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Water Ski Magazine...Do you get it?


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  • Baller

I saw it mentioned in another thread (Grow the Sport Thread...I think) that Water Ski Magazine has seen a decline in readership over the years. I'm interested to know what share of folks on this forum are dedicated subscribers, and if not...why?


*To start things off, I have been a subscriber for as long as I can recall...since my folks were paying for the subscription! As I struggle with hoarding, I have every Boat Buyer's Guide since the early 90s.

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  • Baller
I didn't keep the issues, but have had subscription thru my parents and then to me since the early 80's. I think the print copy is better than ever in terms of format, articles and photo's but miss the frequency (my fix). Most often have been frustrated with the boat buyer's guide...I look at it to see the pics, but such care is taken to avoid any negative comments it was about worthless.
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  • Baller
The boat buyer's guide used to be good back in the '90s. I remember Tige's slalom boat receiving very high scores in '93 or '94. Somewhere around that time, Nautique stopped offering its boats to be tested, and may have even pulled some advertisements as a result of relatively low scores in the boat testing. Things seem to have changed since then regarding how boats are tested/scored. Considering all the manufacturers being tested are also the major advertisement revenue, I suppose it is hard to bite the hand that feeds you.
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  • Baller

I remember the American Skier Advance, the Tige and the the Ski West California Skier rocking the slalom scores in the late 80's and early 90's. All the California 5 color "in the mold" gel coats with funky colors. My dad bought one of the Centurion Warrior Barefoot Comps in '88 based on the guide and a conversation with Mike Siepel. He later sold that to Razor1 and bought a '91 Centurion Falcon Barefoot.

On my home public lake, our family boat is still the 5 color, 4-event AWSA certified '91 Centurion Falcon Barefoot...beautiful condition. It's a good family boat w/lots of room, fun to drive, throws a good barefoot wake and tiny wake at kids speed. Turns heads like crazy, freakish acceleration. In the hand drive days, I ran into 35 off at 36 mph behind her...my dad had the times down...so close to 16.08 every pass it was shocking.

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  • Baller

I used to get Water Ski and Spray back in the day and stopped for years and years. When I bought my boat I picked up a subscription to calm(?) my obsession. I anticipate each new issue like I did when I was a kid and now I buy subscriptions for my two teenage nephews.


Things I'd like to see covered are: 1.) In depth articles with the top pros. 2.) Profile of various ski sites throughout the country each month & their members. 3.) Coverage of Joe-Blow amateurs at random tournaments around the country.

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  • Baller
Been a subscriber forever. I won't go digital. I love to hold it in my hands and to be able to take it with me when I go somewhere. As for substance, pretty light. Tournament coverage is ridiculous. They go into almost NO detail about them. I like what jipster43 suggested. I'd also like to see a real buyers guide.
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  • Baller
I am with Brent. The magazine is great for pictures but as far as true product break down pro and cons you will never get the full story or truth because the manufacturer advertise with Water Ski. The boat buyers guide is a great example. I stopped my subscription it is not worth the money any more. If I want to be lied to I will stay at work. At least I am getting paid for it.
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  • Baller
I have got the mag since 1986, and have all of them. The boat buyers guide is a joke now compared to what it used to be. I like getting it in the mail (old school thing) and I wish it was a better magazine overall but it is the only one waterskiing has.

"Do Better..."

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My wife and I subscribed since the early 90's, but like most respondents, there's no content anymore. I think Todd has taken the magazine to a new level, but it's a very low level. Most articles are barely 1/2 page in length, the rest photo's. Boat test are a complete joke - basically an advertising campaign for the manufacturers, and there's really little slalom coverage anyway. I think they lost their identity, and constantly live in fear of pissing off advertisers, so the editors are too kind and gentle. Miss the rig of the month too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Baller
I let mine run out this year again. Just got a good offer for 3 year for $24 but they have dropped to 6 issues a year that include the boat buyers guide that never has a slim 3 event section from a 3 event magazine... if they cut the crap out of that issue and put in articles about the boat that skiers that ski behind them it would be much better. Also if they actually tested them..... They were at 8 issues i think lat year. Honestly I rely on BallofSpray for my waterski news. Have you looked at the front page recently? There are at least two articles every day and its the winter in most of the world! I like the constant up to date news. I think WSM new issue covers the Malibu Open... That was in August... But for $24 i might just get it again to have.
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  • Baller_

Being in the industry their are all way's extra current copies available for me to read out in the field. I quit subscribing many years ago.

Before Todd R became the Editor the mag had gotten pretty lame. Todd put some interesting reading back into the mag and has directed it more at the Waterskiers then the Wakeboarders. Thanks Todd.

