plan on skiing the winter through down there at McGinnis, Okee and hopefully Greater Miami Ski Club if I can get Lou out of the pro shop at MIA Nautique!

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Well I don't post much but My name is Dave Macchi and I have been skiing since I was 5 yrs old and competing from age 10. I am 41 yrs old and a Firefighter in the Orlando area. I lived in SF bay area for most of my life. Started skiing at Berkeley Aquatic Park in '75. Horton you know that place where the '80 western regionals were held and it was COLD!!!!!! Once the private lakes started to draw all the events took my skiing to the Sacramento area. In '04 my family moved to Florida where we have just 2 seasons warm and hot..


I have seen an awful lot of changes in this sport from boats, age groups and speeds to today's current format. Heck I could remember when you could get a regional rating in practice if there was a judge in the boat and the time was good. OH YA no PP, ZO or automatic timing all by hand. If you could only do that today.


I will probably keep skiing until I loose a limb or I get so confused my wife will tell me I just got back from the lake and I skied great.

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  • Baller

Well I don't post much but My name is Dave Macchi and I have been skiing since I was 5 yrs old and competing from age 10. I am 41 yrs old and a Firefighter in the Orlando area. I lived in SF bay area for most of my life. Started skiing at Berkeley Aquatic Park in '75. Horton you know that place where the '80 western regionals were held and it was COLD!!!!!! Once the private lakes started to draw all the events took my skiing to the Sacramento area. In '04 my family moved to Florida where we have just 2 seasons warm and hot..


I have seen an awful lot of changes in this sport from boats, age groups and speeds to today's current format. Heck I could remember when you could get a regional rating in practice if there was a judge in the boat and the time was good. OH YA no PP, ZO or automatic timing all by hand. If you could only do that today.


I will probably keep skiing until I loose a limb or I get so confused my wife will tell me I just got back from the lake and I skied great.

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