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exhause hose issue


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  • Baller

Hi all,


I have an exhaust hose issue and could use some advice (98 malibu echelon--indmar monsoon 325 hp efi). There is a pencil sized hole in the port exhaust hose (the one leaving the manifold and going to the rear of the boat). It looks like this hose rests against the fiberglass cube on in the bilge where the engine bolts to the boat and the corner of this cube just dug its way through the hose over time. I ordered a new hose this morning and will be installing it this weekend. First question---anyone have any tips for installing the tube? It looks like it would be as simple as pulling off the hose clamps, pulling the old house off, sliding on the new one and tightening the hose clamps up. These projects never end up being as easy as I expect them to be, however, so I would love some advice about how to make this as easy as possible.


In the meantime I placed a small square of garden hose over the small hole and duct taped over it. I am wondering if it would be foolish of me to use it this way with the blower running until the part arrives or if I would be creating a safety hazard and should just hold off until the weekend to use it? When I ran the boat the first time this weekend I opened the motor cover and there was a little exhaust present (presumably from this small hole). I was getting water in the bilge last year and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from, so odds are I had this issue last year and just didn’t realize it. Maybe I just got lucky without having any issue from it. Thanks.


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Installing new hose: Heat gun, grease lube, and put the clamps in the middle of the hose, first. Taking off old hose, use hacksaw if necessary to cut into two pieces. You may also have to very carefully slice through the ends to relive the molding that took place over several years. Do not re-use hose clamps. Double clamp snug, run for a few hours hot, and re-snug. Place nuts where easy to get at.
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