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  • Baller
I been a subscriber for almost 30 years now. Not much in it that I don't already know or found out about months earlier from other sources (bos, schnitz or water skiers forum). But I still get a kick from the magazine. It is my mindless read- great pictures, places and things to buy. Kind of like looking at the pictures in People magazine. It's entertainment and pumps me up for more skiing, especially this time of year.
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  • Baller
The photography is usually excellent, The instructional articles are good. My main concern is that it normally takes about 15 min. to read. How about some more in depth stories. Skier profiles, skiing history, company spotlights. It would be interesting to see how skis are designed and constructed.
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  • Baller
I have been a subscriber to Water Ski since 1986. It started to decline for a while when it was polluted with wakeboarding, but has gotten better. I would still like to see more articles on trick skiing, barefooting, and maybe some kneeboarding once in a while. They did a better job of tournament coverage in the 1980's. Since there are only 4 boats left to review, they don't need to have a boat buyers guide. I get The Water Skier too. The Water Skier does a better job of tournament coverage. Water Ski also had more articles on off the water training in the past. I am starting to see more of that again which is a good thing. Call me old fashioned, but when I read for relaxation I prefer to be away from a screen..
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  • Baller
I would echo most of the comments here about the lack of content. I get it occasionally if my wife gets me a stocking stuffer. However, last year I raded my buddy's back catalog....used to be so much more to it. Now it is a few great pictures but little else. The articles now are what the side side story boxes used to be. The 10th anniversary issue (Sammy Duvall on the cover if I remember correctly) was THICK. Maybe close to or over 200 pages. There used to be stuff for the average joe free skier, the newbie learning the course, the shortliners, and indepth coverage of pro tournaments. I realize that things have changed since the late 80s early 90's but (with all due respect to Todd's work) I would be more interested in less pictures and more in depth (long) inteviews with current and former pros. I remember reading the article with Sammy after he won worlds (again) and he was saying how pissed he was because someone (sorry can't remember who) was walking ON his skis on the dock. Give us the shenanigans. Give us the dirt!
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  • Baller

I used to sub to Spray and world waterskiing back before the Sammy duval days more like the bob lapoint era. Always looked forward to but agree it has declined to the point of near extinction now and that makes me sad.


Todd R. Has done a decent job in the past few years but still too light. We have so much more content in here on BOS that is current and relevant. I will say the boat buyers guide is very much a joke. Tell it like it is boys!


Love the photography and the athlete profiles, they could put in many more articles on technique and athlete profiles, talking about their learned technique and regiment.


Problem is in Montreal, home of hockey, Stanley Cups and poutine, it's hard to find on news stands. So if you don't subscribe, tough nogies.

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  • Baller
I haven't ever seen the boat guide that Waterski magazine puts out but it can't be any worse than what The Water Skier put out this last month. 2 pages talking about what tests they perform to approve a boat for 3 event and then a page for each boat that passed. Absolutely no information about each boat other than the engine, transmission ratio, and prop choices. I know that's just a magazine we get with our memberships but that article was thoroughly depressing.
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  • Baller
I get Water Ski Magazine. It suffered for a while when wakeboarding was all the rage. They got alot of reader complaints about it. It has improved greatly in the last few years. It would be nice to have more issues. The boat buyer's guide is kind of a moot point now since there are only 4 boats to choose from. They could do a better job of pro tournament coverage.
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  • Baller

Love the mag. Photos are awesome. Articles are short...that suites me fine as there are many other sources of info available. Bought a Xmas gift subscription for my 2 ski buddies the last 2 years and they reallly enjoy receiving them.

As far as the Boat Buyers Guide goes it needs to lay it out there and be honest. Good, bad whatever. This I love everything and don't want to say anything negetive approach doesn't help anyone. Youtube, 'Top Gear' or 'Jeremy Clarkson' sometime. This show/guy tells it how it is and has a huge following because of it.

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  • Baller

I still get it and look forward to it. Have been disappointed with the boat buyers promo, err. guide for years. I do think Todd has improved the standard issues of the magazine in the last few years.

Most physician offices have all kinds of crap magazines. In one of my exam rooms you get Waterski, Car and Driver, AOPA Pilot, Flying, The Water Skier, Muscle and Fitness, and walls plastered with all of the stuff my kids made in elementary school.

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  • Baller
Have been getting it for a year now. Otherwise I had raided my father in laws stack of WaterSki Mag for the last couple of years. I'll read and re-read articles I like. Echo what someone said about getting more "long line stuff" into the content. I think Todd has done a great job of getting some interesting stuff/ideas in there. I'll probably keep getting it - price isn't too bad for a subscription either.
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  • Administrators
I need to re-subscribe. If nothing else it is good for the sport to have those magazines out there. Todd has a crazy hard / no win kind of job. He cannot cater to us and everything that he prints is 90 days old by the time we see it.
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  • Baller_
Still subscribe. Enjoy some articles here and there. Won't ever see another Boat buyers guide like those of the 80s 90s. Used to love the "so many props out of 5" scoring system. Always liked the "rig of the month". Enjoy the pics. Am lucky enough to get to be part of many photo shoots on our lake and other sites so always interested in seeing which photos make the mag. The work that goes into those shots are crazy extensive. My balls have been in WSM countless times.
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I recently re-subscribed after a few years off and look forward to my first issue. The plan is to have it sitting around to help stoke the swerving passion in my daughters. Also, I found myself slumming through stacks of old magazines at my neighbors houses in hopes of getting a peak at an old issue.
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  • Administrators
I still think it would be a genius marketing move if we all sent a subscription to the local gynecologist office.
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